PyGithub MCP Server

- » - [Reference]( » - [Github objects]( » - ApplicationOAuth - [View page source]( * * * # ApplicationOAuth [¶](\#applicationoauth "Permalink to this headline") _class_ `github.ApplicationOAuth.` `ApplicationOAuth` [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") This class is used for identifying and authorizing users for Github Apps. The reference can be found at []( `get_login_url`( _redirect\_uri: str \| None = None_, _state: str \| None = None_, _login: str \| None = None_) → str [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") Return the URL you need to redirect a user to in order to authorize your App. `get_access_token`( _code: str_, _state: str \| None = None_) → AccessToken [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [POST /login/oauth/access\_token]( `refresh_access_token`( _refresh\_token: str_) → AccessToken [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [POST /login/oauth/access\_token]( Parameters **refresh\_token** – string