MCP Reasoner

# GitHub MCP Server MCP Server for the GitHub API, enabling file operations, repository management, search functionality, and more. ### Features - **Automatic Branch Creation**: When creating/updating files or pushing changes, branches are automatically created if they don't exist - **Comprehensive Error Handling**: Clear error messages for common issues - **Git History Preservation**: Operations maintain proper Git history without force pushing - **Batch Operations**: Support for both single-file and multi-file operations - **Advanced Search**: Support for searching code, issues/PRs, and users ## Tools 1. `create_or_update_file` - Create or update a single file in a repository - Inputs: - `owner` (string): Repository owner (username or organization) - `repo` (string): Repository name - `path` (string): Path where to create/update the file - `content` (string): Content of the file - `message` (string): Commit message - `branch` (string): Branch to create/update the file in - `sha` (optional string): SHA of file being replaced (for updates) - Returns: File content and commit details 2. `push_files` - Push multiple files in a single commit - Inputs: - `owner` (string): Repository owner - `repo` (string): Repository name - `branch` (string): Branch to push to - `files` (array): Files to push, each with `path` and `content` - `message` (string): Commit message - Returns: Updated branch reference 3. `search_repositories` - Search for GitHub repositories - Inputs: - `query` (string): Search query - `page` (optional number): Page number for pagination - `perPage` (optional number): Results per page (max 100) - Returns: Repository search results 4. `create_repository` - Create a new GitHub repository - Inputs: - `name` (string): Repository name - `description` (optional string): Repository description - `private` (optional boolean): Whether repo should be private - `autoInit` (optional boolean): Initialize with README - Returns: Created repository details 5. `get_file_contents` - Get contents of a file or directory - Inputs: - `owner` (string): Repository owner - `repo` (string): Repository name - `path` (string): Path to file/directory - `branch` (optional string): Branch to get contents from - Returns: File/directory contents 6. `create_issue` - Create a new issue - Inputs: - `owner` (string): Repository owner - `repo` (string): Repository name - `title` (string): Issue title - `body` (optional string): Issue description - `assignees` (optional string[]): Usernames to assign - `labels` (optional string[]): Labels to add - `milestone` (optional number): Milestone number - Returns: Created issue details 7. `create_pull_request` - Create a new pull request - Inputs: - `owner` (string): Repository owner - `repo` (string): Repository name - `title` (string): PR title - `body` (optional string): PR description - `head` (string): Branch containing changes - `base` (string): Branch to merge into - `draft` (optional boolean): Create as draft PR - `maintainer_can_modify` (optional boolean): Allow maintainer edits - Returns: Created pull request details 8. `fork_repository` - Fork a repository - Inputs: - `owner` (string): Repository owner - `repo` (string): Repository name - `organization` (optional string): Organization to fork to - Returns: Forked repository details 9. `create_branch` - Create a new branch - Inputs: - `owner` (string): Repository owner - `repo` (string): Repository name - `branch` (string): Name for new branch - `from_branch` (optional string): Source branch (defaults to repo default) - Returns: Created branch reference 10. `list_issues` - List and filter repository issues - Inputs: - `owner` (string): Repository owner - `repo` (string): Repository name - `state` (optional string): Filter by state ('open', 'closed', 'all') - `labels` (optional string[]): Filter by labels - `sort` (optional string): Sort by ('created', 'updated', 'comments') - `direction` (optional string): Sort direction ('asc', 'desc') - `since` (optional string): Filter by date (ISO 8601 timestamp) - `page` (optional number): Page number - `per_page` (optional number): Results per page - Returns: Array of issue details 11. `update_issue` - Update an existing issue - Inputs: - `owner` (string): Repository owner - `repo` (string): Repository name - `issue_number` (number): Issue number to update - `title` (optional string): New title - `body` (optional string): New description - `state` (optional string): New state ('open' or 'closed') - `labels` (optional string[]): New labels - `assignees` (optional string[]): New assignees - `milestone` (optional number): New milestone number - Returns: Updated issue details 12. `add_issue_comment` - Add a comment to an issue - Inputs: - `owner` (string): Repository owner - `repo` (string): Repository name - `issue_number` (number): Issue number to comment on - `body` (string): Comment text - Returns: Created comment details 13. `search_code` - Search for code across GitHub repositories - Inputs: - `q` (string): Search query using GitHub code search syntax - `sort` (optional string): Sort field ('indexed' only) - `order` (optional string): Sort order ('asc' or 'desc') - `per_page` (optional number): Results per page (max 100) - `page` (optional number): Page number - Returns: Code search results with repository context 14. `search_issues` - Search for issues and pull requests - Inputs: - `q` (string): Search query using GitHub issues search syntax - `sort` (optional string): Sort field (comments, reactions, created, etc.) - `order` (optional string): Sort order ('asc' or 'desc') - `per_page` (optional number): Results per page (max 100) - `page` (optional number): Page number - Returns: Issue and pull request search results 15. `search_users` - Search for GitHub users - Inputs: - `q` (string): Search query using GitHub users search syntax - `sort` (optional string): Sort field (followers, repositories, joined) - `order` (optional string): Sort order ('asc' or 'desc') - `per_page` (optional number): Results per page (max 100) - `page` (optional number): Page number - Returns: User search results 16. `list_commits` - Gets commits of a branch in a repository - Inputs: - `owner` (string): Repository owner - `repo` (string): Repository name - `page` (optional string): page number - `per_page` (optional string): number of record per page - `sha` (optional string): branch name - Returns: List of commits 17. `get_issue` - Gets the contents of an issue within a repository - Inputs: - `owner` (string): Repository owner - `repo` (string): Repository name - `issue_number` (number): Issue number to retrieve - Returns: Github Issue object & details 18. `get_issue_comments` - Gets the comments on an issue or pull request - Inputs: - `owner` (string): Repository owner - `repo` (string): Repository name - `issue_number` (number): Issue/PR number to retrieve comments from - Returns: Array of GitHub comment objects containing comment ID, body text, author, and timestamps ## Search Query Syntax ### Code Search - `language:javascript`: Search by programming language - `repo:owner/name`: Search in specific repository - `path:app/src`: Search in specific path - `extension:js`: Search by file extension - Example: `q: "import express" language:typescript path:src/` ### Issues Search - `is:issue` or `is:pr`: Filter by type - `is:open` or `is:closed`: Filter by state - `label:bug`: Search by label - `author:username`: Search by author - Example: `q: "memory leak" is:issue is:open label:bug` ### Users Search - `type:user` or `type:org`: Filter by account type - `followers:>1000`: Filter by followers - `location:London`: Search by location - Example: `q: "fullstack developer" location:London followers:>100` For detailed search syntax, see [GitHub's searching documentation]( ## Setup ### Personal Access Token [Create a GitHub Personal Access Token]( with appropriate permissions: - Go to [Personal access tokens]( (in GitHub Settings > Developer settings) - Select which repositories you'd like this token to have access to (Public, All, or Select) - Create a token with the `repo` scope ("Full control of private repositories") - Alternatively, if working only with public repositories, select only the `public_repo` scope - Copy the generated token ### Usage with Claude Desktop To use this with Claude Desktop, add the following to your `claude_desktop_config.json`: ```json { "mcpServers": { "github": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "@modelcontextprotocol/server-github" ], "env": { "GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN": "<YOUR_TOKEN>" } } } } ``` ## License This MCP server is licensed under the MIT License. This means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the software, subject to the terms and conditions of the MIT License. For more details, please see the LICENSE file in the project repository.