
  • src
import { Dirent, promises as fs } from "fs"; import path from "path"; import mime from "mime"; import { pathToFileURL } from "url"; import { FALLBACK_MIME_TYPE, treatAsText } from "./mime_types.js"; import { claudeSupportedMimeTypes } from "./mime_types.js"; export interface ResourceFile { uri: string; name: string; mimeType: string; size: number; lastModified: Date; formattedSize?: string; // Add optional formatted size } export interface ResourceContents { uri: string; mimeType: string; text?: string; blob?: string; } export class WorkingDirectory { private readonly MAX_RESOURCE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 2; constructor( private readonly directory: string, private readonly claudeDesktopMode: boolean = false, ) {} async listFiles(recursive = true): Promise<Dirent[]> { return await fs.readdir(, { withFileTypes: true, recursive, }); } async getResourceFile(file: Dirent): Promise<ResourceFile> { const fullPath = path.join(file.parentPath || "",; const relativePath = path .relative(, fullPath) .replace(/\\/g, "/"); const stats = await fs.stat(fullPath); return { uri: `file:./${relativePath}`, name:, mimeType: mime.getType( || FALLBACK_MIME_TYPE, size: stats.size, lastModified: stats.mtime, }; } async generateFilename( prefix: string, extension: string, mcpToolName: string, ): Promise<string> { const date = new Date().toISOString().split("T")[0]; const randomId = crypto.randomUUID().slice(0, 5); return path.join(, `${date}_${mcpToolName}_${prefix}_${randomId}.${extension}`, ); } async saveFile(arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer, filename: string): Promise<void> { await fs.writeFile(filename, Buffer.from(arrayBuffer), { encoding: "binary", }); } getFileUrl(filename: string): string { return pathToFileURL(path.resolve(, filename)).href; } async isSupportedFile(filename: string): Promise<boolean> { if (!this.claudeDesktopMode) return true; try { const stats = await fs.stat(filename); if (stats.size > this.MAX_RESOURCE_SIZE) return false; const mimetype = mime.getType(filename); if (!mimetype) return false; if (treatAsText(mimetype)) return true; return claudeSupportedMimeTypes.some((supported) => { if (!supported.includes("/*")) return supported === mimetype; const supportedMainType = supported.split("/")[0]; const mainType = mimetype.split("/")[0]; return supportedMainType === mainType; }); } catch { return false; } } async validatePath(filePath: string): Promise<string> { if (filePath.startsWith("http://") || filePath.startsWith("https://")) { return filePath; } if (filePath.startsWith("file:")) { filePath = filePath.replace(/^file:(?:\/\/|\.\/)/, ""); } const normalizedFilePath = path.normalize(path.resolve(filePath)); const normalizedCwd = path.normalize(; if (!normalizedFilePath.startsWith(normalizedCwd)) { throw new Error(`Path ${filePath} is outside of working directory`); } await fs.access(normalizedFilePath); return normalizedFilePath; } formatFileSize(bytes: number): string { const units = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB"]; let size = bytes; let unitIndex = 0; while (size >= 1024 && unitIndex < units.length - 1) { size /= 1024; unitIndex++; } return `${size.toFixed(1)} ${units[unitIndex]}`; } async generateResourceTable(): Promise<string> { const files = await this.listFiles(); const resources = await Promise.all( files .filter((entry) => entry.isFile()) .map(async (entry) => await this.getResourceFile(entry)), ); if (resources.length === 0) { return "No resources available."; } return ` The following resources are available for tool calls: | Resource URI | Name | MIME Type | Size | Last Modified | |--------------|------|-----------|------|---------------| ${resources .map( (f) => `| ${f.uri} | ${} | ${f.mimeType} | ${this.formatFileSize(f.size)} | ${f.lastModified.toISOString()} |`, ) .join("\n")} Prefer using the Resource URI for tool parameters which require a file input. URLs are also accepted.`.trim(); } isFileSizeSupported(size: number): boolean { return size <= this.MAX_RESOURCE_SIZE; } async getSupportedResources(): Promise<ResourceFile[]> { const files = await this.listFiles(); const supportedFiles = await Promise.all( files .filter((entry) => entry.isFile()) .map(async (entry) => { const isSupported = await this.isSupportedFile(; if (!isSupported) return null; return await this.getResourceFile(entry); }), ); return supportedFiles.filter((file): file is ResourceFile => file !== null); } async readResource(resourceUri: string): Promise<ResourceContents> { const validatedPath = await this.validatePath(resourceUri); const file = path.basename(validatedPath); const mimeType = mime.getType(file) || FALLBACK_MIME_TYPE; const content = this.isMimeTypeText(mimeType) ? { text: await fs.readFile(file, "utf-8") } : { blob: (await fs.readFile(file)).toString("base64") }; return { uri: resourceUri, mimeType, ...content, }; } private isMimeTypeText(mimeType: string): boolean { return ( mimeType.startsWith("text/") || mimeType === "application/json" || mimeType === "application/javascript" || mimeType === "application/xml" ); } }