Youtube MCP ServersparfenyukAsecurityAlicenseAqualityBridges YouTube API and AI assistants, enabling video analysis by downloading and processing closed captions to create summaries of YouTube videos.11PythonMIT LicenseApple
Headline Vibes Analysis MCP Serverfred-emAsecurityFlicenseAqualityAnalyzes sentiment in news headlines from major US publications using both standard and natural language date inputs, enabling insights into public sentiment trends.11JavaScript
mcp-jira-server1broseidonAsecurityFlicenseAqualityProvides integration with Jira's REST API, allowing AI assistants to manage Jira issues programmatically.66JavaScriptApple
YouTube MCP ServeranaisbettsVerifiedAsecurityAlicenseAqualityUses yt-dlp to download subtitles from YouTube and connects it to via Model Context Protocol.1902197JavaScriptMIT LicenseApple
Sentry MCP servermodelcontextprotocol-securityAlicense-qualityThis server provides tools to inspect error reports, stacktraces, and other debugging information from your Sentry account.17,722JavaScriptMIT License