PyGithub MCP Server

""" Test collection and execution with coverage. This module handles collecting pytest tests and running them with coverage. """ import os import re import sys import json import subprocess from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Any from datetime import datetime from .models import TestFailure def get_file_from_nodeid(nodeid: str) -> str: """Extract file path from pytest nodeid.""" return nodeid.split("::")[0] if "::" in nodeid else nodeid def get_line_from_location(location: str) -> int: """Extract line number from pytest location string.""" try: return int(location.split(":")[-1]) if ":" in location else 0 except ValueError: return 0 def collect_tests(include_integration: bool = False) -> List[str]: """ Collect all test nodeids. Args: include_integration: Whether to include integration tests Returns: List of test nodeids """ print("Collecting tests... ") # First collect all tests to get a count collect_cmd = ["python", "-m", "pytest", "tests", "--collect-only", "-q"] if include_integration: collect_cmd.append("--run-integration") else: collect_cmd.extend(["-m", "not integration"]) print(f"Debug: Collection command: {' '.join(collect_cmd)}") try: result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) # Show collection output for debugging print(f"Collection output: {result.stdout.strip()}") if result.stderr: print(f"Collection stderr: {result.stderr.strip()}") # Each line in the output should be a test ID in the quiet mode test_list = [line.strip() for line in result.stdout.splitlines() if line.strip()] # Count total tests total_tests = len(test_list) # Print the test count for info print(f"Collected {total_tests} Tests") return test_list except Exception as e: print(f"Error during test collection: {e}") return [] def group_tests_by_module(test_list: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Dict]: """ Group a list of tests by their module. Args: test_list: List of test nodeids Returns: Dictionary mapping module names to test information """ modules = {} for test_path in test_list: if not test_path: continue # Extract the module part of the test path parts = test_path.split('::') if len(parts) > 0: # Get module path - categorize by directory and file test_path = parts[0] # Extract the category (e.g., unit/errors, integration/client) if '/' in test_path: # Extract test category from path like "tests/unit/errors/" path_parts = test_path.split('/') if len(path_parts) >= 3: # For example: "unit/errors" or "integration/client" module_key = f"{path_parts[1]}/{path_parts[2]}" # Add human readable name for the module module_name = f"{path_parts[1].capitalize()} {path_parts[2].capitalize()}" # Add to modules dictionary with count if module_key not in modules: modules[module_key] = { "name": module_name, "tests": [], } modules[module_key]["tests"].append(test_path) # Add counts to each module for key in modules: modules[key]["count"] = len(modules[key]["tests"]) return modules def run_module_tests(module_name: str, test_files: List[str], package_path: str, include_integration: bool) -> Tuple[str, List[TestFailure], int]: """ Run tests for a specific module with coverage. Args: module_name: Human-readable name of the module test_files: List of test files to run package_path: Path to the package to measure coverage for include_integration: Whether to run integration tests Returns: Tuple of (output, failures, test_count) """ print(f"Running {module_name} Tests ({len(test_files)})") # Build the test command for this module module_cmd = [ "python", "-m", "pytest", f"--cov={package_path}", "--cov-append", # Append to coverage data for each module "--json-report", f"--json-report-file=test_results.json", ] # Add test files to the command module_cmd.extend(test_files) if include_integration: module_cmd.append("--run-integration") print(f"Debug: Running module command: {' '.join(module_cmd)}") # Run tests for this module start_time = result = module_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True ) end_time = elapsed = (end_time - start_time).total_seconds() return_code = result.returncode print(f"Module tests completed in {elapsed:.1f} seconds (Return code: {return_code})") # If output is too long, truncate it output_sample = (result.stdout + result.stderr) if len(output_sample) > 500: output_sample = output_sample[:500] + "... [truncated]" if return_code != 0 and return_code != 5: # 5 is test failures print(f"Warning: Module tests returned non-zero exit code. Output sample:\n{output_sample}") # Parse failures for this module failures = [] try: if os.path.exists("test_results.json"): with open("test_results.json") as f: test_results = json.load(f) for test in test_results.get("tests", []): if test.get("outcome") != "passed": # Create failure record failure = TestFailure( name=test.get("nodeid", "Unknown"), outcome=test.get("outcome", "error"), message=test.get("call", {}).get("longrepr", "No details available"), duration=test.get("duration", 0.0), file=get_file_from_nodeid(test.get("nodeid", "")), line=get_line_from_location(test.get("location", "")) ) failures.append(failure) if failures: print(f"Found {len(failures)} test failures in this module") except Exception as e: print(f"Error parsing test failures for module {module_name}: {e}") return output_sample, failures, len(test_files) def run_coverage(package_path: str = "src/pygithub_mcp_server", include_integration: bool = False) -> Tuple[str, List[TestFailure]]: """ Run pytest with coverage and return the output and test failures. Args: package_path: Path to the package to measure coverage for include_integration: Whether to run integration tests Returns: Tuple of (coverage_output, test_failures) """ # Install required dependencies if needed["python", "-m", "pip", "install", "--quiet", "--upgrade", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-json-report"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Clear any existing coverage data if os.path.exists(".coverage"): os.remove(".coverage") # Collect tests test_list = collect_tests(include_integration) if not test_list: print("No tests found or test collection failed!") return "", [] total_tests = len(test_list) print(f"Collected {total_tests} Tests") # Group tests by module modules = group_tests_by_module(test_list) if not modules: print("Warning: Could not group tests by module. Running all tests at once.") # Fallback to running all tests at once all_cmd = [ "python", "-m", "pytest", "tests/", f"--cov={package_path}", "--cov-report=term", # Don't use term-missing to avoid stdout clutter "--json-report", f"--json-report-file=test_results.json", ] if include_integration: all_cmd.append("--run-integration") print(f"Debug: Running fallback command: {' '.join(all_cmd)}") result = all_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True ) # Print return code to help debug issues print(f"Return code: {result.returncode}") # If there's an error, show a sample of the output to help diagnose if result.returncode != 0: output_sample = result.stdout + result.stderr if len(output_sample) > 500: output_sample = output_sample[:500] + "... [truncated]" print(f"Command output sample:\n{output_sample}") # Generate coverage report cov_report = ["python", "-m", "coverage", "report", f"--include={package_path}/*"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True ) # Parse failures failures = [] try: if os.path.exists("test_results.json"): with open("test_results.json") as f: test_results = json.load(f) for test in test_results.get("tests", []): if test.get("outcome") != "passed": # Create failure record failure = TestFailure( name=test.get("nodeid", "Unknown"), outcome=test.get("outcome", "error"), message=test.get("call", {}).get("longrepr", "No details available"), duration=test.get("duration", 0.0), file=get_file_from_nodeid(test.get("nodeid", "")), line=get_line_from_location(test.get("location", "")) ) failures.append(failure) if failures: print(f"Found {len(failures)} test failures") except Exception as e: print(f"Error parsing test failures: {e}") return cov_report.stdout, failures # Run tests module by module with coverage all_output = "" all_failures = [] tests_completed = 0 for module_key, module_info in modules.items(): module_name = module_info["name"] test_list = module_info["tests"] # Run tests for this module output, failures, test_count = run_module_tests( module_name, test_list, package_path, include_integration ) # Add failures to the list all_failures.extend(failures) # Update progress tests_completed += test_count print(f"{tests_completed} of {total_tests} Tests Complete") # Generate a final coverage report print("Generating final coverage report...") cov_report_cmd = [ "python", "-m", "coverage", "report", f"--include={package_path}/*" ] final_result = cov_report_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True ) all_output = final_result.stdout print(f"All tests completed. Total failures: {len(all_failures)}") return all_output, all_failures