by JayZeeDesign
- figma_mcp
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import os
import argparse
import json
from pathlib import Path
# Import the clean_node module from the package
from figma_mcp.clean_node import transform_figma_json
import requests
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP
def main():
"""Entry point for the figma-mcp CLI."""
# Load environment variables
# Create an MCP server
mcp = FastMCP("figma")
# Parse command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Figma MCP Python Server")
help="Figma API token to use instead of environment variable",
args = parser.parse_args()
# Use command-line argument if provided, otherwise use environment variable
FIGMA_API_TOKEN = args.figma_api_key or os.getenv("FIGMA_API_TOKEN")
print("Error: Figma API token not provided. Please set FIGMA_API_TOKEN environment variable or use --figma-api-key.")
# Define helper functions
def fetch_figma_file(file_key: str, download_file: bool = False):
headers = {"X-Figma-Token": FIGMA_API_TOKEN}
url = f"{file_key}"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code != 200:
return {"error": f"Failed to fetch Figma file: {response.status_code}"}
figma_data = response.json()
if download_file:
with open(f"{file_key}.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(figma_data, f, indent=2)
return figma_data
def extract_prototype_connections(figma_data):
connections = []
def traverse_nodes(node):
if "children" in node:
for child in node.get("children", []):
if "transitionNodeID" in child and child.get("transitionNodeID"):
"sourceNodeID": child.get("id"),
"sourceNodeName": child.get("name", "Unnamed"),
"targetNodeID": child.get("transitionNodeID"),
"interaction": child.get("transitionDuration", 0),
# Start traversal from the document
if "document" in figma_data:
return connections
def fetch_figma_nodes(file_key: str, node_ids: str):
headers = {"X-Figma-Token": FIGMA_API_TOKEN}
url = f"{file_key}/nodes?ids={node_ids}"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code != 200:
return {"error": f"Failed to fetch Figma nodes: {response.status_code}"}
return response.json()
# Register MCP tools
def get_components(file_key: str) -> list[dict]:
"""Get components available in a Figma file
file_key (str): The file key found in the shared Figma URL
list[dict]: List of components found in the Figma file
figma_data = fetch_figma_file(file_key)
if "error" in figma_data:
return [{"error": figma_data["error"]}]
components = []
for component_id, component_data in figma_data.get("components", {}).items():
"id": component_id,
"name": component_data.get("name", "Unnamed Component"),
"description": component_data.get("description", ""),
return components
def get_node(file_key: str, node_id: str) -> dict:
"""Get a specific node from a Figma file
file_key (str): The file key found in the shared Figma URL, e.g. if url is, then the file key is do4pJqHwNwH1nBrrscu6Ld
node_id (str): The ID of the node to retrieve, has to be in format x:x, e.g. in url it will be like 0-3, but it should be 0:3
dict: The node data if found, empty dict if not found
# Convert node_id format if needed (from 0-3 to 0:3)
if "-" in node_id and ":" not in node_id:
node_id = node_id.replace("-", ":")
response = fetch_figma_nodes(file_key, node_id)
if "error" in response:
return {"error": response["error"]}
# Find the node in the response
def find_node_by_id(data, target_id):
if isinstance(data, dict):
if data.get("id") == target_id:
return transform_figma_json(data)
for key, value in data.items():
result = find_node_by_id(value, target_id)
if result:
return result
elif isinstance(data, list):
for item in data:
result = find_node_by_id(item, target_id)
if result:
return result
return None
# Look for the node in the nodes data
for node_key, node_data in response.get("nodes", {}).items():
if node_data.get("document"):
node = find_node_by_id(node_data["document"], node_id)
if node:
return node
return {}
def get_workflow(file_key: str) -> list[dict]:
"""Get workflows available in a Figma file
file_key (str): The file key found in the shared Figma URL, e.g. if url is, then the file key is do4pJqHwNwH1nBrrscu6Ld
list[dict]: List of workflow connections found in the Figma file
figma_data = fetch_figma_file(file_key)
if "error" in figma_data:
return [{"error": figma_data["error"]}]
connections = extract_prototype_connections(figma_data)
return connections
# Start the MCP server
print(f"Starting Figma MCP server...")
if __name__ == "__main__":