PyGithub MCP Server

- » - [Reference]( » - [Github objects]( » - Installation - [View page source]( * * * # Installation [¶](\#installation "Permalink to this headline") _class_ `github.Installation.` `Installation` [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") This class represents Installations. The reference can be found here []( The OpenAPI schema can be found at \- /components/schemas/installation _property_ `requester` [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") Return my Requester object. For example, to make requests to API endpoints not yet supported by PyGitHub. `get_repos`() → github.PaginatedList.PaginatedList\[github.Repository.Repository\]\[github.Repository.Repository\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /installation/repositories](