# Example script to upload a file to DingDing
# Set your webhook key and sign key (optional)
export DINGDING_BOT_WEBHOOK_KEY="your-webhook-key"
# export DINGDING_BOT_SIGN_KEY="your-sign-key" # Uncomment if using signature verification
# Create a temporary file to upload
echo "This is a test file for DingDing Bot" > test_file.txt
# JSON-RPC request to upload a file
echo '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "6",
"method": "callTool",
"params": {
"tool": "upload_file",
"arguments": {
"file_path": "test_file.txt"
}' | mcp-dingdingbot-server
# Clean up the temporary file
rm test_file.txt