Targetprocess MCP Server

by aaronsb
# Advanced Usage Patterns for Targetprocess MCP This document provides detailed examples and guidance for advanced usage patterns with the Targetprocess MCP. It focuses on complex queries, batch operations, performance optimization, and other advanced techniques for working with Targetprocess in enterprise environments. ## Complex Query Patterns Targetprocess supports a rich query language that allows for complex filtering and data retrieval. Here are some advanced query patterns: ### Nested Conditions ```json // Find high-priority stories that are either in progress or testing { "type": "UserStory", "where": "Priority.Name eq 'High' and (EntityState.Name eq 'In Progress' or EntityState.Name eq 'Testing')", "include": ["Project", "Team", "AssignedUser"] } ``` ### Date-Based Queries ```json // Find items created this month but not yet started { "type": "UserStory", "where": "CreateDate gt @StartOfMonth and EntityState.Name eq 'Open'", "include": ["Project", "Team"] } // Find items that have been in progress for more than 2 weeks { "type": "UserStory", "where": "EntityState.Name eq 'In Progress' and StartDate lt @Today-14", "include": ["Project", "Team", "AssignedUser"] } ``` ### Custom Field Filtering ```json // Filter by custom field values { "type": "UserStory", "where": "CustomField.RiskLevel eq 'High' and CustomField.BusinessValue gt 8", "include": ["Project", "Team"] } ``` ### Relationship-Based Queries ```json // Find stories with specific related entities { "type": "UserStory", "where": "Tasks.Count gt 0 and Bugs.Count eq 0", "include": ["Tasks", "Project"] } // Find stories related to a specific feature { "type": "UserStory", "where": "Feature.Id eq 12345", "include": ["Feature", "Project", "Team"] } ``` ### Combining Multiple Conditions ```json // Complex query combining multiple conditions { "type": "UserStory", "where": "Project.Id eq 123 and Team.Id eq 456 and Priority.Name eq 'High' and EntityState.Name ne 'Done' and CreateDate gt '2024-01-01' and AssignedUser is not null", "include": ["Project", "Team", "AssignedUser", "Tasks", "Bugs"], "orderBy": ["Priority.Importance desc", "CreateDate asc"] } ``` ## Advanced Filtering Techniques ### Text Search ```json // Search for specific text in name or description { "type": "UserStory", "where": "Name contains 'API' or Description contains 'integration'", "include": ["Project", "Team"] } ``` ### Numerical Comparisons ```json // Find stories with effort within a specific range { "type": "UserStory", "where": "Effort gt 5 and Effort lt 13", "include": ["Project", "Team"] } ``` ### Collection Filtering ```json // Find projects with more than 10 active stories { "type": "Project", "where": "UserStories.Count(EntityState.Name eq 'In Progress') gt 10", "include": ["Teams"] } ``` ### Null Checking ```json // Find stories missing required information { "type": "UserStory", "where": "Description is null or Effort is null or AssignedUser is null", "include": ["Project", "Team"] } ``` ## Batch Operations For large-scale operations, batch processing is essential. Here are some patterns for implementing batch operations: ### Batch Updates ```javascript // Pseudocode for batch updates async function batchUpdateEntities(entityType, query, updateData) { // Get entities to update const entities = await searchEntities({ type: entityType, where: query, take: 1000 }); console.log(`Found ${entities.length} entities to update`); // Process in smaller batches const batchSize = 50; const batches = []; for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i += batchSize) { batches.push(entities.slice(i, i + batchSize)); } console.log(`Split into ${batches.length} batches of ${batchSize}`); // Process each batch let successCount = 0; let errorCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < batches.length; i++) { console.log(`Processing batch ${i + 1} of ${batches.length}`); const batch = batches[i]; const results = await Promise.allSettled( => updateEntity({ type: entityType, id: entity.Id, fields: updateData })) ); // Count successes and failures successCount += results.filter(r => r.status === 'fulfilled').length; errorCount += results.filter(r => r.status === 'rejected').length; // Add delay between batches to avoid rate limiting if (i < batches.length - 1) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); } } return { total: entities.length, success: successCount, error: errorCount }; } // Example usage const result = await batchUpdateEntities( 'UserStory', "Project.Id eq 123 and EntityState.Name eq 'Open'", { status: { id: 456 // ID of "In Progress" state } } ); ``` ### Batch Creation ```javascript // Pseudocode for batch creation async function batchCreateEntities(entityType, entities) { // Process in smaller batches const batchSize = 20; const batches = []; for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i += batchSize) { batches.push(entities.slice(i, i + batchSize)); } console.log(`Split ${entities.length} entities into ${batches.length} batches of ${batchSize}`); // Process each batch let successCount = 0; let errorCount = 0; const createdEntities = []; for (let i = 0; i < batches.length; i++) { console.log(`Processing batch ${i + 1} of ${batches.length}`); const batch = batches[i]; const results = await Promise.allSettled( => createEntity({ type: entityType, ...entity })) ); // Collect results results.forEach(result => { if (result.status === 'fulfilled') { successCount++; createdEntities.push(result.value); } else { errorCount++; console.error(`Error creating entity: ${result.reason}`); } }); // Add delay between batches to avoid rate limiting if (i < batches.length - 1) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); } } return { total: entities.length, success: successCount, error: errorCount, created: createdEntities }; } // Example usage const result = await batchCreateEntities('Task', [ { name: 'Task 1', description: 'Description for Task 1', project: { id: 123 }, userStory: { id: 456 } }, { name: 'Task 2', description: 'Description for Task 2', project: { id: 123 }, userStory: { id: 456 } } // ... more tasks ]); ``` ### Batch Deletion ```javascript // Pseudocode for batch deletion async function batchDeleteEntities(entityType, query) { // Get entities to delete const entities = await searchEntities({ type: entityType, where: query, take: 1000 }); console.log(`Found ${entities.length} entities to delete`); // Process in smaller batches const batchSize = 20; const batches = []; for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i += batchSize) { batches.push(entities.slice(i, i + batchSize)); } console.log(`Split into ${batches.length} batches of ${batchSize}`); // Process each batch let successCount = 0; let errorCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < batches.length; i++) { console.log(`Processing batch ${i + 1} of ${batches.length}`); const batch = batches[i]; const results = await Promise.allSettled( => deleteEntity({ type: entityType, id: entity.Id })) ); // Count successes and failures successCount += results.filter(r => r.status === 'fulfilled').length; errorCount += results.filter(r => r.status === 'rejected').length; // Add delay between batches to avoid rate limiting if (i < batches.length - 1) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); } } return { total: entities.length, success: successCount, error: errorCount }; } // Example usage const result = await batchDeleteEntities( 'Task', "UserStory.Id eq 456 and EntityState.Name eq 'Done'" ); ``` ## Performance Optimization When working with large Targetprocess instances, performance optimization is crucial. Here are some techniques: ### Query Optimization ```javascript // Optimize queries by limiting fields and results async function optimizedQuery(entityType, query, fields) { // Only include the fields you need const include = fields || []; // Limit the number of results const take = 100; // Use specific where clause const where = query || "CreateDate gt @Today-30"; return await searchEntities({ type: entityType, where, include, take }); } ``` ### Caching ```javascript // Simple in-memory cache const cache = new Map(); const CACHE_TTL = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes async function cachedQuery(entityType, query, include) { const cacheKey = `${entityType}:${query}:${include.join(',')}`; // Check if we have a valid cache entry if (cache.has(cacheKey)) { const { data, timestamp } = cache.get(cacheKey); const age = - timestamp; if (age < CACHE_TTL) { console.log(`Cache hit for ${cacheKey}, age: ${age}ms`); return data; } console.log(`Cache expired for ${cacheKey}, age: ${age}ms`); } // Fetch fresh data console.log(`Cache miss for ${cacheKey}, fetching fresh data`); const data = await searchEntities({ type: entityType, where: query, include }); // Update cache cache.set(cacheKey, { data, timestamp: }); return data; } ``` ### Parallel Processing ```javascript // Process multiple queries in parallel async function parallelQueries(queries) { const results = await Promise.all( => searchEntities({ type: query.type, where: query.where, include: query.include, take: query.take || 100 })) ); return queries.reduce((acc, query, index) => { acc[] = results[index]; return acc; }, {}); } // Example usage const dashboardData = await parallelQueries([ { name: 'openStories', type: 'UserStory', where: "EntityState.Name eq 'Open'", take: 50 }, { name: 'inProgressStories', type: 'UserStory', where: "EntityState.Name eq 'In Progress'", take: 50 }, { name: 'openBugs', type: 'Bug', where: "EntityState.Name eq 'Open'", take: 50 }, { name: 'teamLoad', type: 'Team', include: ['AssignedUserStories', 'AssignedTasks'] } ]); ``` ### Incremental Processing ```javascript // Process large datasets incrementally async function incrementalProcessing(entityType, query, processor, batchSize = 100) { let skip = 0; let hasMore = true; let totalProcessed = 0; while (hasMore) { console.log(`Processing batch starting at offset ${skip}`); const batch = await searchEntities({ type: entityType, where: query, take: batchSize, skip }); if (batch.length === 0) { hasMore = false; continue; } // Process this batch await processor(batch); totalProcessed += batch.length; console.log(`Processed ${totalProcessed} entities so far`); // Check if we need to continue if (batch.length < batchSize) { hasMore = false; } else { skip += batchSize; // Add a small delay to avoid overwhelming the API await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)); } } return totalProcessed; } // Example usage const totalProcessed = await incrementalProcessing( 'UserStory', "Project.Id eq 123", async (batch) => { // Process each batch (e.g., export to CSV, update database, etc.) console.log(`Processing ${batch.length} stories`); // Example: Export to CSV await appendToCSV('stories.csv', batch); } ); ``` ## Advanced Entity Relationships Understanding and working with entity relationships is crucial for advanced usage: ### Hierarchical Relationships ```javascript // Get a complete hierarchy of entities async function getEntityHierarchy(entityType, entityId, levels = 3) { const hierarchy = { entity: null, children: [], parents: [] }; // Get the entity itself with includes hierarchy.entity = await getEntity({ type: entityType, id: entityId, include: ['Project', 'Team', 'Feature', 'Epic', 'Release'] }); // Get children based on entity type if (levels > 0) { switch (entityType) { case 'Epic': // Epics contain Features const features = await searchEntities({ type: 'Feature', where: `Epic.Id eq ${entityId}` }); // For each Feature, get its User Stories hierarchy.children = await Promise.all( => getEntityHierarchy('Feature', feature.Id, levels - 1)) ); break; case 'Feature': // Features contain User Stories const userStories = await searchEntities({ type: 'UserStory', where: `Feature.Id eq ${entityId}` }); // For each User Story, get its Tasks and Bugs hierarchy.children = await Promise.all( => getEntityHierarchy('UserStory', story.Id, levels - 1)) ); break; case 'UserStory': // User Stories contain Tasks and Bugs const [tasks, bugs] = await Promise.all([ searchEntities({ type: 'Task', where: `UserStory.Id eq ${entityId}` }), searchEntities({ type: 'Bug', where: `UserStory.Id eq ${entityId}` }) ]); hierarchy.children = [ => ({ entity: task, children: [], parents: [] })), => ({ entity: bug, children: [], parents: [] })) ]; break; } } return hierarchy; } ``` ### Cross-Entity Analysis ```javascript // Analyze relationships across different entity types async function analyzeEntityRelationships(projectId) { // Get all entities for the project const [epics, features, userStories, tasks, bugs] = await Promise.all([ searchEntities({ type: 'Epic', where: `Project.Id eq ${projectId}`, include: ['Project', 'Release'] }), searchEntities({ type: 'Feature', where: `Project.Id eq ${projectId}`, include: ['Project', 'Epic', 'Release'] }), searchEntities({ type: 'UserStory', where: `Project.Id eq ${projectId}`, include: ['Project', 'Feature', 'Team', 'Release'] }), searchEntities({ type: 'Task', where: `Project.Id eq ${projectId}`, include: ['UserStory', 'AssignedUser'] }), searchEntities({ type: 'Bug', where: `Project.Id eq ${projectId}`, include: ['UserStory', 'AssignedUser'] }) ]); // Build relationship maps const epicMap = new Map( => [epic.Id, epic])); const featureMap = new Map( => [feature.Id, feature])); const storyMap = new Map( => [story.Id, story])); // Analyze feature distribution across epics const featuresByEpic = features.reduce((acc, feature) => { const epicId = feature.Epic?.Id; if (epicId) { if (!acc[epicId]) { acc[epicId] = []; } acc[epicId].push(feature); } return acc; }, {}); // Analyze story distribution across features const storiesByFeature = userStories.reduce((acc, story) => { const featureId = story.Feature?.Id; if (featureId) { if (!acc[featureId]) { acc[featureId] = []; } acc[featureId].push(story); } return acc; }, {}); // Analyze task and bug distribution across stories const tasksByStory = tasks.reduce((acc, task) => { const storyId = task.UserStory?.Id; if (storyId) { if (!acc[storyId]) { acc[storyId] = []; } acc[storyId].push(task); } return acc; }, {}); const bugsByStory = bugs.reduce((acc, bug) => { const storyId = bug.UserStory?.Id; if (storyId) { if (!acc[storyId]) { acc[storyId] = []; } acc[storyId].push(bug); } return acc; }, {}); return { summary: { epicCount: epics.length, featureCount: features.length, storyCount: userStories.length, taskCount: tasks.length, bugCount: bugs.length }, distribution: { featuresByEpic, storiesByFeature, tasksByStory, bugsByStory }, orphans: { featuresWithoutEpic: features.filter(f => !f.Epic?.Id), storiesWithoutFeature: userStories.filter(s => !s.Feature?.Id), tasksWithoutStory: tasks.filter(t => !t.UserStory?.Id), bugsWithoutStory: bugs.filter(b => !b.UserStory?.Id) } }; } ``` ## Custom Field Management Working with custom fields requires special handling: ### Reading Custom Fields ```javascript // Extract custom fields from an entity function extractCustomFields(entity) { const customFields = {}; if (entity.CustomFields) { Object.entries(entity.CustomFields).forEach(([key, value]) => { customFields[key] = value; }); } return customFields; } // Example usage const userStories = await searchEntities({ type: 'UserStory', where: "Project.Id eq 123", include: ['CustomFields'] }); const customFieldsAnalysis = => ({ id: story.Id, name: story.Name, customFields: extractCustomFields(story) })); ``` ### Updating Custom Fields ```javascript // Update custom fields for an entity async function updateCustomFields(entityType, entityId, customFields) { // First get the current entity to ensure we have the correct format const entity = await getEntity({ type: entityType, id: entityId, include: ['CustomFields'] }); // Prepare the update payload const updatePayload = { CustomFields: { ...entity.CustomFields, ...customFields } }; // Update the entity return await updateEntity({ type: entityType, id: entityId, fields: updatePayload }); } // Example usage await updateCustomFields('UserStory', 12345, { RiskLevel: 'High', BusinessValue: 8, ROI: 'Medium' }); ``` ### Custom Field Analysis ```javascript // Analyze custom field usage across entities async function analyzeCustomFieldUsage(entityType, projectId) { // Get all entities with custom fields const entities = await searchEntities({ type: entityType, where: `Project.Id eq ${projectId}`, include: ['CustomFields'], take: 1000 }); // Track custom field usage const fieldUsage = {}; const fieldValues = {}; entities.forEach(entity => { if (entity.CustomFields) { Object.entries(entity.CustomFields).forEach(([key, value]) => { // Count usage if (!fieldUsage[key]) { fieldUsage[key] = 0; fieldValues[key] = new Set(); } fieldUsage[key]++; // Track unique values if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { fieldValues[key].add(String(value)); } }); } }); // Convert sets to arrays for easier consumption Object.keys(fieldValues).forEach(key => { fieldValues[key] = Array.from(fieldValues[key]); }); return { entityCount: entities.length, customFields: Object.keys(fieldUsage).map(key => ({ name: key, usageCount: fieldUsage[key], usagePercentage: (fieldUsage[key] / entities.length) * 100, uniqueValues: fieldValues[key], valueCount: fieldValues[key].length })) }; } ``` ## Error Handling and Resilience Robust error handling is essential for production applications: ### Retry Logic ```javascript // Retry a function with exponential backoff async function withRetry(fn, options = {}) { const { maxRetries = 3, initialDelay = 1000, maxDelay = 10000, factor = 2, retryOnStatusCodes = [429, 500, 502, 503, 504] } = options; let attempt = 0; let delay = initialDelay; while (true) { try { return await fn(); } catch (error) { attempt++; // Check if we should retry const statusCode = error.statusCode || (error.response && error.response.status); const shouldRetry = attempt <= maxRetries && (retryOnStatusCodes.includes(statusCode) || !statusCode); if (!shouldRetry) { throw error; } // Calculate delay with jitter const jitter = Math.random() * 0.3 + 0.85; // 0.85-1.15 delay = Math.min(delay * factor * jitter, maxDelay); console.log(`Retry attempt ${attempt}/${maxRetries} after ${Math.round(delay)}ms`); // Wait before retrying await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay)); } } } // Example usage const result = await withRetry( () => searchEntities({ type: 'UserStory', where: "Project.Id eq 123", take: 1000 }), { maxRetries: 5, initialDelay: 2000 } ); ``` ### Error Aggregation ```javascript // Aggregate errors from batch operations async function batchOperationWithErrorAggregation(items, operation) { const results = { success: [], errors: [], total: items.length }; for (const item of items) { try { const result = await operation(item); results.success.push({ item, result }); } catch (error) { results.errors.push({ item, error: { message: error.message, statusCode: error.statusCode || (error.response && error.response.status), details: error.details || error.response?.data } }); } } return results; } // Example usage const updateResults = await batchOperationWithErrorAggregation( userStoriesToUpdate, async (story) => { return await updateEntity({ type: 'UserStory', id:, fields: story.updates }); } ); console.log(`Updated ${updateResults.success.length} stories successfully`); console.log(`Failed to update ${updateResults.errors.length} stories`); // Group errors by type for analysis const errorsByType = updateResults.errors.reduce((acc, error) => { const type = error.error.statusCode || 'unknown'; if (!acc[type]) { acc[type] = []; } acc[type].push(error); return acc; }, {}); console.log('Errors by type:', Object.keys(errorsByType).map(type => `${type}: ${errorsByType[type].length}`)); ``` ## Conclusion These advanced usage patterns demonstrate the power and flexibility of the Targetprocess MCP for enterprise scenarios. By leveraging complex queries, batch operations, performance optimization techniques, and robust error handling, you can build sophisticated integrations and analytics solutions that work effectively with large-scale Targetprocess implementations. Remember to consider the specific requirements and constraints of your Targetprocess instance, and always test your code thoroughly before deploying to production environments.