MCP Command Proxy
by Hormold
- src
- utils
import * as pty from 'node-pty';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import { CircularBuffer } from './buffer.js';
* Log entry type for storing command output
export interface LogEntry {
timestamp: number;
content: string;
type: 'stdout' | 'stderr' | 'system';
* Process status type
export enum ProcessStatus {
RUNNING = 'running',
STOPPED = 'stopped',
ERROR = 'error',
* Events emitted by the CommandRunner
export interface CommandRunnerEvents {
log: (entry: LogEntry) => void;
exit: (code: number, signal?: string) => void;
error: (error: Error) => void;
statusChange: (status: ProcessStatus) => void;
* CommandRunner options
export interface CommandRunnerOptions {
command: string;
args?: string[];
cwd?: string;
env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv;
logBufferSize?: number;
* Class that runs a command in a pseudo-terminal and captures output
export class CommandRunner extends EventEmitter {
private process: pty.IPty | null = null;
private logBuffer: CircularBuffer<LogEntry>;
private status: ProcessStatus = ProcessStatus.STOPPED;
private readonly command: string;
private readonly args: string[];
private readonly cwd: string;
private readonly env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv;
* Create a new CommandRunner
constructor(options: CommandRunnerOptions) {
// Parse command and arguments
const parts = options.command.split(' ');
this.command = parts[0];
this.args = parts.slice(1).concat(options.args || []);
this.cwd = options.cwd || process.cwd();
this.env = options.env || process.env;
this.logBuffer = new CircularBuffer<LogEntry>(options.logBufferSize || 300);
* Start the command process
start(): void {
try {
// Add a system log entry
this.addLogEntry(`Starting command: ${this.command} ${this.args.join(' ')}`, 'system');
// Spawn the process
this.process = pty.spawn(this.command, this.args, {
name: 'xterm-color',
cols: 80,
rows: 30,
cwd: this.cwd,
env: { ...this.env, FORCE_COLOR: '1', TERM: 'xterm-256color' },
handleFlowControl: true,
// Set status to running
// Handle data events (output)
this.process.onData((data) => {
this.addLogEntry(data, 'stdout');
// Handle exit events
this.process.onExit(({ exitCode, signal }) => {
this.addLogEntry(`Process exited with code ${exitCode} and signal ${signal || 'none'}`, 'system');
this.emit('exit', exitCode, signal);
this.process = null;
} catch (error) {
this.addLogEntry(`Error starting command: ${error}`, 'system');
this.emit('error', error);
* Stop the command process
stop(): void {
if (this.process && this.status === ProcessStatus.RUNNING) {
this.addLogEntry('Stopping command...', 'system');
* Send data (key presses) to the process
write(data: string): void {
if (this.process && this.status === ProcessStatus.RUNNING) {
this.addLogEntry(`Attempting to write key: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`, 'system');
try {
this.addLogEntry(`Successfully wrote key`, 'system');
} catch (err) {
this.addLogEntry(`Failed to write key: ${err}`, 'system');
} else {
this.addLogEntry('Cannot write to process: not running', 'system');
* Get all log entries
getLogs(): LogEntry[] {
return this.logBuffer.getAll();
* Get current process status
getStatus(): ProcessStatus {
return this.status;
* Add a log entry to the buffer and emit a log event
private addLogEntry(content: string, type: LogEntry['type']): void {
const entry: LogEntry = {
this.emit('log', entry);
* Set the process status and emit a status change event
private setStatus(status: ProcessStatus): void {
this.status = status;
this.emit('statusChange', this.status);