SQLite MCP Server

# Errors to Parquet Exporter This script extracts error data from a SQLite database and exports it to Parquet files for further analysis. ## Features - Extracts error data from multiple tables: - `parsing_errors`: Parsing-related errors - `logs`: Error and critical level log entries - `stack_traces`: Stack traces associated with error logs - Exports data to Parquet format for efficient storage and analysis - Supports filtering by error type and limiting the number of records - Provides detailed logging and summary information ## Requirements - Python 3.6+ - Required packages (see requirements.txt): - pandas - pyarrow (for Parquet support) - sqlite3 (standard library) ## Installation 1. Ensure you have Python 3.6 or higher installed 2. Install required packages: ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Usage Basic usage: ```bash python errors_to_parquet.py ``` This will export all error data from the default `logs.db` database to separate Parquet files. ### Command-line Options - `--db PATH`: Specify the path to the SQLite database (default: logs.db) - `--output PATH`: Specify the output file path (default: auto-generated with timestamp) - `--limit N`: Limit the number of records exported per table - `--type TYPE`: Specify the type of errors to export: - `parsing`: Only export parsing errors - `logs`: Only export error logs - `stack_traces`: Only export stack traces - `all`: Export all error types (default) ### Examples Export only error logs: ```bash python errors_to_parquet.py --type logs ``` Export a limited number of records: ```bash python errors_to_parquet.py --limit 100 ``` Specify a custom output file (only works when exporting a single type): ```bash python errors_to_parquet.py --type logs --output my_error_logs.parquet ``` Use a different database file: ```bash python errors_to_parquet.py --db my_logs.db ``` ## Output The script generates Parquet files with the following naming convention: - `parsing_errors_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.parquet`: Parsing errors - `error_logs_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.parquet`: Error logs - `stack_traces_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.parquet`: Stack traces Each file contains all columns from the corresponding database table. ## Logging The script logs its operations to both the console and a log file (`errors_to_parquet.log`).