by JayZeeDesign
- figma_mcp
import json
import hashlib
def rgba_to_hex(rgba):
Convert an RGBA dict into a #RRGGBB hex string (ignoring alpha in this demo).
r = int(rgba["r"] * 255)
g = int(rgba["g"] * 255)
b = int(rgba["b"] * 255)
return f"#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}"
def style_hash(style_data):
Create a hash from style data to use as a unique identifier.
style_str = json.dumps(style_data, sort_keys=True)
return hashlib.md5(style_str.encode()).hexdigest()
def figma_align_to_flex(figma_val):
Convert Figma alignment values to CSS flex values.
align_map = {
"MIN": "flex-start",
"CENTER": "center",
"MAX": "flex-end",
"SPACE_BETWEEN": "space-between"
return align_map.get(figma_val, "flex-start")
def get_fill_style_id(fills, styles):
Process fill styles and add them to the styles dictionary.
if not fills or len(fills) == 0 or fills[0].get("visible", True) == False:
return None
fill = fills[0]
if fill["type"] == "SOLID":
color = fill["color"]
opacity = fill.get("opacity", 1)
# Create a style object
style_data = {
"backgroundColor": rgba_to_hex(color),
"opacity": opacity
# Generate a unique ID for this style
style_id = style_hash(style_data)
# Add to styles dictionary if not already present
if style_id not in styles:
styles[style_id] = style_data
return style_id
return None
def get_layout_style_id(raw_node, styles):
Process layout styles and add them to the styles dictionary.
layout_style = {}
# Extract layout properties
if "layoutMode" in raw_node:
layout_mode = raw_node["layoutMode"]
if layout_mode == "HORIZONTAL":
layout_style["display"] = "flex"
layout_style["flexDirection"] = "row"
elif layout_mode == "VERTICAL":
layout_style["display"] = "flex"
layout_style["flexDirection"] = "column"
# Process padding
if "paddingLeft" in raw_node:
layout_style["paddingLeft"] = f"{raw_node['paddingLeft']}px"
if "paddingRight" in raw_node:
layout_style["paddingRight"] = f"{raw_node['paddingRight']}px"
if "paddingTop" in raw_node:
layout_style["paddingTop"] = f"{raw_node['paddingTop']}px"
if "paddingBottom" in raw_node:
layout_style["paddingBottom"] = f"{raw_node['paddingBottom']}px"
# Process spacing
if "itemSpacing" in raw_node:
layout_style["gap"] = f"{raw_node['itemSpacing']}px"
# Process alignment
if "primaryAxisAlignItems" in raw_node:
primary_align = raw_node["primaryAxisAlignItems"]
counter_align = raw_node.get("counterAxisAlignItems", "MIN")
def align_map_primary(val):
if layout_mode == "HORIZONTAL":
return figma_align_to_flex(val)
return figma_align_to_flex(val)
def align_map_counter(val):
if layout_mode == "HORIZONTAL":
return figma_align_to_flex(val)
return figma_align_to_flex(val)
layout_style["justifyContent"] = align_map_primary(primary_align)
layout_style["alignItems"] = align_map_counter(counter_align)
# Process size constraints
if "absoluteBoundingBox" in raw_node:
bbox = raw_node["absoluteBoundingBox"]
layout_style["width"] = f"{bbox['width']}px"
layout_style["height"] = f"{bbox['height']}px"
# Process border radius
border_radius = get_border_radius(raw_node)
if border_radius:
layout_style["borderRadius"] = border_radius
# Process corner smoothing
corner_smoothing = get_corner_smoothing(raw_node)
if corner_smoothing:
layout_style["borderRadius"] = corner_smoothing
# Generate a unique ID for this style if it's not empty
if layout_style:
style_id = style_hash(layout_style)
# Add to styles dictionary if not already present
if style_id not in styles:
styles[style_id] = layout_style
return style_id
return None
def get_border_radius(raw_node):
Extract border radius from a node.
if "cornerRadius" in raw_node:
return f"{raw_node['cornerRadius']}px"
return None
def get_corner_smoothing(raw_node):
Extract corner smoothing from a node.
if "cornerSmoothing" in raw_node and raw_node["cornerSmoothing"] > 0:
return f"{raw_node['cornerSmoothing']}px"
return None
def get_text_style_id(raw_node, styles):
Process text styles and add them to the styles dictionary.
if raw_node["type"] != "TEXT" or "style" not in raw_node:
return None
text_style = {}
node_style = raw_node["style"]
# Extract text properties
if "fontFamily" in node_style:
text_style["fontFamily"] = node_style["fontFamily"]
if "fontWeight" in node_style:
text_style["fontWeight"] = node_style["fontWeight"]
if "fontSize" in node_style:
text_style["fontSize"] = f"{node_style['fontSize']}px"
if "lineHeightPx" in node_style:
text_style["lineHeight"] = f"{node_style['lineHeightPx']}px"
if "letterSpacing" in node_style:
text_style["letterSpacing"] = f"{node_style['letterSpacing']}px"
if "textAlignHorizontal" in node_style:
align_map = {"LEFT": "left", "CENTER": "center", "RIGHT": "right", "JUSTIFIED": "justify"}
text_style["textAlign"] = align_map.get(node_style["textAlignHorizontal"], "left")
# Process fill color for text
if "fills" in raw_node and raw_node["fills"]:
fill = raw_node["fills"][0]
if fill["type"] == "SOLID":
text_style["color"] = rgba_to_hex(fill["color"])
# Generate a unique ID for this style if it's not empty
if text_style:
style_id = style_hash(text_style)
# Add to styles dictionary if not already present
if style_id not in styles:
styles[style_id] = text_style
return style_id
return None
def transform_node(raw_node, styles):
Transform a Figma node into a simplified structure.
node_type = raw_node["type"]
# Basic node properties
node = {
"id": raw_node["id"],
"name": raw_node["name"],
"type": node_type,
"visible": raw_node.get("visible", True)
# Process styles
fill_style_id = get_fill_style_id(raw_node.get("fills", []), styles)
if fill_style_id:
node["fillStyleId"] = fill_style_id
layout_style_id = get_layout_style_id(raw_node, styles)
if layout_style_id:
node["layoutStyleId"] = layout_style_id
text_style_id = get_text_style_id(raw_node, styles)
if text_style_id:
node["textStyleId"] = text_style_id
# Process text content
if node_type == "TEXT" and "characters" in raw_node:
node["characters"] = raw_node["characters"]
# Process image content
if node_type == "RECTANGLE" and "fills" in raw_node:
for fill in raw_node.get("fills", []):
if fill["type"] == "IMAGE" and "imageRef" in fill:
node["imageRef"] = fill["imageRef"]
# Process children
if "children" in raw_node:
node["children"] = []
for child in raw_node["children"]:
# Skip invisible nodes
if child.get("visible", True) == False:
transformed_child = transform_node(child, styles)
# Process component properties
if "componentPropertyReferences" in raw_node:
node["componentPropertyReferences"] = raw_node["componentPropertyReferences"]
# Process component properties
if "componentProperties" in raw_node:
node["componentProperties"] = raw_node["componentProperties"]
# Process component property definitions
if "componentPropertyDefinitions" in raw_node:
node["componentPropertyDefinitions"] = raw_node["componentPropertyDefinitions"]
# Process variants
if "variantProperties" in raw_node:
node["variantProperties"] = raw_node["variantProperties"]
# Process component set
if "componentSetId" in raw_node:
node["componentSetId"] = raw_node["componentSetId"]
# Process component
if "componentId" in raw_node:
node["componentId"] = raw_node["componentId"]
return node
def transform_figma_json(raw_data):
Transform Figma JSON data into a simplified structure.
# Initialize styles dictionary
styles = {}
# Transform the document
if isinstance(raw_data, dict) and "document" in raw_data:
document = transform_node(raw_data["document"], styles)
document = transform_node(raw_data, styles)
# Return the transformed data
return {
"document": document,
"styles": styles