Sentry MCP Server
by codyde
// Define types for Sentry API responses
export interface SentryTeam {
id: string;
name: string;
slug: string;
export interface SentryProject {
id: string;
name: string;
slug: string;
platform?: string;
teams: SentryTeam[];
environments?: string[];
features?: string[];
// Define interface for project creation response
export interface SentryProjectCreationResponse {
id: string;
slug: string;
name: string;
platform: string;
dateCreated: string;
isBookmarked: boolean;
isMember: boolean;
features: string[];
firstEvent: string | null;
firstTransactionEvent: boolean;
access: string[];
hasAccess: boolean;
hasMinifiedStackTrace: boolean;
hasFeedbacks: boolean;
hasMonitors: boolean;
hasNewFeedbacks: boolean;
hasProfiles: boolean;
hasReplays: boolean;
hasFlags: boolean;
hasSessions: boolean;
hasInsightsHttp: boolean;
hasInsightsDb: boolean;
hasInsightsAssets: boolean;
hasInsightsAppStart: boolean;
hasInsightsScreenLoad: boolean;
hasInsightsVitals: boolean;
hasInsightsCaches: boolean;
hasInsightsQueues: boolean;
hasInsightsLlmMonitoring: boolean;
isInternal: boolean;
isPublic: boolean;
avatar: {
avatarType: string;
avatarUuid: string | null;
color: string;
status: string;
// Define interface for client key response
export interface SentryClientKey {
id: string;
name: string;
label: string;
public: string;
secret: string;
projectId: number;
isActive: boolean;
rateLimit: {
window: number;
count: number;
} | null;
dsn: {
secret: string;
public: string;
csp: string;
security: string;
minidump: string;
nel: string;
unreal: string;
cdn: string;
crons: string;
browserSdkVersion: string;
browserSdk: {
choices: [string, string][];
dateCreated: string;
dynamicSdkLoaderOptions: {
hasReplay: boolean;
hasPerformance: boolean;
hasDebug: boolean;
// Define interface for error event response
export interface SentryErrorEvent {
eventID: string;
tags: Array<{
key: string;
value: string;
dateCreated: string;
user: {
id?: string;
email?: string;
username?: string;
ip_address?: string;
} | null;
message: string;
title: string;
id: string;
platform: string;
"event.type": string;
groupID: string;
crashFile: string | null;
location: string;
culprit: string;
projectID: string;
metadata: any | null;
// Define interface for project issue response
export interface SentryProjectIssue {
annotations: any[];
assignedTo: {
type: string;
id: string;
name: string;
email: string;
} | null;
count: string;
culprit: string;
firstSeen: string;
hasSeen: boolean;
id: string;
isBookmarked: boolean;
isPublic: boolean;
isSubscribed: boolean;
lastSeen: string;
level: string;
logger: string | null;
metadata: {
title: string;
numComments: number;
permalink: string;
project: {
id: string;
name: string;
slug: string;
shareId: string | null;
shortId: string;
stats: {
"24h": [number, number][];
status: string;
statusDetails: Record<string, any>;
subscriptionDetails: any | null;
title: string;
type: string;
userCount: number;
isUnhandled?: boolean;
platform?: string;
// Define interface for the short ID resolution response
export interface ShortIdResolutionResponse {
group: {
annotations: any[];
assignedTo: any | null;
count: string;
culprit: string;
firstSeen: string;
hasSeen: boolean;
id: string;
isBookmarked: boolean;
isPublic: boolean;
isSubscribed: boolean;
lastSeen: string;
level: string;
logger: string | null;
metadata: {
title: string;
numComments: number;
permalink: string;
project: {
id: string;
name: string;
slug: string;
shareId: string | null;
shortId: string;
status: string;
statusDetails: Record<string, any>;
subscriptionDetails: any | null;
title: string;
type: string;
userCount: number;
groupId: string;
organizationSlug: string;
projectSlug: string;
shortId: string;
// Define interface for the event details response
export interface EventDetailsResponse {
event: {
_meta: {
context: any | null;
contexts: any | null;
entries: Record<string, any>;
message: any | null;
packages: any | null;
sdk: any | null;
tags: Record<string, any>;
user: any | null;
context: Record<string, any>;
contexts: Record<string, any>;
dateCreated: string;
dateReceived: string;
dist: string | null;
entries: Array<{
type: string;
data: Record<string, any>;
errors: any[];
eventID: string;
fingerprints: string[];
groupID: string;
id: string;
message: string;
title: string;
metadata: {
title: string;
packages: Record<string, string>;
platform: string;
sdk: any | null;
size: number;
tags: Array<{
_meta: any | null;
key: string;
value: string;
type: string;
user: {
data: Record<string, any>;
email: string;
id: string;
ip_address: string;
name: string;
username: string;
eventId: string;
groupId: string;
organizationSlug: string;
projectSlug: string;
export interface SentryTeam {
id: string;
slug: string;
name: string;
dateCreated: string;
isMember: boolean;
teamRole: string;
flags: {
'idp:provisioned': boolean;
access: string[];
hasAccess: boolean;
isPending: boolean;
memberCount: number;
avatar: {
avatarType: string;
avatarUuid: string | null;
orgRole: string | null;
export interface SentryIssueActivity {
data: Record<string, any>;
dateCreated: string;
id: string;
type: string;
user: {
id: string;
name: string;
email: string;
} | null;
export interface SentryReleaseProject {
name: string;
slug: string;
export interface SentryRelease {
authors: any[];
commitCount: number;
data: Record<string, any>;
dateCreated: string;
dateReleased: string | null;
deployCount: number;
firstEvent: string;
lastCommit: any | null;
lastDeploy: any | null;
lastEvent: string;
newGroups: number;
owner: any | null;
projects: SentryReleaseProject[];
ref: string | null;
shortVersion: string;
url: string | null;
version: string;
export interface SentryIssueDetailsResponse {
activity: SentryIssueActivity[];
annotations: string[];
assignedTo: {
id: string;
name: string;
email: string;
} | null;
count: string;
culprit: string;
firstRelease: SentryRelease | null;
firstSeen: string;
hasSeen: boolean;
id: string;
isBookmarked: boolean;
isPublic: boolean;
isSubscribed: boolean;
lastRelease: SentryRelease | null;
lastSeen: string;
level: string;
logger: string | null;
metadata: {
title: string;
numComments: number;
participants: any[];
permalink: string;
pluginActions: any[];
pluginContexts: any[];
pluginIssues: any[];
project: {
id: string;
name: string;
slug: string;
seenBy: any[];
shareId: string | null;
shortId: string;
stats: {
'24h': [number, number][];
'30d': [number, number][];
status: string;
statusDetails: Record<string, any>;
subscriptionDetails: any | null;
tags: {
key: string;
value: string;
title: string;
type: string;
userCount: number;
userReportCount: number;
export interface SentryStackTraceFrame {
function?: string;
errors?: any;
colNo?: number;
vars?: any;
package?: string;
absPath?: string;
inApp?: boolean;
lineNo?: number;
module?: string;
filename?: string;
platform?: string;
instructionAddr?: string;
context?: [number, string][];
symbolAddr?: string;
trust?: string;
symbol?: string;
export interface SentryStackTrace {
frames: SentryStackTraceFrame[];
framesOmitted?: any;
registers?: any;
hasSystemFrames?: boolean;
export interface SentryExceptionValue {
stacktrace?: SentryStackTrace;
module?: string;
rawStacktrace?: SentryStackTrace;
mechanism?: {
type: string;
handled: boolean;
threadId?: string;
value: string;
type: string;
export interface SentryExceptionEntry {
type: string;
data: {
values: SentryExceptionValue[];
excOmitted?: any;
hasSystemFrames?: boolean;
export interface SentryBreadcrumb {
category: string;
level: string;
event_id?: string;
timestamp: string;
data?: any;
message?: string;
type: string;
export interface SentryBreadcrumbsEntry {
type: string;
data: {
values: SentryBreadcrumb[];
export interface SentryRequestEntry {
type: string;
data: {
fragment?: string;
cookies: any[];
inferredContentType?: string;
env?: any;
headers: [string, string][];
url: string;
query: [string, string][];
data?: any;
method?: string;
export interface SentryEventDetailedResponse {
groupID: string;
eventID: string;
dist?: string;
userReport?: any;
previousEventID?: string;
message: string;
title: string;
id: string;
size: number;
errors?: {
data: {
column: number;
source: string;
row: number;
message: string;
type: string;
platform: string;
nextEventID?: string;
type: string;
metadata: {
type: string;
value: string;
tags: {
value: string;
key: string;
dateCreated: string;
dateReceived: string;
user?: {
username?: string;
name?: string;
ip_address?: string;
email?: string;
data?: Record<string, any>;
id?: string;
entries: (SentryExceptionEntry | SentryBreadcrumbsEntry | SentryRequestEntry)[];
packages: Record<string, any>;
sdk: {
version: string;
name: string;
_meta: {
user: any;
context: any;
entries: Record<string, any>;
contexts: any;
message: any;
packages: any;
tags: Record<string, any>;
sdk: any;
contexts: Record<string, any>;
fingerprints: string[];
context?: Record<string, any>;
release?: {
dateReleased: string;
commitCount: number;
url: string;
data: Record<string, any>;
lastDeploy?: {
name: string;
url?: string;
environment: string;
dateStarted?: string;
dateFinished: string;
id: string;
deployCount: number;
dateCreated: string;
version: string;
lastCommit?: {
repository: {
status: string;
integrationId: string;
externalSlug: string;
name: string;
provider: {
id: string;
name: string;
url: string;
id: string;
dateCreated: string;
releases: {
dateReleased: string;
url: string;
dateCreated: string;
version: string;
shortVersion: string;
ref: string;
dateCreated: string;
message: string;
id: string;
ref: string;
crashFile?: string;
location?: string;
culprit?: string;
groupingConfig?: {
enhancements: string;
id: string;
occurrence?: any;
projectID: string;
resolvedWith?: any[];
sdkUpdates?: any[];
// Define interface for Sentry setup response
export interface SentrySetupResponse {
projectId: string;
projectName: string;
projectSlug: string;
dsn: string;
clientKeys?: SentryClientKey[];
installationInstructions: {
[language: string]: string;
// Define interface for Sentry replay response
export interface SentryReplay {
activity: number;
browser: {
name: string;
version: string;
count_dead_clicks: number;
count_rage_clicks: number;
count_errors: number;
count_segments: number;
count_urls: number;
device: {
brand: string;
family: string;
model: string;
name: string;
} | null;
dist: string | null;
duration: number;
environment: string;
error_ids: string[];
finished_at: string;
has_viewed: boolean;
id: string;
is_archived: boolean | null;
os: {
name: string;
version: string;
} | null;
platform: string;
project_id: string;
releases: string[];
sdk: {
name: string;
version: string;
started_at: string;
tags: Record<string, string[]>;
trace_ids: string[];
urls: string[];
user: {
display_name: string;
email: string;
id: string;
ip: string;
username: string;
} | null;
// Additional fields that may be requested via the field parameter
clicks?: any[];
info_ids?: string[];
warning_ids?: string[];
count_warnings?: number;
count_infos?: number;