
#!/bin/bash # Example script to send a markdown message to DingDing group # Set your webhook key and sign key (optional) export DINGDING_BOT_WEBHOOK_KEY="your-webhook-key" # export DINGDING_BOT_SIGN_KEY="your-sign-key" # Uncomment if using signature verification # JSON-RPC request to send a markdown message echo '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "2", "method": "callTool", "params": { "tool": "send_markdown", "arguments": { "title": "Test Markdown", "content": "# This is a test markdown message\n## From DingDing Bot\n- Item 1\n- Item 2", "at_mobiles": "", "at_user_ids": "", "is_at_all": false } } }' | mcp-dingdingbot-server