Targetprocess MCP Server

by aaronsb
  • docs
# Target Process MCP Architecture This document outlines the architecture of the Target Process Model Context Protocol (MCP) implementation, including system structure, class diagrams, and transaction models. ## System Overview The Target Process MCP server provides an interface between Large Language Models (LLMs) and the Target Process API, enabling AI assistants to perform operations such as searching, retrieving, creating, and updating Target Process entities. ## System Architecture ```mermaid flowchart TB Client[MCP Client / LLM] <--> |MCP Protocol| Server[Target Process MCP Server] Server <--> |HTTP REST API| TP[Target Process API] subgraph "MCP Server Components" Server --> Tools[Tool Implementations] Server --> TPService[TP Service Layer] end subgraph "Tools" Tools --> SearchTool[Search Tool] Tools --> GetTool[Get Entity Tool] Tools --> CreateTool[Create Entity Tool] Tools --> UpdateTool[Update Entity Tool] Tools --> InspectTool[Inspect Object Tool] end TPService --> Cache[Entity Type Cache] style Client fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px style Server fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px style TP fill:#bfb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px style Tools fill:#fbb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px style TPService fill:#fbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px ``` ## Class Diagram ```mermaid classDiagram class Server { -server: Server -service: TPService -tools: Object +constructor() -setupHandlers() -initializeCache() +run() } class TPService { -baseUrl: string -auth: string -retryConfig: RetryConfig -validEntityTypesCache: string[] +constructor(config: TPServiceConfig) +searchEntities() +getEntity() +createEntity() +updateEntity() +getUserStories() +getUserStory() +fetchMetadata() +getValidEntityTypes() +initializeEntityTypeCache() -formatWhereValue() -formatWhereField() -validateWhereClause() -formatOrderBy() -validateInclude() -executeWithRetry() -extractErrorMessage() -handleApiResponse() -validateEntityType() } class BaseTool { <<interface>> +execute() +static getDefinition() } class SearchTool { -service: TPService +constructor(service: TPService) +execute(args) +static getDefinition() } class GetEntityTool { -service: TPService +constructor(service: TPService) +execute(args) +static getDefinition() } class CreateEntityTool { -service: TPService +constructor(service: TPService) +execute(args) +static getDefinition() } class UpdateEntityTool { -service: TPService +constructor(service: TPService) +execute(args) +static getDefinition() } class InspectObjectTool { -service: TPService +constructor(service: TPService) +execute(args) +static getDefinition() } Server *-- TPService : contains Server *-- SearchTool : contains Server *-- GetEntityTool : contains Server *-- CreateEntityTool : contains Server *-- UpdateEntityTool : contains Server *-- InspectObjectTool : contains BaseTool <|-- SearchTool : implements BaseTool <|-- GetEntityTool : implements BaseTool <|-- CreateEntityTool : implements BaseTool <|-- UpdateEntityTool : implements BaseTool <|-- InspectObjectTool : implements SearchTool --> TPService : uses GetEntityTool --> TPService : uses CreateEntityTool --> TPService : uses UpdateEntityTool --> TPService : uses InspectObjectTool --> TPService : uses ``` ## Entity Data Models ```mermaid classDiagram class BaseEntity { +Id: number +Name: string +Description: string } class AssignableEntity { +EntityState: EntityState +Project: Project +Team: Team +AssignedUser: User } class UserStory { +Tasks: Task[] +Bugs: Bug[] +Feature: Feature } class Task { +UserStory: UserStory } class Bug { +UserStory: UserStory } class Feature { +UserStories: UserStory[] +Epic: Epic } class Epic { +Features: Feature[] +PortfolioEpic: PortfolioEpic } BaseEntity <|-- AssignableEntity : extends AssignableEntity <|-- UserStory : extends AssignableEntity <|-- Task : extends AssignableEntity <|-- Bug : extends AssignableEntity <|-- Feature : extends AssignableEntity <|-- Epic : extends UserStory o-- Task : contains UserStory o-- Bug : contains Feature o-- UserStory : contains Epic o-- Feature : contains ``` ## Transaction Models ### Search Flow ```mermaid sequenceDiagram participant Client as MCP Client participant Server as MCP Server participant TP as Target Process API Client->>+Server: Call search_entities tool Server->>Server: Parse arguments Server->>+TP: GET /api/v1/{EntityType}s Note right of TP: With query params:<br/>- where<br/>- include<br/>- take<br/>- orderBy TP-->>-Server: Return JSON response Server->>Server: Format response Server-->>-Client: Return formatted results ``` ### Entity CRUD Operations ```mermaid sequenceDiagram participant Client as MCP Client participant Server as MCP Server participant TP as Target Process API alt Get Entity Client->>+Server: Call get_entity tool Server->>+TP: GET /api/v1/{EntityType}s/{id} TP-->>-Server: Return entity data Server-->>-Client: Return formatted entity else Create Entity Client->>+Server: Call create_entity tool Server->>+TP: POST /api/v1/{EntityType}s Note right of TP: With JSON payload TP-->>-Server: Return created entity Server-->>-Client: Return result else Update Entity Client->>+Server: Call update_entity tool Server->>+TP: POST /api/v1/{EntityType}s/{id} Note right of TP: With JSON payload TP-->>-Server: Return updated entity Server-->>-Client: Return result end ``` ### Error Handling and Retry Logic ```mermaid flowchart TD Start([API Call]) --> CallAPI[Execute API Request] CallAPI --> CheckResponse{Response OK?} CheckResponse -->|Yes| ReturnResult[Return Result] CheckResponse -->|No| CheckRetries{Max Retries Reached?} CheckRetries -->|Yes| ThrowError[Throw McpError] CheckRetries -->|No| CheckErrorType{Error Type?} CheckErrorType -->|400/401| ThrowError CheckErrorType -->|Other| Wait[Wait with Exponential Backoff] Wait --> IncrementRetry[Increment Retry Count] IncrementRetry --> CallAPI ReturnResult --> End([End]) ThrowError --> End ``` ## Configuration and Initialization The Target Process MCP server can be configured in two ways: 1. **Environment Variables:** - `TP_DOMAIN`: Target Process domain (e.g., "") - `TP_USERNAME`: Username for authentication - `TP_PASSWORD`: Password for authentication 2. **Configuration File:** - Located at `config/targetprocess.json` - Contains domain and credential information During initialization, the server: 1. Loads configuration 2. Initializes the TP Service with configuration 3. Creates tool instances 4. Sets up MCP request handlers 5. Initializes entity type cache in the background ## Caching Strategy The server maintains a cache of valid entity types to improve performance: ```mermaid flowchart TD Start([API Call Requires Entity Validation]) --> CheckCache{Cache Valid?} CheckCache -->|Yes| UseCache[Use Cached Entity Types] CheckCache -->|No| CheckInit{Cache Init in Progress?} CheckInit -->|Yes| WaitForInit[Wait for Initialization] CheckInit -->|No| InitCache[Initialize Cache] InitCache --> FetchAPI[Fetch Entity Types from API] FetchAPI --> CacheResults[Cache Results] CacheResults --> SetTimestamp[Set Cache Timestamp] WaitForInit --> UseCache SetTimestamp --> UseCache UseCache --> ValidateType{Type Valid?} ValidateType -->|Yes| Return[Return Validated Type] ValidateType -->|No| FallbackCheck{Fallback to Static List?} FallbackCheck -->|Yes| CheckStatic{Type in Static List?} FallbackCheck -->|No| ThrowError[Throw McpError] CheckStatic -->|Yes| Return CheckStatic -->|No| ThrowError ``` ## Conclusion The Target Process MCP architecture follows a layered approach with clean separation of concerns: 1. **MCP Server Layer**: Handles communication with the MCP client 2. **Tool Layer**: Implements specific operations as MCP tools 3. **Service Layer**: Provides reusable API communication logic 4. **API Layer**: Communicates with the Target Process REST API This architecture ensures maintainability, extensibility, and robust error handling throughout the system.