by tadata-org
- fastapi_mcp
HTTP tools for FastAPI-MCP.
This module provides functionality for creating MCP tools from FastAPI endpoints.
import json
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
import httpx
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.openapi.utils import get_openapi
from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP
logger = logging.getLogger("fastapi_mcp")
def resolve_schema_references(schema: Dict[str, Any], openapi_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Resolve schema references in OpenAPI schemas.
schema: The schema that may contain references
openapi_schema: The full OpenAPI schema to resolve references from
The schema with references resolved
# Make a copy to avoid modifying the input schema
schema = schema.copy()
# Handle $ref directly in the schema
if "$ref" in schema:
ref_path = schema["$ref"]
# Standard OpenAPI references are in the format "#/components/schemas/ModelName"
if ref_path.startswith("#/components/schemas/"):
model_name = ref_path.split("/")[-1]
if "components" in openapi_schema and "schemas" in openapi_schema["components"]:
if model_name in openapi_schema["components"]["schemas"]:
# Replace with the resolved schema
ref_schema = openapi_schema["components"]["schemas"][model_name].copy()
# Remove the $ref key and merge with the original schema
# Handle array items
if "type" in schema and schema["type"] == "array" and "items" in schema:
schema["items"] = resolve_schema_references(schema["items"], openapi_schema)
# Handle object properties
if "properties" in schema:
for prop_name, prop_schema in schema["properties"].items():
schema["properties"][prop_name] = resolve_schema_references(prop_schema, openapi_schema)
return schema
def clean_schema_for_display(schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Clean up a schema for display by removing internal fields.
schema: The schema to clean
The cleaned schema
# Make a copy to avoid modifying the input schema
schema = schema.copy()
# Remove common internal fields that are not helpful for LLMs
fields_to_remove = [
for field in fields_to_remove:
if field in schema:
# Process nested properties
if "properties" in schema:
for prop_name, prop_schema in schema["properties"].items():
if isinstance(prop_schema, dict):
schema["properties"][prop_name] = clean_schema_for_display(prop_schema)
# Process array items
if "type" in schema and schema["type"] == "array" and "items" in schema:
if isinstance(schema["items"], dict):
schema["items"] = clean_schema_for_display(schema["items"])
return schema
def create_mcp_tools_from_openapi(
app: FastAPI,
mcp_server: FastMCP,
base_url: Optional[str] = None,
describe_all_responses: bool = False,
describe_full_response_schema: bool = False,
) -> None:
Create MCP tools from a FastAPI app's OpenAPI schema.
app: The FastAPI application
mcp_server: The MCP server to add tools to
base_url: Base URL for API requests (defaults to http://localhost:$PORT)
describe_all_responses: Whether to include all possible response schemas in tool descriptions
describe_full_response_schema: Whether to include full response schema in tool descriptions
# Get OpenAPI schema from FastAPI app
openapi_schema = get_openapi(
if not base_url:
# Try to determine the base URL from FastAPI config
if hasattr(app, "root_path") and app.root_path:
base_url = app.root_path
# Default to localhost with FastAPI default port
port = 8000
for route in app.routes:
if hasattr(route, "app") and hasattr(, "port"):
port =
base_url = f"http://localhost:{port}"
# Normalize base URL
if base_url.endswith("/"):
base_url = base_url[:-1]
# Process each path in the OpenAPI schema
for path, path_item in openapi_schema.get("paths", {}).items():
for method, operation in path_item.items():
# Skip non-HTTP methods
if method not in ["get", "post", "put", "delete", "patch"]:
# Get operation metadata
operation_id = operation.get("operationId")
if not operation_id:
# Create MCP tool for this operation
summary=operation.get("summary", ""),
description=operation.get("description", ""),
parameters=operation.get("parameters", []),
request_body=operation.get("requestBody", {}),
responses=operation.get("responses", {}),
def create_http_tool(
mcp_server: FastMCP,
base_url: str,
path: str,
method: str,
operation_id: str,
summary: str,
description: str,
parameters: List[Dict[str, Any]],
request_body: Dict[str, Any],
responses: Dict[str, Any],
openapi_schema: Dict[str, Any],
describe_all_responses: bool,
describe_full_response_schema: bool,
) -> None:
Create an MCP tool that makes an HTTP request to a FastAPI endpoint.
mcp_server: The MCP server to add the tool to
base_url: Base URL for API requests
path: API endpoint path
method: HTTP method
operation_id: Operation ID
summary: Operation summary
description: Operation description
parameters: OpenAPI parameters
request_body: OpenAPI request body
responses: OpenAPI responses
openapi_schema: The full OpenAPI schema
describe_all_responses: Whether to include all possible response schemas in tool descriptions
describe_full_response_schema: Whether to include full response schema in tool descriptions
# Build tool description
tool_description = f"{summary}" if summary else f"{method.upper()} {path}"
if description:
tool_description += f"\n\n{description}"
# Add response schema information to description
if responses:
response_info = "\n\n### Responses:\n"
# Find the success response (usually 200 or 201)
success_codes = ["200", "201", "202", 200, 201, 202]
success_response = None
for status_code in success_codes:
if str(status_code) in responses:
success_response = responses[str(status_code)]
# Get the list of responses to include
responses_to_include = responses
if not describe_all_responses and success_response:
# If we're not describing all responses, only include the success response
success_code = next((code for code in success_codes if str(code) in responses), None)
if success_code:
responses_to_include = {str(success_code): success_response}
# Process all selected responses
for status_code, response_data in responses_to_include.items():
response_desc = response_data.get("description", "")
response_info += f"\n**{status_code}**: {response_desc}"
# Highlight if this is the main success response
if response_data == success_response:
response_info += " (Success Response)"
# Add schema information if available
if "content" in response_data:
for content_type, content_data in response_data["content"].items():
if "schema" in content_data:
schema = content_data["schema"]
response_info += f"\nContent-Type: {content_type}"
# Resolve any schema references
resolved_schema = resolve_schema_references(schema, openapi_schema)
# Clean the schema for display
display_schema = clean_schema_for_display(resolved_schema)
# Get model name if it's a referenced model
model_name = None
model_examples = None
items_model_name = None
if "$ref" in schema:
ref_path = schema["$ref"]
if ref_path.startswith("#/components/schemas/"):
model_name = ref_path.split("/")[-1]
response_info += f"\nModel: {model_name}"
# Try to get examples from the model
model_examples = extract_model_examples_from_components(model_name, openapi_schema)
# Check if this is an array of items
if schema.get("type") == "array" and "items" in schema and "$ref" in schema["items"]:
items_ref_path = schema["items"]["$ref"]
if items_ref_path.startswith("#/components/schemas/"):
items_model_name = items_ref_path.split("/")[-1]
response_info += f"\nArray of: {items_model_name}"
# Create example response based on schema type
example_response = None
# Check if we have examples from the model
if model_examples and len(model_examples) > 0:
example_response = model_examples[0] # Use first example
# Otherwise, try to create an example from the response definitions
elif "examples" in response_data:
# Use examples directly from response definition
for example_key, example_data in response_data["examples"].items():
if "value" in example_data:
example_response = example_data["value"]
# If content has examples
elif "examples" in content_data:
for example_key, example_data in content_data["examples"].items():
if "value" in example_data:
example_response = example_data["value"]
# If content has example
elif "example" in content_data:
example_response = content_data["example"]
# Special handling for array of items
if (
not example_response
and display_schema.get("type") == "array"
and items_model_name == "Item"
example_response = [
"id": 1,
"name": "Hammer",
"description": "A tool for hammering nails",
"price": 9.99,
"tags": ["tool", "hardware"],
"id": 2,
"name": "Screwdriver",
"description": "A tool for driving screws",
"price": 7.99,
"tags": ["tool", "hardware"],
] # type: ignore
# If we have an example response, add it to the docs
if example_response:
response_info += "\n\n**Example Response:**\n```json\n"
response_info += json.dumps(example_response, indent=2)
response_info += "\n```"
# Otherwise generate an example from the schema
generated_example = generate_example_from_schema(display_schema, model_name)
if generated_example:
response_info += "\n\n**Example Response:**\n```json\n"
response_info += json.dumps(generated_example, indent=2)
response_info += "\n```"
# Only include full schema information if requested
if describe_full_response_schema:
# Format schema information based on its type
if display_schema.get("type") == "array" and "items" in display_schema:
items_schema = display_schema["items"]
response_info += (
"\n\n**Output Schema:** Array of items with the following structure:\n```json\n"
response_info += json.dumps(items_schema, indent=2)
response_info += "\n```"
elif "properties" in display_schema:
response_info += "\n\n**Output Schema:**\n```json\n"
response_info += json.dumps(display_schema, indent=2)
response_info += "\n```"
response_info += "\n\n**Output Schema:**\n```json\n"
response_info += json.dumps(display_schema, indent=2)
response_info += "\n```"
tool_description += response_info
# Organize parameters by type
path_params = []
query_params = []
header_params = []
body_params = []
for param in parameters:
param_name = param.get("name")
param_in = param.get("in")
required = param.get("required", False)
if param_in == "path":
path_params.append((param_name, param))
elif param_in == "query":
query_params.append((param_name, param))
elif param_in == "header":
header_params.append((param_name, param))
# Process request body if present
if request_body and "content" in request_body:
content_type = next(iter(request_body["content"]), None)
if content_type and "schema" in request_body["content"][content_type]:
schema = request_body["content"][content_type]["schema"]
if "properties" in schema:
for prop_name, prop_schema in schema["properties"].items():
required = prop_name in schema.get("required", [])
"name": prop_name,
"schema": prop_schema,
"required": required,
# Create input schema properties for all parameters
properties = {}
required_props = []
# Add path parameters to properties
for param_name, param in path_params:
param_schema = param.get("schema", {})
param_desc = param.get("description", "")
param_required = param.get("required", True) # Path params are usually required
properties[param_name] = {
"type": param_schema.get("type", "string"),
"title": param_name,
"description": param_desc,
if param_required:
# Add query parameters to properties
for param_name, param in query_params:
param_schema = param.get("schema", {})
param_desc = param.get("description", "")
param_required = param.get("required", False)
properties[param_name] = {
"type": param_schema.get("type", "string"),
"title": param_name,
"description": param_desc,
if param_required:
# Add body parameters to properties
for param_name, param in body_params:
param_schema = param.get("schema", {})
param_required = param.get("required", False)
properties[param_name] = param_schema
properties[param_name]["title"] = param_name
if param_required:
# Function to dynamically call the API endpoint
async def http_tool_function(**kwargs):
# Prepare URL with path parameters
url = f"{base_url}{path}"
for param_name, _ in path_params:
if param_name in kwargs:
url = url.replace(f"{{{param_name}}}", str(kwargs.pop(param_name)))
# Prepare query parameters
query = {}
for param_name, _ in query_params:
if param_name in kwargs:
query[param_name] = kwargs.pop(param_name)
# Prepare headers
headers = {}
for param_name, _ in header_params:
if param_name in kwargs:
headers[param_name] = kwargs.pop(param_name)
# Prepare request body (remaining kwargs)
body = kwargs if kwargs else None
# Make the request
logger.debug(f"Making {method.upper()} request to {url}")
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
if method.lower() == "get":
response = await client.get(url, params=query, headers=headers)
elif method.lower() == "post":
response = await, params=query, headers=headers, json=body)
elif method.lower() == "put":
response = await client.put(url, params=query, headers=headers, json=body)
elif method.lower() == "delete":
response = await client.delete(url, params=query, headers=headers, json=body)
elif method.lower() == "patch":
response = await client.patch(url, params=query, headers=headers, json=body)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported HTTP method: {method}")
# Process the response
return response.json()
except ValueError:
return response.text
# Create a proper input schema for the tool
input_schema = {"type": "object", "properties": properties, "title": f"{operation_id}Arguments"}
if required_props:
input_schema["required"] = required_props
# Set the function name and docstring
http_tool_function.__name__ = operation_id
http_tool_function.__doc__ = tool_description
# Monkey patch the function's schema for MCP tool creation
# TODO: Maybe revise this hacky approach
http_tool_function._input_schema = input_schema # type: ignore
# Add tool to the MCP server with the enhanced schema
tool = mcp_server._tool_manager.add_tool(http_tool_function, name=operation_id, description=tool_description)
# Update the tool's parameters to use our custom schema instead of the auto-generated one
tool.parameters = input_schema
def extract_model_examples_from_components(
model_name: str, openapi_schema: Dict[str, Any]
) -> Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
Extract examples from a model definition in the OpenAPI components.
model_name: The name of the model to extract examples from
openapi_schema: The full OpenAPI schema
List of example dictionaries if found, None otherwise
if "components" not in openapi_schema or "schemas" not in openapi_schema["components"]:
return None
if model_name not in openapi_schema["components"]["schemas"]:
return None
schema = openapi_schema["components"]["schemas"][model_name]
# Look for examples in the schema
examples = None
# Check for examples field directly (OpenAPI 3.1.0+)
if "examples" in schema:
examples = schema["examples"]
# Check for example field (older OpenAPI versions)
elif "example" in schema:
examples = [schema["example"]]
return examples
def generate_example_from_schema(schema: Dict[str, Any], model_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Any:
Generate a simple example response from a JSON schema.
schema: The JSON schema to generate an example from
model_name: Optional model name for special handling
An example object based on the schema
if not schema or not isinstance(schema, dict):
return None
# Special handling for known model types
if model_name == "Item":
# Create a realistic Item example since this is commonly used
return {
"id": 1,
"name": "Hammer",
"description": "A tool for hammering nails",
"price": 9.99,
"tags": ["tool", "hardware"],
elif model_name == "HTTPValidationError":
# Create a realistic validation error example
return {"detail": [{"loc": ["body", "name"], "msg": "field required", "type": "value_error.missing"}]}
# Handle different types
schema_type = schema.get("type")
if schema_type == "object":
result = {}
if "properties" in schema:
for prop_name, prop_schema in schema["properties"].items():
# Generate an example for each property
prop_example = generate_example_from_schema(prop_schema)
if prop_example is not None:
result[prop_name] = prop_example
return result
elif schema_type == "array":
if "items" in schema:
# Generate a single example item
item_example = generate_example_from_schema(schema["items"])
if item_example is not None:
return [item_example]
return []
elif schema_type == "string":
# Check if there's a format
format_type = schema.get("format")
if format_type == "date-time":
return "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"
elif format_type == "date":
return "2023-01-01"
elif format_type == "email":
return ""
elif format_type == "uri":
return ""
# Use title or property name if available
return schema.get("title", "string")
elif schema_type == "integer":
return 1
elif schema_type == "number":
return 1.0
elif schema_type == "boolean":
return True
elif schema_type == "null":
return None
# Default case
return None