
  • src
import { Client, handle_file } from "@gradio/client"; import { ApiStructure, ApiEndpoint, ApiReturn } from "./gradio_api.js"; import { convertApiToSchema, isFileParameter, ParameterSchema, } from "./gradio_convert.js"; import { Server } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js"; import * as fs from "fs/promises"; import type { CallToolResult, GetPromptResult, CallToolRequest, } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.d.ts"; import type { TextContent, ImageContent, EmbeddedResource, } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.d.ts"; import { createProgressNotifier } from "./progress_notifier.js"; import { GradioConverter, GradioResourceValue } from "./content_converter.js"; import { config } from "./config.js"; import type { StatusMessage, Payload } from "@gradio/client"; import { WorkingDirectory } from "./working_directory.js"; type GradioEvent = StatusMessage | Payload; export interface EndpointPath { owner: string; space: string; endpoint: string | number; mcpToolName: string; mcpDisplayName: string; } export function endpointSpecified(path: string) { const parts = path.replace(/^\//, "").split("/"); return parts.length === 3; } export function parsePath(path: string): EndpointPath { const parts = path.replace(/^\//, "").split("/"); if (parts.length != 3) { throw new Error( `Invalid Endpoint path format [${path}]. Use or vendor/space/endpoint`, ); } const [owner, space, rawEndpoint] = parts; return { owner, space, endpoint: isNaN(Number(rawEndpoint)) ? `/${rawEndpoint}` : parseInt(rawEndpoint), mcpToolName: formatMcpToolName(space, rawEndpoint), mcpDisplayName: formatMcpDisplayName(space, rawEndpoint), }; function formatMcpToolName(space: string, endpoint: string | number) { return `${space}-${endpoint}`.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/g, "_").slice(0, 64); } function formatMcpDisplayName(space: string, endpoint: string | number) { return `${space} endpoint /${endpoint}`; } } export class EndpointWrapper { private converter: GradioConverter; constructor( private endpointPath: EndpointPath, private endpoint: ApiEndpoint, private client: Client, private workingDir: WorkingDirectory, ) { this.converter = new GradioConverter(workingDir); } static async createEndpoint( configuredPath: string, workingDir: WorkingDirectory, ): Promise<EndpointWrapper> { const pathParts = configuredPath.split("/"); if (pathParts.length < 2 || pathParts.length > 3) { throw new Error( `Invalid space path format [${configuredPath}]. Use: vendor/space or vendor/space/endpoint`, ); } const spaceName = `${pathParts[0]}/${pathParts[1]}`; const endpointTarget = pathParts[2] ? `/${pathParts[2]}` : undefined; const preferredApis = [ "/predict", "/infer", "/generate", "/complete", "/model_chat", "/lambda", "/generate_image", "/process_prompt", "/on_submit", "/add_text", ]; const gradio: Client = await Client.connect(spaceName, { events: ["data", "status"], hf_token: config.hfToken, }); const api = (await gradio.view_api()) as ApiStructure; if (config.debug) { await fs.writeFile( `${pathParts[0]}_${pathParts[1]}_debug_api.json`, JSON.stringify(api, null, 2), ); } // Try chosen API if specified if (endpointTarget && api.named_endpoints[endpointTarget]) { return new EndpointWrapper( parsePath(configuredPath), api.named_endpoints[endpointTarget], gradio, workingDir, ); } // Try preferred APIs const preferredApi = preferredApis.find( (name) => api.named_endpoints[name], ); if (preferredApi) { return new EndpointWrapper( parsePath(`${configuredPath}${preferredApi}`), api.named_endpoints[preferredApi], gradio, workingDir, ); } // Try first named endpoint const firstNamed = Object.entries(api.named_endpoints)[0]; if (firstNamed) { return new EndpointWrapper( parsePath(`${configuredPath}${firstNamed[0]}`), firstNamed[1], gradio, workingDir, ); } // Try unnamed endpoints const validUnnamed = Object.entries(api.unnamed_endpoints).find( ([, endpoint]) => endpoint.parameters.length > 0 && endpoint.returns.length > 0, ); if (validUnnamed) { return new EndpointWrapper( parsePath(`${configuredPath}/${validUnnamed[0]}`), validUnnamed[1], gradio, workingDir, ); } throw new Error(`No valid endpoints found for ${configuredPath}`); } async validatePath(filePath: string): Promise<string> { return this.workingDir.validatePath(filePath); } /* Endpoint Wrapper */ private mcpDescriptionName(): string { return this.endpointPath.mcpDisplayName; } get mcpToolName() { return this.endpointPath.mcpToolName; } toolDefinition() { return { name: this.mcpToolName, description: `Call the ${this.mcpDescriptionName()}`, inputSchema: convertApiToSchema(this.endpoint), }; } async call( request: CallToolRequest, server: Server, ): Promise<CallToolResult> { const progressToken = request.params._meta?.progressToken as | string | number | undefined; const parameters = request.params.arguments as Record<string, unknown>; // Get the endpoint parameters to check against const endpointParams = this.endpoint.parameters; // Process each parameter, applying handle_file for file inputs for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(parameters)) { const param = endpointParams.find( (p) => p.parameter_name === key || p.label === key, ); if (param && isFileParameter(param) && typeof value === "string") { const file = await this.validatePath(value); parameters[key] = handle_file(file); } } const normalizedToken = typeof progressToken === "number" ? progressToken.toString() : progressToken; return this.handleToolCall(parameters, normalizedToken, server); } async handleToolCall( parameters: Record<string, unknown>, progressToken: string | undefined, server: Server, ): Promise<CallToolResult> { const events = []; try { let result = null; const submission: AsyncIterable<GradioEvent> = this.client.submit( this.endpointPath.endpoint, parameters, ) as AsyncIterable<GradioEvent>; const progressNotifier = createProgressNotifier(server); for await (const msg of submission) { if (config.debug) events.push(msg); if (msg.type === "data") { if (Array.isArray( { const hasContent = (item: unknown) => typeof item !== "object", ); if (hasContent) result =; if (null === result) result =; } } else if (msg.type === "status") { if (msg.stage === "error") { throw new Error(`Gradio error: ${msg.message || "Unknown error"}`); } if (progressToken) await progressNotifier.notify(msg, progressToken); } } if (!result) { throw new Error("No data received from endpoint"); } return await this.convertPredictResults( this.endpoint.returns, result, this.endpointPath, ); } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error); throw new Error(`Error calling endpoint: ${errorMessage}`); } finally { if (config.debug && events.length > 0) { await fs.writeFile( `${this.mcpToolName}_status_${crypto .randomUUID() .substring(0, 5)}.json`, JSON.stringify(events, null, 2), ); } } } private async convertPredictResults( returns: ApiReturn[], predictResults: unknown[], endpointPath: EndpointPath, ): Promise<CallToolResult> { const content: (TextContent | ImageContent | EmbeddedResource)[] = []; for (const [index, output] of returns.entries()) { const value = predictResults[index]; const converted = await this.converter.convert( output, value as GradioResourceValue, endpointPath, ); content.push(converted); } return { content, isError: false, }; } promptName() { return this.mcpToolName; } promptDefinition() { const schema = convertApiToSchema(this.endpoint); return { name: this.promptName(), description: `Use the ${this.mcpDescriptionName()}.`, arguments: Object.entries( ([name, prop]: [string, ParameterSchema]) => ({ name, description: prop?.description || name, required: schema.required?.includes(name) || false, }), ), }; } async getPromptTemplate( args?: Record<string, string>, ): Promise<GetPromptResult> { const schema = convertApiToSchema(this.endpoint); let promptText = `Using the ${this.mcpDescriptionName()}:\n\n`; promptText += Object.entries( .map(([name, prop]: [string, ParameterSchema]) => { const defaultHint = prop?.default !== undefined ? ` - default: ${prop.default}` : ""; const value = args?.[name] || `[Provide ${prop?.description || name}${defaultHint}]`; return `${name}: ${value}`; }) .join("\n"); return { description: this.promptDefinition().description, messages: [ { role: "user", content: { type: "text", text: promptText, }, }, ], }; } }