MCP Helius

import { PublicKey, Commitment } from "@solana/web3.js"; // Define types to match Helius SDK export type GetBalanceConfig = { commitment?: Commitment; }; // Interface for Helius client to allow for mocking export interface HeliusClient { connection: { getBalance: (publicKey: PublicKey, commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetBalanceConfig) => Promise<number>; getBlockHeight: (commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<number>; getTokenAccountsByOwner: (owner: PublicKey, filter: { programId: PublicKey }) => Promise<{ context: { slot: number }, value: Array<{ pubkey: { toString: () => string } }> }>; getTokenSupply: (tokenAddress: PublicKey) => Promise<any>; getTokenLargestAccounts: (tokenAddress: PublicKey, commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<{ context: { slot: number }, value: Array<{ address: string, amount: string, decimals: number, uiAmount: number, uiAmountString: string }> }>; getLatestBlockhash: (commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<{ blockhash: string, lastValidBlockHeight: number }>; getTokenAccountBalance: (tokenAddress: PublicKey, commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<{ value: any }>; getSlot: (commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<number>; getTransaction: (signature: string, options: { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: number, commitment?: Commitment }) => Promise<any>; // Core Solana RPC methods getAccountInfo: (publicKey: PublicKey, commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<any>; getProgramAccounts: (programId: PublicKey, commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<any>; getSignaturesForAddress: (address: PublicKey, options?: { limit?: number, before?: string, until?: string, commitment?: Commitment }) => Promise<any>; getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption: (dataSize: number, commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<number>; getMultipleAccounts: (publicKeys: PublicKey[], commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<any>; getMultipleAccountsInfo: (publicKeys: PublicKey[], commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<any>; getFeeForMessage: (message: string, commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<any>; getInflationReward: (addresses: PublicKey[], epoch?: number, commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<any>; getEpochInfo: (commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<any>; getEpochSchedule: (commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<any>; getLeaderSchedule: (slot?: number, commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<any>; getRecentPerformanceSamples: (limit?: number) => Promise<any>; getVersion: () => Promise<any>; getHealth: () => Promise<string>; // Additional RPC methods airdrop: (publicKey: PublicKey, lamports: number, commitment?: Commitment) => Promise<any>; getCurrentTPS: () => Promise<number>; getStakeAccounts: (wallet: string) => Promise<any>; getTokenHolders: (mintAddress: string) => Promise<any>; }; rpc: { // DAS Methods getAsset: (id: string) => Promise<any>; getRwaAsset: (params: { id: string }) => Promise<any>; getAssetBatch: (params: { ids: string[] }) => Promise<any>; getAssetProof: (params: { id: string }) => Promise<any>; getAssetsByGroup: (params: { groupKey: string, groupValue: string, page?: number, limit?: number }) => Promise<any>; getAssetsByOwner: (params: { ownerAddress: string, page?: number, limit?: number }) => Promise<any>; getAssetsByCreator: (params: { creatorAddress: string, page?: number, limit?: number }) => Promise<any>; getAssetsByAuthority: (params: { authorityAddress: string, page?: number, limit?: number }) => Promise<any>; searchAssets: (params: { page?: number, limit?: number, cursor?: string, before?: string, after?: string, creatorAddress?: string, ownerAddress?: string, jsonUri?: string, grouping?: string[], burnt?: boolean, frozen?: boolean, supplyMint?: string, supply?: number, delegate?: string, compressed?: boolean }) => Promise<any>; getSignaturesForAsset: (params: { id: string, page?: number, limit?: number }) => Promise<any>; getNftEditions: (params: { masterEditionId: string, page?: number, limit?: number }) => Promise<any>; getTokenAccounts: (params: { mint?: string, owner?: string, page?: number, limit?: number }) => Promise<any>; // Transaction and Fee Methods getPriorityFeeEstimate: (params: { accountKeys?: string[], options?: { priorityLevel?: string, includeAllPriorityFeeLevels?: boolean } }) => Promise<any>; getComputeUnits: (instructions: string[], payer: string, lookupTables?: string[]) => Promise<number | null>; pollTransactionConfirmation: (signature: string, options?: { timeout?: number, interval?: number }) => Promise<string>; createSmartTransaction: (instructions: string[], signers: string[], lookupTables?: string[], options?: any) => Promise<any>; sendSmartTransaction: (instructions: string[], signers: string[], lookupTables?: string[], options?: any) => Promise<string>; addTipInstruction: (instructions: string[], feePayer: string, tipAccount: string, tipAmount: number) => void; createSmartTransactionWithTip: (instructions: string[], signers: string[], lookupTables?: string[], tipAmount?: number, options?: any) => Promise<any>; sendJitoBundle: (serializedTransactions: string[], jitoApiUrl: string) => Promise<string>; getBundleStatuses: (bundleIds: string[], jitoApiUrl: string) => Promise<any>; sendSmartTransactionWithTip: (instructions: string[], signers: string[], lookupTables?: string[], tipAmount?: number, region?: string, options?: any) => Promise<string>; sendTransaction: (transaction: string, options?: { skipPreflight?: boolean, maxRetries?: number }) => Promise<string>; executeJupiterSwap: (params: { inputMint: string, outputMint: string, amount: number, maxDynamicSlippageBps?: number }, signer: string) => Promise<any>; } } // Create a mock implementation for testing export class MockHeliusClient implements HeliusClient { connection = { getBalance: async (publicKey: PublicKey) => { return 1000000000; // 1 SOL in lamports }, getBlockHeight: async () => { return 123456789; }, getTokenAccountsByOwner: async (owner: PublicKey, filter: { programId: PublicKey }) => { return { context: { slot: 123456789 }, value: [ { pubkey: { toString: () => "TokenAccount1" } }, { pubkey: { toString: () => "TokenAccount2" } } ] }; }, getTokenSupply: async (tokenAddress: PublicKey) => { return "1000000000"; }, getTokenLargestAccounts: async (tokenAddress: PublicKey, commitment?: Commitment) => { return { context: { slot: 123456789 }, value: [ { address: "TokenAccount1", amount: "1000000000", decimals: 6, uiAmount: 1000, uiAmountString: "1000" }, { address: "TokenAccount2", amount: "500000000", decimals: 6, uiAmount: 500, uiAmountString: "500" } ] }; }, getLatestBlockhash: async () => { return { blockhash: "TestBlockhash123", lastValidBlockHeight: 123456789 }; }, getTokenAccountBalance: async (tokenAddress: PublicKey) => { return { value: { amount: "1000000000", decimals: 6, uiAmount: 1000, uiAmountString: "1000" } }; }, getSlot: async () => { return 123456789; }, getTransaction: async (signature: string) => { if (signature === "non-existent-signature") { return null; } return { slot: 123456789, meta: { fee: 5000 }, transaction: { signatures: [signature] } }; }, // Core Solana RPC methods getAccountInfo: async (publicKey: PublicKey) => { return { context: { slot: 123456789 }, value: { data: ["base64data", "base64"], executable: false, lamports: 1000000000, owner: "11111111111111111111111111111111", rentEpoch: 123 } }; }, getProgramAccounts: async (programId: PublicKey) => { return [ { pubkey: { toString: () => "ProgramAccount1" }, account: { data: ["base64data", "base64"], executable: false, lamports: 1000000000, owner: programId.toString(), rentEpoch: 123 } }, { pubkey: { toString: () => "ProgramAccount2" }, account: { data: ["base64data", "base64"], executable: false, lamports: 2000000000, owner: programId.toString(), rentEpoch: 123 } } ]; }, getSignaturesForAddress: async (address: PublicKey, options?: { limit?: number }) => { const limit = options?.limit || 10; return Array(limit).fill(0).map((_, i) => ({ signature: `MockSignature${i}`, slot: 123456789 + i, err: null, memo: null, blockTime: / 1000 })); }, getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption: async (dataSize: number) => { return dataSize * 1000; // Mock calculation }, getMultipleAccounts: async (publicKeys: PublicKey[]) => { return { context: { slot: 123456789 }, value:, i) => ({ data: ["base64data", "base64"], executable: false, lamports: 1000000000 + i, owner: "11111111111111111111111111111111", rentEpoch: 123 })) }; }, getMultipleAccountsInfo: async (publicKeys: PublicKey[]) => { return, i) => ({ data: ["base64data", "base64"], executable: false, lamports: 1000000000 + i, owner: "11111111111111111111111111111111", rentEpoch: 123 })); }, getFeeForMessage: async (message: string) => { return { context: { slot: 123456789 }, value: 5000 }; }, getInflationReward: async (addresses: PublicKey[], epoch?: number) => { return, i) => ({ epoch: epoch || 123, effectiveSlot: 123456789, amount: 1000000 + i, postBalance: 10000000000 + i, commission: null })); }, getEpochInfo: async () => { return { epoch: 123, slotIndex: 456, slotsInEpoch: 432000, absoluteSlot: 123456789, blockHeight: 123456000 }; }, getEpochSchedule: async () => { return { slotsPerEpoch: 432000, leaderScheduleSlotOffset: 432000, warmup: false, firstNormalEpoch: 0, firstNormalSlot: 0 }; }, getLeaderSchedule: async () => { return { "ValidatorPubkey1": [0, 1, 2, 3], "ValidatorPubkey2": [4, 5, 6, 7] }; }, getRecentPerformanceSamples: async (limit?: number) => { const count = limit || 10; return Array(count).fill(0).map((_, i) => ({ slot: 123456789 - i * 100, numTransactions: 1000 + i, numSlots: 1, samplePeriodSecs: 60 })); }, getVersion: async () => { return { "solana-core": "1.14.0", "feature-set": 123456789 }; }, getHealth: async () => { return "ok"; }, // Additional RPC methods airdrop: async (publicKey: PublicKey, lamports: number) => { return { signature: "MockAirdropSignature", confirmResponse: { context: { slot: 123456789 }, value: { err: null } }, blockhash: "MockBlockhash", lastValidBlockHeight: 123456789 }; }, getCurrentTPS: async () => { return 1500; // Mock TPS value }, getStakeAccounts: async (wallet: string) => { return { "StakeAccount1": { stake: 1000000000, delegation: { activationEpoch: 100, deactivationEpoch: 200, voter: "ValidatorPubkey1", stake: 1000000000 } }, "StakeAccount2": { stake: 2000000000, delegation: { activationEpoch: 110, deactivationEpoch: 210, voter: "ValidatorPubkey2", stake: 2000000000 } } }; }, getTokenHolders: async (mintAddress: string) => { return [ { pubkey: new PublicKey("TokenHolder1"), account: { data: ["base64data", "base64"], executable: false, lamports: 1000000, owner: "TokenProgramId", rentEpoch: 123 } }, { pubkey: new PublicKey("TokenHolder2"), account: { data: ["base64data", "base64"], executable: false, lamports: 2000000, owner: "TokenProgramId", rentEpoch: 123 } } ]; } }; rpc = { // DAS Methods getAsset: async (id: string) => { return { id, content: { metadata: { name: "Mock Asset", symbol: "MOCK", description: "A mock asset for testing" } }, ownership: { owner: "MockOwner", delegate: null }, authorities: [ { address: "MockAuthority", scopes: ["full"] } ], compression: { compressed: true, proof: "MockProof" } }; }, getRwaAsset: async (params: { id: string }) => { return { id:, content: { metadata: { name: "Mock RWA Asset", symbol: "MRWA", description: "A mock RWA asset for testing" } }, ownership: { owner: "MockOwner", delegate: null } }; }, getAssetBatch: async (params: { ids: string[] }) => { return => ({ id, content: { metadata: { name: `Mock Asset ${id}`, symbol: "MOCK", description: "A mock asset for testing" } }, ownership: { owner: "MockOwner", delegate: null } })); }, getAssetProof: async (params: { id: string }) => { return { root: "MockRoot", proof: ["MockProof1", "MockProof2"], node_index: 123, leaf: "MockLeaf", tree_id: "MockTreeId" }; }, getAssetsByGroup: async (params: { groupKey: string, groupValue: string, page?: number, limit?: number }) => { const limit = params.limit || 10; return { total: 100, limit, page: || 1, items: Array(limit).fill(0).map((_, i) => ({ id: `MockAsset${i}`, content: { metadata: { name: `Mock Asset ${i}`, symbol: "MOCK", description: "A mock asset for testing" } }, ownership: { owner: "MockOwner", delegate: null }, grouping: [ { group_key: params.groupKey, group_value: params.groupValue } ] })) }; }, getAssetsByOwner: async (params: { ownerAddress: string, page?: number, limit?: number }) => { const limit = params.limit || 10; return { total: 100, limit, page: || 1, items: Array(limit).fill(0).map((_, i) => ({ id: `MockAsset${i}`, content: { metadata: { name: `Mock Asset ${i}`, symbol: "MOCK", description: "A mock asset for testing" } }, ownership: { owner: params.ownerAddress, delegate: null } })) }; }, getAssetsByCreator: async (params: { creatorAddress: string, page?: number, limit?: number }) => { const limit = params.limit || 10; return { total: 100, limit, page: || 1, items: Array(limit).fill(0).map((_, i) => ({ id: `MockAsset${i}`, content: { metadata: { name: `Mock Asset ${i}`, symbol: "MOCK", description: "A mock asset for testing" }, creators: [ { address: params.creatorAddress, verified: true, share: 100 } ] }, ownership: { owner: "MockOwner", delegate: null } })) }; }, getAssetsByAuthority: async (params: { authorityAddress: string, page?: number, limit?: number }) => { const limit = params.limit || 10; return { total: 100, limit, page: || 1, items: Array(limit).fill(0).map((_, i) => ({ id: `MockAsset${i}`, content: { metadata: { name: `Mock Asset ${i}`, symbol: "MOCK", description: "A mock asset for testing" } }, ownership: { owner: "MockOwner", delegate: null }, authorities: [ { address: params.authorityAddress, scopes: ["full"] } ] })) }; }, searchAssets: async (params: { page?: number, limit?: number, cursor?: string, before?: string, after?: string, creatorAddress?: string, ownerAddress?: string, jsonUri?: string, grouping?: string[], burnt?: boolean, frozen?: boolean, supplyMint?: string, supply?: number, delegate?: string, compressed?: boolean }) => { const limit = params.limit || 10; return { total: 100, limit, page: || 1, items: Array(limit).fill(0).map((_, i) => ({ id: `MockAsset${i}`, content: { metadata: { name: `Mock Asset ${i}`, symbol: "MOCK", description: "A mock asset for testing" } }, ownership: { owner: params.ownerAddress || "MockOwner", delegate: params.delegate || null }, compressed: params.compressed || false, burnt: params.burnt || false, frozen: params.frozen || false })) }; }, getSignaturesForAsset: async (params: { id: string, page?: number, limit?: number }) => { const limit = params.limit || 10; return { total: 100, limit, page: || 1, items: Array(limit).fill(0).map((_, i) => ({ signature: `MockSignature${i}`, type: "TRANSFER", source: "MARKETPLACE", slot: 123456789 + i, blockTime: / 1000 - i * 3600, memo: null, err: null })) }; }, getNftEditions: async (params: { masterEditionId: string, page?: number, limit?: number }) => { const limit = params.limit || 10; return { total: 100, limit, page: || 1, items: Array(limit).fill(0).map((_, i) => ({ id: `MockEdition${i}`, number: i + 1, masterEdition: params.masterEditionId, content: { metadata: { name: `Mock Edition ${i}`, symbol: "MOCK", description: "A mock edition for testing" } }, ownership: { owner: `MockOwner${i}`, delegate: null } })) }; }, getTokenAccounts: async (params: { mint?: string, owner?: string, page?: number, limit?: number }) => { const limit = params.limit || 10; return { total: 100, limit, page: || 1, items: Array(limit).fill(0).map((_, i) => ({ address: `MockTokenAccount${i}`, mint: || `MockMint${i}`, owner: params.owner || `MockOwner${i}`, amount: 1000000000 + i, delegateOption: 0, delegate: null, state: "initialized", isNative: false, rentExemptReserve: null, closeAuthority: null })) }; }, // Transaction and Fee Methods getPriorityFeeEstimate: async (params: { accountKeys?: string[], options?: { priorityLevel?: string, includeAllPriorityFeeLevels?: boolean } }) => { if (params.options?.includeAllPriorityFeeLevels) { return { priorityFeeEstimate: 5000, priorityFeeLevels: { default: 5000, high: 10000, max: 20000 } }; } return { priorityFeeEstimate: 5000 }; }, getComputeUnits: async (instructions: string[], payer: string, lookupTables?: string[]) => { return 200000; // Mock compute units }, pollTransactionConfirmation: async (signature: string, options?: { timeout?: number, interval?: number }) => { return signature; // Mock successful confirmation }, createSmartTransaction: async (instructions: string[], signers: string[], lookupTables?: string[], options?: any) => { return { serializedTransaction: "MockSerializedTransaction", blockhash: "MockBlockhash", lastValidBlockHeight: 123456789, slot: 123456789 }; }, sendSmartTransaction: async (instructions: string[], signers: string[], lookupTables?: string[], options?: any) => { return "MockTransactionSignature"; }, addTipInstruction: (instructions: string[], feePayer: string, tipAccount: string, tipAmount: number) => { // Mock implementation - doesn't need to return anything }, createSmartTransactionWithTip: async (instructions: string[], signers: string[], lookupTables?: string[], tipAmount?: number, options?: any) => { return { serializedTransaction: "MockSerializedTransactionWithTip", blockhash: "MockBlockhash", lastValidBlockHeight: 123456789, slot: 123456789 }; }, sendJitoBundle: async (serializedTransactions: string[], jitoApiUrl: string) => { return "MockBundleId"; }, getBundleStatuses: async (bundleIds: string[], jitoApiUrl: string) => { return => ({ id, status: "confirmed" })); }, sendSmartTransactionWithTip: async (instructions: string[], signers: string[], lookupTables?: string[], tipAmount?: number, region?: string, options?: any) => { return "MockBundleId"; }, sendTransaction: async (transaction: string, options?: { skipPreflight?: boolean, maxRetries?: number }) => { return "MockTransactionSignature"; }, executeJupiterSwap: async (params: { inputMint: string, outputMint: string, amount: number, maxDynamicSlippageBps?: number }, signer: string) => { return { signature: "MockSwapSignature", inputAmount: params.amount, outputAmount: params.amount * 10, // Mock exchange rate inputMint: params.inputMint, outputMint: params.outputMint, slippage: params.maxDynamicSlippageBps ? params.maxDynamicSlippageBps / 100 : 0.01 }; } }; }