MCP Helius

import { Helius, PriorityLevel } from "helius-sdk"; import { GetBalanceInput, GetTokenAccountsByOwnerInput, GetTokenSupplyInput, GetBlockHeightInput, GetLatestBlockhashInput, GetTokenAccountBalanceInput, GetSlotInput, GetTransactionInput, GetAccountInfoInput, GetProgramAccountsInput, GetSignaturesForAddressInput, GetMinimumBalanceForRentExemptionInput, GetMultipleAccountsInput, GetInflationRewardInput, GetEpochInfoInput, GetEpochScheduleInput, GetLeaderScheduleInput, GetRecentPerformanceSamplesInput, GetVersionInput, PollTransactionConfirmationInput, SendJitoBundleInput, GetBundleStatusesInput, GetPriorityFeeEstimateInput, GetFeeForMessageInput, ExecuteJupiterSwapInput, GetTokenLargestAccountsInput, GetAssetsByAuthorityInput, SearchAssetsInput, GetSignaturesForAssetInput } from "./helius.types.js"; import { PublicKey, Commitment, VersionedMessage, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { ToolResultSchema } from "../types.js"; import { createErrorResponse, createSuccessResponse, validatePublicKey } from "./utils.js"; import { HeliusClient, MockHeliusClient } from "./helius-mock.js"; // Determine which client to use based on environment variable let helius: HeliusClient; if (process.env.TEST_MODE === 'true') { helius = new MockHeliusClient(); } else { helius = new Helius(process.env.HELIUS_API_KEY as string) as unknown as HeliusClient; } export const getBalanceHandler = async (input: GetBalanceInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { // Validate the public key is a valid format const publicKey = validatePublicKey(input.publicKey); if (!(publicKey instanceof PublicKey)) { return publicKey; } // Remove the test mode check since we want to use the mock implementation const balance = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getBalance(publicKey, input.commitment); return createSuccessResponse(`Balance: ${balance} lamports (${balance / LAMPORTS_PER_SOL} SOL)`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting balance: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getBlockHeightHandler = async (input: GetBlockHeightInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const blockHeight = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getBlockHeight(input.commitment); return createSuccessResponse(`Block height: ${blockHeight}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting block height: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getTokenAccountsByOwnerHandler = async (input: GetTokenAccountsByOwnerInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { const ownerPublicKeyResult = validatePublicKey(input.publicKey); if (!(ownerPublicKeyResult instanceof PublicKey)) { return ownerPublicKeyResult; } const programIdResult = validatePublicKey(input.programId); if (!(programIdResult instanceof PublicKey)) { return programIdResult; } try { const tokenAccounts = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getTokenAccountsByOwner(ownerPublicKeyResult, { programId: programIdResult, }); return createSuccessResponse(` Context: ${tokenAccounts.context.slot} Token accounts: ${ => tokenAccount.pubkey.toString()).join("\n")}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting token accounts: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getTokenSupplyHandler = async (input: GetTokenSupplyInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { const tokenAddressResult = validatePublicKey(input.tokenAddress); if (!(tokenAddressResult instanceof PublicKey)) { return tokenAddressResult; } try { const tokenSupply = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getTokenSupply(tokenAddressResult); return createSuccessResponse(`Token supply: ${JSON.stringify(tokenSupply.value)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting token supply: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getTokenLargestAccountsHandler = async (input: GetTokenLargestAccountsInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { const tokenAddressResult = validatePublicKey(input.tokenAddress); if (!(tokenAddressResult instanceof PublicKey)) { return tokenAddressResult; } try { const largestAccounts = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getTokenLargestAccounts(tokenAddressResult, input.commitment); return createSuccessResponse(`Token largest accounts: ${JSON.stringify(largestAccounts.value)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting token largest accounts: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getLatestBlockhashHandler = async (input: GetLatestBlockhashInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const { blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight } = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getLatestBlockhash(input.commitment); return createSuccessResponse(`Latest blockhash: ${blockhash}, Last valid block height: ${lastValidBlockHeight}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting latest blockhash: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getTokenAccountBalanceHandler = async (input: GetTokenAccountBalanceInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { const tokenAddressResult = validatePublicKey(input.tokenAddress); if (!(tokenAddressResult instanceof PublicKey)) { return tokenAddressResult; } try { const tokenBalance = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getTokenAccountBalance(tokenAddressResult, input.commitment); return createSuccessResponse(`Token balance: ${JSON.stringify(tokenBalance.value)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting token account balance: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getSlotHandler = async (input: GetSlotInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const slot = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getSlot(input.commitment); return createSuccessResponse(`Current slot: ${slot}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting slot: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getTransactionHandler = async (input: GetTransactionInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { // Use the newer signature with explicit config object const transaction = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getTransaction( input.signature, { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, commitment: input.commitment as any } ); if (!transaction) { return createErrorResponse(`Transaction not found for signature: ${input.signature}`); } return createSuccessResponse(`Transaction details: ${JSON.stringify(transaction, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting transaction: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } // New handlers for additional Helius RPC methods export const getAccountInfoHandler = async (input: GetAccountInfoInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { const publicKeyResult = validatePublicKey(input.publicKey); if (!(publicKeyResult instanceof PublicKey)) { return publicKeyResult; } try { const accountInfo = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getAccountInfo(publicKeyResult, input.commitment); return createSuccessResponse(`Account info: ${JSON.stringify(accountInfo, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting account info: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getProgramAccountsHandler = async (input: GetProgramAccountsInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { const programIdResult = validatePublicKey(input.programId); if (!(programIdResult instanceof PublicKey)) { return programIdResult; } try { const programAccounts = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getProgramAccounts(programIdResult, input.commitment); return createSuccessResponse(`Program accounts: ${JSON.stringify(programAccounts, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting program accounts: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getSignaturesForAddressHandler = async (input: GetSignaturesForAddressInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { const addressResult = validatePublicKey(input.address); if (!(addressResult instanceof PublicKey)) { return addressResult; } try { const options: any = {}; if (input.limit) options.limit = input.limit; if (input.before) options.before = input.before; if (input.until) options.until = input.until; if (input.commitment) options.commitment = input.commitment; const signatures = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getSignaturesForAddress(addressResult, options); return createSuccessResponse(`Signatures: ${JSON.stringify(signatures, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting signatures: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getMinimumBalanceForRentExemptionHandler = async (input: GetMinimumBalanceForRentExemptionInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const minBalance = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(input.dataSize, input.commitment); return createSuccessResponse(`Minimum balance for rent exemption: ${minBalance}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting minimum balance: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getMultipleAccountsHandler = async (input: GetMultipleAccountsInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const publicKeys = []; for (const pk of input.publicKeys) { const result = validatePublicKey(pk); if (!(result instanceof PublicKey)) { return result; // Return the error response if any public key is invalid } publicKeys.push(result); } const accounts = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getMultipleAccountsInfo(publicKeys, input.commitment); return createSuccessResponse(`Multiple accounts: ${JSON.stringify(accounts, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting multiple accounts: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getInflationRewardHandler = async (input: GetInflationRewardInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const addresses = []; for (const addr of input.addresses) { const result = validatePublicKey(addr); if (!(result instanceof PublicKey)) { return result; // Return the error response if any address is invalid } addresses.push(result); } const rewards = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getInflationReward(addresses, input.epoch, input.commitment); return createSuccessResponse(`Inflation rewards: ${JSON.stringify(rewards, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting inflation rewards: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getEpochInfoHandler = async (input: GetEpochInfoInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const epochInfo = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getEpochInfo(input.commitment); return createSuccessResponse(`Epoch info: ${JSON.stringify(epochInfo, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting epoch info: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getEpochScheduleHandler = async (input: GetEpochScheduleInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { // getEpochSchedule doesn't accept any parameters in the real SDK const epochSchedule = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getEpochSchedule(); return createSuccessResponse(`Epoch schedule: ${JSON.stringify(epochSchedule, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting epoch schedule: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getLeaderScheduleHandler = async (input: GetLeaderScheduleInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { // getLeaderSchedule doesn't accept parameters in the real SDK const leaderSchedule = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getLeaderSchedule(); return createSuccessResponse(`Leader schedule: ${JSON.stringify(leaderSchedule, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting leader schedule: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getRecentPerformanceSamplesHandler = async (input: GetRecentPerformanceSamplesInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const samples = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getRecentPerformanceSamples(input.limit); return createSuccessResponse(`Recent performance samples: ${JSON.stringify(samples, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting performance samples: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getVersionHandler = async (input: GetVersionInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const version = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getVersion(); return createSuccessResponse(`Version: ${JSON.stringify(version, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting version: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } // DAS Methods export const getAssetHandler = async (input: { id: string }): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const asset = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.getAsset(; return createSuccessResponse(`Asset details: ${JSON.stringify(asset, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting asset: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getRwaAssetHandler = async (input: { id: string }): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const asset = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.getRwaAsset({ id: }); return createSuccessResponse(`RWA Asset details: ${JSON.stringify(asset, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting RWA asset: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getAssetBatchHandler = async (input: { ids: string[] }): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const assets = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.getAssetBatch({ ids: input.ids }); return createSuccessResponse(`Asset batch details: ${JSON.stringify(assets, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting asset batch: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getAssetProofHandler = async (input: { id: string }): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const proof = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.getAssetProof({ id: }); return createSuccessResponse(`Asset proof: ${JSON.stringify(proof, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting asset proof: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getAssetsByGroupHandler = async (input: { groupKey: string, groupValue: string, page?: number, limit?: number }): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { // Fix the parameter type mismatch const params = { groupKey: input.groupKey, groupValue: input.groupValue, page: || 1, // Default to page 1 if not provided limit: input.limit || 10 // Default to 10 if not provided }; const assets = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.getAssetsByGroup(params); return createSuccessResponse(`Assets by group: ${JSON.stringify(assets, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting assets by group: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getAssetsByOwnerHandler = async (input: { owner: string, page?: number, limit?: number }): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { // Fix the parameter name mismatch const params = { ownerAddress: input.owner, // Change owner to ownerAddress page: || 1, limit: input.limit || 10 }; const assets = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.getAssetsByOwner(params); return createSuccessResponse(`Assets by owner: ${JSON.stringify(assets, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting assets by owner: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getAssetsByCreatorHandler = async (input: { creator: string, page?: number, limit?: number }): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { // Fix the parameter name mismatch const params = { creatorAddress: input.creator, // Change creator to creatorAddress page: || 1, limit: input.limit || 10 }; const assets = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.getAssetsByCreator(params); return createSuccessResponse(`Assets by creator: ${JSON.stringify(assets, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting assets by creator: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getAssetsByAuthorityHandler = async (input: GetAssetsByAuthorityInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { // Fix the parameter name mismatch const params = { authorityAddress: input.authority, // Change authority to authorityAddress page: || 1, limit: input.limit || 10 }; const assets = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.getAssetsByAuthority(params); return createSuccessResponse(`Assets by authority: ${JSON.stringify(assets, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting assets by authority: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const searchAssetsHandler = async (input: SearchAssetsInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const assets = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.searchAssets(input); return createSuccessResponse(`Search results: ${JSON.stringify(assets, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error searching assets: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getSignaturesForAssetHandler = async (input: GetSignaturesForAssetInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { // Fix the parameter type mismatch const params = { id:, page: || 1, // Default to page 1 if not provided limit: input.limit || 10 // Default to 10 if not provided }; const signatures = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.getSignaturesForAsset(params); return createSuccessResponse(`Signatures for asset: ${JSON.stringify(signatures, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting signatures for asset: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getNftEditionsHandler = async (input: { masterEditionId: string, page?: number, limit?: number }): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const editions = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.getNftEditions(input); return createSuccessResponse(`NFT editions: ${JSON.stringify(editions, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting NFT editions: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getTokenAccountsHandler = async (input: { mint?: string, owner?: string, page?: number, limit?: number }): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const accounts = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.getTokenAccounts(input); return createSuccessResponse(`Token accounts: ${JSON.stringify(accounts, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting token accounts: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } // Transaction and Fee Methods export const getPriorityFeeEstimateHandler = async (input: GetPriorityFeeEstimateInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { // This function has parameter type mismatches const result = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.getPriorityFeeEstimate({ accountKeys: input.accountKeys, options: { priorityLevel: input.options?.priorityLevel as PriorityLevel, includeAllPriorityFeeLevels: input.options?.includeAllPriorityFeeLevels } }); return createSuccessResponse(`Priority fee estimate: ${JSON.stringify(result.priorityFeeEstimate, null, 2)} priorityFeeLevels: ${JSON.stringify(result.priorityFeeLevels ?? [], null, 2)} `); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting priority fee estimate: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const pollTransactionConfirmationHandler = async (input: PollTransactionConfirmationInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const status = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.pollTransactionConfirmation(input.signature, { timeout: input.timeout, interval: input.interval }); return createSuccessResponse(`Transaction status: ${status}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error polling transaction confirmation: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const sendJitoBundleHandler = async (input: SendJitoBundleInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const bundleId = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.sendJitoBundle(input.serializedTransactions, input.jitoApiUrl); return createSuccessResponse(`Jito bundle sent: ${bundleId}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error sending Jito bundle: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getBundleStatusesHandler = async (input: GetBundleStatusesInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const statuses = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.getBundleStatuses(input.bundleIds, input.jitoApiUrl); return createSuccessResponse(`Bundle statuses: ${JSON.stringify(statuses, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting bundle statuses: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const getFeeForMessageHandler = async (input: GetFeeForMessageInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { const messageBytes = Buffer.from(input.message, 'base64'); const versionedMessage = VersionedMessage.deserialize(messageBytes); const fee = await (helius as any as Helius).connection.getFeeForMessage(versionedMessage, input.commitment); return createSuccessResponse(`Fee for message: ${JSON.stringify(fee, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error getting fee for message: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } } export const executeJupiterSwapHandler = async (input: ExecuteJupiterSwapInput): Promise<ToolResultSchema<any>> => { try { // Validate the signer is a valid public key format const signerPublicKey = validatePublicKey(input.signer); if (!(signerPublicKey instanceof PublicKey)) { return signerPublicKey; } const params = { inputMint: input.inputMint, outputMint: input.outputMint, amount: input.amount, maxDynamicSlippageBps: input.maxDynamicSlippageBps }; // The actual implementation expects a Signer object, but our mock likely accepts a string // We'll use the string and let the type casting handle it const result = await (helius as any as Helius).rpc.executeJupiterSwap(params, input.signer as any); return createSuccessResponse(`Jupiter swap executed: ${JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)}`); } catch (error) { return createErrorResponse(`Error executing Jupiter swap: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } }