PyGithub MCP Server

""" Report generation utilities. This module contains functions for generating various report formats from coverage data, including HTML, JSON, and JUnit XML. """ import os import sys import json import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Any from .models import CoverageReport, TestFailure, get_color_for_coverage def generate_html_report(report: CoverageReport, output_file: str, test_failures: Optional[List[TestFailure]] = None) -> None: """Generate an HTML report from the coverage data and test failures. Args: report: The coverage report object output_file: Path to save the HTML report (usually .html extension) test_failures: Optional list of test failures to include """ # Check for Jinja2 try: import jinja2 except ImportError: print("Installing Jinja2...") import subprocess[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "jinja2"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) import jinja2 html_file = output_file.replace('.json', '.html') # Set up Jinja2 environment template_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'templates') if not os.path.exists(template_dir): os.makedirs(template_dir) env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_dir), autoescape=jinja2.select_autoescape(['html', 'xml']) ) try: # Get template and render with context template = env.get_template('coverage_report.html') html_content = template.render( report=report, test_failures=test_failures or [], get_color_for_coverage=get_color_for_coverage ) # Write output with open(html_file, 'w') as f: f.write(html_content) print(f"HTML report generated: {html_file}") except jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: print(f"Error: Could not find template 'coverage_report.html' in {template_dir}") print("Please create the template file or check the path.") def generate_json_report(report: CoverageReport, output_file: str) -> None: """Generate a JSON report from the coverage data. Args: report: The coverage report object output_file: Path to save the JSON report """ report_dict = report.to_dict() with open(output_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(report_dict, f, indent=2) print(f"JSON report generated: {output_file}") def generate_junit_xml(test_failures: List[TestFailure], output_file: str = "junit-report.xml") -> None: """Generate JUnit XML report from test failures for CI/CD systems. Args: test_failures: List of test failures to report output_file: Path to save the XML report """ root = ET.Element("testsuites") testsuite = ET.SubElement(root, "testsuite", name="PyTest", tests=str(len(test_failures)), failures=str(len([f for f in test_failures if f.outcome == "failed"])), errors=str(len([f for f in test_failures if f.outcome == "error"])), skipped=str(len([f for f in test_failures if f.outcome == "skipped"]))) for failure in test_failures: # Extract class and name from test ID parts ="::") classname = parts[0] if parts else "unknown" testname = "::".join(parts[1:]) if len(parts) > 1 else testcase = ET.SubElement(testsuite, "testcase", classname=classname, name=testname, time=str(failure.duration)) if failure.outcome == "failed": fail = ET.SubElement(testcase, "failure", message=failure.message[:100]) fail.text = failure.message elif failure.outcome == "error": error = ET.SubElement(testcase, "error", message=failure.message[:100]) error.text = failure.message elif failure.outcome == "skipped": ET.SubElement(testcase, "skipped") tree = ET.ElementTree(root) tree.write(output_file) print(f"JUnit XML report generated: {output_file}") def output_github_actions_annotations(test_failures: List[TestFailure]) -> None: """Output test failures as GitHub Actions annotations. Args: test_failures: List of test failures to report """ for failure in test_failures: test_name = file_path = failure.file if failure.file else test_name line_num = failure.line if failure.line > 0 else 1 # Format message for GitHub Actions message = f"::error file={file_path},line={line_num}::{test_name} - {failure.outcome}" print(message)