• fastapi_mcp
""" Server module for FastAPI-MCP. This module provides functionality for creating and mounting MCP servers to FastAPI applications. """ from typing import Dict, Optional, Any from fastapi import FastAPI from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP from mcp.server.sse import SseServerTransport from starlette.requests import Request from .http_tools import create_mcp_tools_from_openapi def create_mcp_server( app: FastAPI, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, capabilities: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> FastMCP: """ Create an MCP server from a FastAPI app. Args: app: The FastAPI application name: Name for the MCP server (defaults to app.title) description: Description for the MCP server (defaults to app.description) capabilities: Optional capabilities for the MCP server Returns: The created FastMCP instance """ # Use app details if not provided server_name = name or app.title or "FastAPI MCP" server_description = description or app.description # Create the MCP server mcp_server = FastMCP(server_name, server_description) # Configure server capabilities if provided if capabilities: for capability, value in capabilities.items(): # TODO: Maybe revise this hacky approach mcp_server.settings.capabilities[capability] = value # type: ignore return mcp_server def mount_mcp_server( app: FastAPI, mcp_server: FastMCP, mount_path: str = "/mcp", serve_tools: bool = True, base_url: Optional[str] = None, describe_all_responses: bool = False, describe_full_response_schema: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Mount an MCP server to a FastAPI app. Args: app: The FastAPI application mcp_server: The MCP server to mount mount_path: Path where the MCP server will be mounted serve_tools: Whether to serve tools from the FastAPI app base_url: Base URL for API requests describe_all_responses: Whether to include all possible response schemas in tool descriptions. Recommended to keep False, as the LLM will probably derive if there is an error. describe_full_response_schema: Whether to include full json schema for responses in tool descriptions. Recommended to keep False, as examples are more LLM friendly, and save tokens. """ # Normalize mount path if not mount_path.startswith("/"): mount_path = f"/{mount_path}" if mount_path.endswith("/"): mount_path = mount_path[:-1] # Create SSE transport for MCP messages sse_transport = SseServerTransport(f"{mount_path}/messages/") # Define MCP connection handler async def handle_mcp_connection(request: Request): async with sse_transport.connect_sse(request.scope, request.receive, request._send) as streams: await streams[0], streams[1], mcp_server._mcp_server.create_initialization_options(), ) # Mount the MCP connection handler app.get(mount_path)(handle_mcp_connection) app.mount(f"{mount_path}/messages/", app=sse_transport.handle_post_message) # Serve tools from the FastAPI app if requested if serve_tools: create_mcp_tools_from_openapi( app, mcp_server, base_url, describe_all_responses=describe_all_responses, describe_full_response_schema=describe_full_response_schema, ) def add_mcp_server( app: FastAPI, mount_path: str = "/mcp", name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, capabilities: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, serve_tools: bool = True, base_url: Optional[str] = None, describe_all_responses: bool = False, describe_full_response_schema: bool = False, ) -> FastMCP: """ Add an MCP server to a FastAPI app. Args: app: The FastAPI application mount_path: Path where the MCP server will be mounted name: Name for the MCP server (defaults to app.title) description: Description for the MCP server (defaults to app.description) capabilities: Optional capabilities for the MCP server serve_tools: Whether to serve tools from the FastAPI app base_url: Base URL for API requests (defaults to http://localhost:$PORT) describe_all_responses: Whether to include all possible response schemas in tool descriptions. Recommended to keep False, as the LLM will probably derive if there is an error. describe_full_response_schema: Whether to include full json schema for responses in tool descriptions. Recommended to keep False, as examples are more LLM friendly, and save tokens. Returns: The FastMCP instance that was created and mounted """ # Create MCP server mcp_server = create_mcp_server(app, name, description, capabilities) # Mount MCP server to FastAPI app mount_mcp_server( app, mcp_server, mount_path, serve_tools, base_url, describe_all_responses=describe_all_responses, describe_full_response_schema=describe_full_response_schema, ) return mcp_server