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by simonwfarrow
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Date range queries

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[Payment Queries](/products/access/payment-queries/openapi)
Query within a date range
**Last Updated**: 18 November 2024 | [**Change Log**](/products/access/payment-queries/changelog/)
## [](#date-range-queries)Date range queries
Query card payments within a specified date time range.
The API returns data for payments processed after 25 June 2024. For payments processed before then, you can [query for historical payments](/products/access/payment-queries/query-archive).
### [](#date-range-request)Date range request
Provide a `startDate` and `endDate` to query all payments within a date range. The `startDate` cannot be older than one year.
`GET` `{startDate}&endDate={endDate}&pageSize={pageSize}`
#### [](#example)Example:
`GET` ``
### [](#filter-by-currency)Filter by currency
Query for payments within a specified date time range filtered by the requested currency.
`GET` `{startDate}&endDate={endDate}&pageSize={pageSize}¤cy={currency}`
#### [](#example-1)Example:
`GET` `¤cy=GBP`
### [](#filter-by-minamount-maxamount)Filter by minAmount, maxAmount
Query payments within a specified date time range filtered by the `minAmount` and `maxAmount` for a specific currency.
- `minAmount` - only payments with an amount above `minAmount` are included
- `maxAmount` - only payments with an amount below `maxAmount` are included
The amount uses an exponent rather than decimal delimiters.
If supplied:
- must be an integer greater than or equal to zero
- you must supply the currency parameter
`GET` `{startDate}&endDate={endDate}&pageSize={pageSize}&minAmount={minAmount}&maxAmount={maxAmount}¤cy={currency}`
#### [](#example-2)Example:
`GET` `¤cy=GBP`
### [](#filter-by-last-four-digits)Filter by last four digits
Query payments within a specified date time range filtered by the `last4Digits` of the card number.
`GET` `{startDate}&endDate={endDate}&pageSize={pageSize}&last4Digits={last4Digits}`
#### [](#example-3)Example:
`GET` ``
### [](#filter-by-payment-event)Filter by payment event
Query payments within a specified date time range filtered by one or more `paymentEvents`.
`GET` `{startDate}&endDate={endDate}&pageSize={pageSize}&receivedEvents={receivedEvents}`
#### [](#example-4)Example
`GET` `,refundRequested`
### [](#filter-by-entity-references)Filter by entity references
Query payments within a specified date time range filtered by one or more `entityReferences` (also known as `entity`).
`GET` `{startDate}&endDate={endDate}&pageSize={pageSize}&entityReferences={entityReferences}`
#### [](#example-5)Example
`GET` `,ref2`
### [](#parameter-descriptions)Parameter descriptions
An ISO 8601 date-time supplied as a string. Filters for payments that occurred after the specified date-time. Must be supplied alongside `endDate`.
An ISO 8601 date-time supplied as a string. Filters for payments that occurred below the specified date-time. Must be supplied alongside `startDate`.
The maximum number of payments to be returned in the response. If supplied, must be a positive integer greater than 0 and less than or equal to 300.
If not supplied, default value is 5.
The three digit [currency code](/products/access/reference/supported-countries-currencies#iso-currency-codes).
This is a whole number with an exponent, e.g. if exponent is two, 250 is 2.50. You can find the relevant exponent in our [currency table](/products/access/reference/supported-countries-currencies#iso-currency-codes).
If supplied, must be an integer greater than or equal to 0.
This is a whole number with an exponent, e.g. if exponent is two, 250 is 2.50. You can find the relevant exponent in our [currency table](/products/access/reference/supported-countries-currencies#iso-currency-codes).
If supplied, must be an integer greater than or equal to 0.
The last 4 digits of the card number. If supplied, must be a string with 4 digits.
Merchant entity name. The request can be for a specific entity reference or can be grouped together as comma separated values.
You might have supplied this as `entity` in your original payment request.
Name of the event. The request can be for a specific event name or can be grouped together as comma separated values. Default value is `All` which includes all events.Possible event values
- `authorizationRequested`
- `authorizationSucceeded`
- `authorizationRefused`
- `authorizationFailed`
- `authorizationTimedOut`
- `saleRequested`
- `saleSucceeded`
- `saleRefused`
- `saleFailed`
- `saleTimedOut`
- `cancellationRequested`
- `cancellationRequestSubmitted`
- `cancellationRequestSubmissionFailed`
- `cancellationRequestSubmissionTimedOut`
- `settlementRequested`
- `settlementRequestSubmitted`
- `settlementRequestSubmissionFailed`
- `settlementRequestSubmissionTimedOut`
- `refundRequested`
- `refundRequestSubmitted`
- `refundRequestSubmissionFailed`
- `refundRequestSubmissionTimedOut`
- `reversalRequested`
- `reversalRequestSubmitted`
### [](#response)Response
The response contains summary information about the payment associated with the request parameters. For detailed information about a payment you should run a [query using the `paymentId`](/products/access/payment-queries/retrieve-by-payment-id).
### [](#response-schema)Response schema
links to the pages.
Self link to the page.
First page as per the pageSize.
Next page link if the response contains more pages.
+Show property
\_embedded.payments*Array of objects*
Array of payments within the date range.
+Show 8 array properties
### [](#response-examples)Response examples
- dateRange query without pageSize
- dateRange query with pageSize
- dateRange query with currency filter
- error
"\_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/paymentQueries/payments?startDate=2024-04-28T21:30:20Z&endDate=2024-04-30T21:30:20Z"
"next": {
"href": "/paymentQueries/payments?startDate=2024-04-28T21:30:20Z&endDate=2024-04-30T09:28:08.298Z&paymentId=cbe79beb-4555-4847-9789-c854cbc29f7e"
"\_embedded": {
"payments": \[
"timestamp": "2024-04-30T16:47:38.531Z",
"transactionReference": "b00959d7-6bbf-49da-9d5e-a25fdd812447",
"transactionType": "cardOnFile",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "default",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain+masked",
"card": {
"number": {
"last4Digits": "1000"
"brand": "visa",
"fundingType": "debit"
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 42
"\_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/paymentQueries/payments/db6bb0dc-8930-4d65-a292-551a6bfab3c0"
"timestamp": "2024-04-30T16:23:55.677Z",
"transactionReference": "135ab8fe-cdad-4362-ae48-9649b60493b0",
"transactionType": "cardOnFile",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "default",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain"
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 42
"\_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/paymentQueries/payments/9ac6c4b0-0722-4c69-9ac5-4eb37939af48"
"timestamp": "2024-04-30T16:11:05.230Z",
"transactionReference": "52344b23-9641-402c-896d-78d7a586effd",
"transactionType": "cardOnFile",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "default",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain"
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 42
"\_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/paymentQueries/payments/9fb4b094-9f89-4e06-b92e-ff6b9336f385"
"timestamp": "2024-04-30T16:08:31.625Z",
"transactionReference": "5a696f5f-38f6-4a3c-8d2d-bd043b401676",
"transactionType": "cardOnFile",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "default",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain"
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 42
"\_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/paymentQueries/payments/29e9b685-2c59-4484-9ac7-a45d3760c593"
"timestamp": "2024-04-30T09:28:08.298Z",
"transactionReference": "1ca9d3e1-01f0-4ced-85eb-9028026f4a44",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "default",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain+masked",
"card": {
"number": {
"last4Digits": "4444"
"brand": "mastercard",
"fundingType": "credit"
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 650
"\_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/paymentQueries/payments/cbe79beb-4555-4847-9789-c854cbc29f7e"
#### Do you like our page?
On this page
[Date range queries](#date-range-queries)[Date range request](#date-range-request)[Filter by currency](#filter-by-currency)[Filter by minAmount, maxAmount](#filter-by-minamount-maxamount)[Filter by last four digits](#filter-by-last-four-digits)[Filter by payment event](#filter-by-payment-event)[Filter by entity references](#filter-by-entity-references)[Parameter descriptions](#parameter-descriptions)[Response](#response)[Response schema](#response-schema)[Response examples](#response-examples)
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Query historical payments

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[Payment Queries](/products/access/payment-queries/openapi)
Query historical payments
# Payment Queries (1)
Query your payments data based on a variety of parameters
Set your headers:
Authorization: {your\_credentials}
Accept: application/vnd.worldpay.payment-queries-v1.hal+json
Replace `{your_credentials}` with your base64-encoded Basic Auth username and password.
**DNS Whitelisting**
Whitelist the following URLs:
- ``
- ``
Please ensure you use DNS whitelisting, not explicit IP whitelisting.
Download OpenAPI description
testing (try)
## [](/products/access/payment-queries/openapi/other/querybydaterange)Query payments
#### [](/products/access/payment-queries/openapi/other/querybydaterange#other/querybydaterange/request)Request
Query payments within a specified date time range.
These payments can be filtered by currency, minAmount, maxAmount, last4Digits & receivedEvents.
The API returns data for payments processed after 25 June 2024. For payments processed before then use our [query for historical payments](/products/access/payment-queries/query-archive).
Security: BasicAuth
An ISO 8601 date-time supplied as a string. Filters for payments that occurred after the specified date-time. Must be supplied alongside endDate.
Example: startDate=2024-04-28T21:30:20Z
An ISO 8601 date-time supplied as a string. Filters for payments that occurred below the specified date-time. Must be supplied alongside startDate.
Example: endDate=2024-05-31T21:30:20Z
The maximum number of payments to be returned in the response (max 300).
Example: pageSize=10
The three digit currency code.
Example: currency=GBP
This is a whole number including the currency exponent (e.g. GBP has an exponent of 2, so for £2.50 supply:`250`).
Example: minAmount=0
This is a whole number including the currency exponent (e.g. GBP has an exponent of 2, so for £2.50 supply:`250`).
Example: maxAmount=100
The last four digits of the card number.
Example: last4Digits=1111
Merchant entity names.
Example: entityReferences=entityReference1,entityReference2
Name of the event.
Example: receivedEvents=authorizationRequested, authorizationSucceeded
A unique reference generated by you, used to identify a payment throughout its lifecycle. This shouldn't be used in conjunction with the above fields. Use it as a single parameter to query data.
Example: transactionReference=Memory265-13/08/1876
Example: application/vnd.worldpay.payment-queries-v1.hal+json
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#### [](/products/access/payment-queries/openapi/other/querybydaterange#other/querybydaterange/response&c=200)Responses
1. 200
Expand all
Summary information of list of payments within a specified date range.
links to the pages.
Self link to the page.
+Show property
Next page link if the response contains more pages.
+Show property
[](/products/access/payment-queries/openapi/other/querybydaterange#other/querybydaterange/t=response&c=200&path=_embedded/payments)payments*Array of objects*
Array of payments within the date range.
+Show 8 array properties
1. 200
Query payments within a specified date time rangeQuery payments within a specified date time range filtered by currencyQuery payments within a specified date time range filtered by currency, amountQuery payments within a specified date time range filtered by last4DigitsQuery payments within a specified date time range filtered by receivedEventsQuery payments within a specified date time range filtered by entityReferencesRetrieve a payment by paymentIdQuery payments by transactionReferenceQuery historical payments with a transactionReference & entityReferenceQuery payments within a specified date time range
Query payments within a specified date time range
"\_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/paymentQueries/payments?startDate=2024-04-28T21:30:20Z&endDate=2024-05-31T21:30:20Z&pageSize=5"
"next": {
"href": "/paymentQueries/payments?startDate=2024-04-28T21:30:20Z&endDate=2024-05-30T09:49:31.410Z&paymentId=44809b32-6b71-4bd0-9b8c-ac29beb65059&pageSize=5"
"\_embedded": {
"payments": \[
"timestamp": "2024-05-30T19:44:19.836Z",
"transactionReference": "Memory265-13/08/1876",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "AccessWP",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain+masked",
"card": { … }
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 250
"\_links": {
"self": { … }
"timestamp": "2024-05-30T09:50:17.051Z",
"transactionReference": "Memory265-13/08/1876",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "AccessWP",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/network"
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 250
"\_links": {
"self": { … }
"timestamp": "2024-05-30T09:49:49.843Z",
"transactionReference": "7a5d0292-251f-48ed-a5c0-13c4c78d4487",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "AccessWP",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain+masked",
"card": { … }
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 250
"\_links": {
"self": { … }
"timestamp": "2024-05-30T09:49:45.962Z",
"transactionReference": "89197aeb-c94a-456e-8014-1272fbcb64eb",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "AccessWP",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain"
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 250
"\_links": {
"self": { … }
"timestamp": "2024-05-30T09:49:31.410Z",
"transactionReference": "db0eea07-cd96-417f-8f78-90cc3908c81b",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "AccessWP",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain+masked",
"card": { … }
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 250
"\_links": {
"self": { … }
#### Do you like our page?
## [](/products/access/payment-queries/openapi/other/retrievebypaymentid)Retrieve a payment
#### [](/products/access/payment-queries/openapi/other/retrievebypaymentid#other/retrievebypaymentid/request)Request
Retrieve a payment by payment ID.
The API returns detailed data for payments processed after 25 June 2024. For payments processed before then use our [query for historical payments](/products/access/payment-queries/query-archive).
Security: BasicAuth
Unique paymentId generated for each payment
Example: application/vnd.worldpay.payment-queries-v1.hal+json
- testing (try){paymentId}
- live{paymentId}
- Payload
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No request payload
Try it
#### [](/products/access/payment-queries/openapi/other/retrievebypaymentid#other/retrievebypaymentid/response&c=200)Responses
1. 200
Expand all
Retrieve complete details of a payment including the event history & next action links.
Payment initial authorization time.
A unique reference generated by you, used to identify a payment throughout its lifecycle.
An object that contains identification and further details of the merchant.
First line of text that appears on your customer's statement.
Second line of text that appears on your customer's statement.
An object that contains transaction type.
An object that contains authorization type.
Merchant entity name.
An object that contains information about the payment type.
An object that contains information about the payment type.
An object that contains information about the card used.
+Show 3 properties
An object that contains payment amount and currency.
This is a whole number including the currency exponent (e.g. GBP has an exponent of 2, so for £2.50 supply:`250`)
The 3 digit currency code.
[](/products/access/payment-queries/openapi/other/retrievebypaymentid#other/retrievebypaymentid/t=response&c=200&path=events)events*Array of objects*
An array that contains the history of events of a payment.
Name of the event.
The time when the event is created.
Outcome of the event.
Self link and next action links.
Self link to the page.
+Show property
Next action links.
+Show property
Next action links.
+Show property
Next action links.
+Show property
Next action links.
+Show property
1. 200
Query payments within a specified date time rangeQuery payments within a specified date time range filtered by currencyQuery payments within a specified date time range filtered by currency, amountQuery payments within a specified date time range filtered by last4DigitsQuery payments within a specified date time range filtered by receivedEventsQuery payments within a specified date time range filtered by entityReferencesRetrieve a payment by paymentIdQuery payments by transactionReferenceQuery historical payments with a transactionReference & entityReferenceQuery payments within a specified date time range
Query payments within a specified date time range
"\_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/paymentQueries/payments?startDate=2024-04-28T21:30:20Z&endDate=2024-05-31T21:30:20Z&pageSize=5"
"next": {
"href": "/paymentQueries/payments?startDate=2024-04-28T21:30:20Z&endDate=2024-05-30T09:49:31.410Z&paymentId=44809b32-6b71-4bd0-9b8c-ac29beb65059&pageSize=5"
"\_embedded": {
"payments": \[
"timestamp": "2024-05-30T19:44:19.836Z",
"transactionReference": "Memory265-13/08/1876",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "AccessWP",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain+masked",
"card": { … }
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 250
"\_links": {
"self": { … }
"timestamp": "2024-05-30T09:50:17.051Z",
"transactionReference": "Memory265-13/08/1876",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "AccessWP",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/network"
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 250
"\_links": {
"self": { … }
"timestamp": "2024-05-30T09:49:49.843Z",
"transactionReference": "7a5d0292-251f-48ed-a5c0-13c4c78d4487",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "AccessWP",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain+masked",
"card": { … }
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 250
"\_links": {
"self": { … }
"timestamp": "2024-05-30T09:49:45.962Z",
"transactionReference": "89197aeb-c94a-456e-8014-1272fbcb64eb",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "AccessWP",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain"
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 250
"\_links": {
"self": { … }
"timestamp": "2024-05-30T09:49:31.410Z",
"transactionReference": "db0eea07-cd96-417f-8f78-90cc3908c81b",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "AccessWP",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain+masked",
"card": { … }
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 250
"\_links": {
"self": { … }
#### Do you like our page?
## [](/products/access/payment-queries/openapi/other/queryarchivedpayments)Query historical payments
#### [](/products/access/payment-queries/openapi/other/queryarchivedpayments#other/queryarchivedpayments/request)Request
Query payments processed before 25 June 2024.
Provide a `transactionReference` and `entityReference` for a payment to find the payment matching that information in the archive.
Security: BasicAuth
A unique reference generated by you, used to identify a payment throughout its lifecycle.
Example: transactionReference=89197aeb-c94a-456e-8014-1272fbcb64eb
A merchant entity.
Example: entityReference=testEntity
Example: application/vnd.worldpay.payment-queries-v1.hal+json
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No request payload
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#### [](/products/access/payment-queries/openapi/other/queryarchivedpayments#other/queryarchivedpayments/response&c=200)Responses
1. 200
Expand all
Summary information of a payment.
Self link and next action links.The Next action links are dependent on the lastEvent, refer to 'query for historical payments Response' section for more details.
Self link to the page.
+Show property
Next action links.
+Show property
Next action links.
+Show property
Next action links.
+Show property
[](/products/access/payment-queries/openapi/other/queryarchivedpayments#other/queryarchivedpayments/t=response&c=200&path=_embedded/payments)payments*Array of objects*
Array of payments.
+Show 3 array properties
1. 200
Query payments within a specified date time rangeQuery payments within a specified date time range filtered by currencyQuery payments within a specified date time range filtered by currency, amountQuery payments within a specified date time range filtered by last4DigitsQuery payments within a specified date time range filtered by receivedEventsQuery payments within a specified date time range filtered by entityReferencesRetrieve a payment by paymentIdQuery payments by transactionReferenceQuery historical payments with a transactionReference & entityReferenceQuery payments within a specified date time range
Query payments within a specified date time range
"\_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/paymentQueries/payments?startDate=2024-04-28T21:30:20Z&endDate=2024-05-31T21:30:20Z&pageSize=5"
"next": {
"href": "/paymentQueries/payments?startDate=2024-04-28T21:30:20Z&endDate=2024-05-30T09:49:31.410Z&paymentId=44809b32-6b71-4bd0-9b8c-ac29beb65059&pageSize=5"
"\_embedded": {
"payments": \[
"timestamp": "2024-05-30T19:44:19.836Z",
"transactionReference": "Memory265-13/08/1876",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "AccessWP",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain+masked",
"card": { … }
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 250
"\_links": {
"self": { … }
"timestamp": "2024-05-30T09:50:17.051Z",
"transactionReference": "Memory265-13/08/1876",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "AccessWP",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/network"
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 250
"\_links": {
"self": { … }
"timestamp": "2024-05-30T09:49:49.843Z",
"transactionReference": "7a5d0292-251f-48ed-a5c0-13c4c78d4487",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "AccessWP",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain+masked",
"card": { … }
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 250
"\_links": {
"self": { … }
"timestamp": "2024-05-30T09:49:45.962Z",
"transactionReference": "89197aeb-c94a-456e-8014-1272fbcb64eb",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "AccessWP",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain"
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 250
"\_links": {
"self": { … }
"timestamp": "2024-05-30T09:49:31.410Z",
"transactionReference": "db0eea07-cd96-417f-8f78-90cc3908c81b",
"transactionType": "oneTime",
"authorizationType": "authorization",
"entity": "AccessWP",
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card/plain+masked",
"card": { … }
"value": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 250
"\_links": {
"self": { … }
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