PyGithub MCP Server

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# Comprehensive Test Improvement Plan ## Current Status As of March 8, 2025, we have: - 100% of tests passing with 88% overall coverage (up from 86%) - Completed Phase 1 of our test improvement plan: - Fixed TestGitHubClient warning by using underscore-prefixed class and proper fixture pattern - Improved coverage from 54% to 95%+ with comprehensive test cases - Added tests for each datetime conversion function with proper edge cases - Standardized fixtures in `tests/integration/` - Created comprehensive documentation for test patterns in `tests/integration/` ## Implementation Progress (March 8, 2025) We've made significant progress implementing the test improvement plan: 1. Created targeted unit tests for `tools/repositories/` (High Priority): - Created `tests/unit/tools/repositories/` with specific tests for: - Repository creation error handling (lines 57-58) - Fork repository errors (lines 111-112) - Repository search edge cases (lines 151-167) - File contents parameter validation (lines 210-214) - File update error cases (lines 246-262) - Push files validation (lines 297-313) - Branch creation edge cases (lines 346-362) - Commit list parameter validation (lines 395-396, 401-402) - User repository listing (lines 443-459) 2. Added integration tests in `tests/integration/tools/repositories/`: - Repository search with empty results (lines 151-167) - Repository retrieval with real API - Commit listing with real API - File contents retrieval with real API - Repository search with real API 3. Key implementation approaches: - Used dataclasses instead of mocks (per project preferences) - Leveraged existing fixtures for integration tests - Used `with_retry` decorator for handling rate limiting - Created targeted tests for each missing coverage area - Followed project patterns for test structure ## Current Coverage Analysis Based on the latest coverage report: ``` Name Stmts Miss Branch BrPart Cover Missing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- src/pygithub_mcp_server/ 4 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/ 4 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/client/ 3 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/client/ 61 6 10 3 87% 60, 91, 94, 122-124 src/pygithub_mcp_server/client/ 53 3 18 1 94% 32-34, 46->49 src/pygithub_mcp_server/config/ 2 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/config/ 33 1 16 2 94% 54->62, 59 src/pygithub_mcp_server/converters/ 9 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/converters/common/ 2 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/converters/common/ 49 0 30 3 96% 66->81, 76->81, 130->128 src/pygithub_mcp_server/converters/common/ 52 9 10 0 85% 41-43, 95-101 src/pygithub_mcp_server/converters/issues/ 3 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/converters/issues/ 6 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/converters/issues/ 16 0 2 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/converters/ 70 0 52 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/converters/repositories/ 3 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/converters/repositories/ 4 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/converters/repositories/ 4 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/converters/ 16 1 8 1 92% 38 src/pygithub_mcp_server/converters/users/ 2 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/converters/users/ 6 0 2 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/errors/ 4 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/errors/ 21 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/errors/ 22 0 14 1 97% 33->47 src/pygithub_mcp_server/errors/ 106 13 48 6 88% 57->64, 61-62, 65->71, 68-70, 95, 97, 99, 118-121, 143-145 src/pygithub_mcp_server/operations/ 2 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/operations/ 196 21 36 1 91% 77, 214-226, 239-241, 245-246, 402-404 src/pygithub_mcp_server/operations/ 150 32 26 9 77% 53-55, 81->83, 83->85, 85->89, 92-94, 116->120, 123-125, 153-155, 193-195, 225, 244-246, 277->271, 279-281, 294->297, 309-311, 337, 352-354, 377, 396-398 src/pygithub_mcp_server/schemas/ 8 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/schemas/ 27 0 6 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/schemas/ 176 0 44 1 99% 259->264 src/pygithub_mcp_server/schemas/ 10 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/schemas/ 138 2 38 4 97% 122->127, 124, 218->223, 220 src/pygithub_mcp_server/schemas/ 21 0 2 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/schemas/ 14 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/ 25 1 2 1 93% 20 src/pygithub_mcp_server/tools/ 68 11 24 3 80% 57->54, 68-76, 127, 130-131 src/pygithub_mcp_server/tools/issues/ 2 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/tools/issues/ 183 39 2 0 79% 75-79, 112-113, 152-156, 193-197, 229-233, 304-308, 340-344, 376-380, 425-426 src/pygithub_mcp_server/tools/repositories/ 5 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/tools/repositories/ 182 68 0 0 63% 57-58, 111-112, 151-167, 210-214, 246-262, 297-313, 346-362, 395-396, 401-402, 443-459 src/pygithub_mcp_server/utils/ 2 0 0 0 100% src/pygithub_mcp_server/utils/ 52 6 30 6 83% 29, 34-37, 44->exit, 109, 112, 114->121 src/pygithub_mcp_server/ 10 2 0 0 80% 48, 56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 1826 215 420 42 88% ``` ### Expected Coverage Improvements After implementing the planned tests, we expect to see: 1. For `tools/repositories/`: - Current: 63% coverage (68 missing lines) - Expected: 85-90% coverage (reduced to ~20 missing lines) - Key areas addressed: all identified missing ranges (57-58, 111-112, 151-167, etc.) 2. Additional integration tests will indirectly improve coverage in: - `operations/`: expected to reach 85%+ - Other modules through shared code paths ### Priority Areas (Updated) 1. **High Priority (Coverage < 70%)** - ~~`tools/repositories/` (63%)~~ - **In Progress**: Implemented targeted tests, awaiting new coverage report 2. **Medium Priority (Coverage 70-85%)** - `tools/issues/` (79%) - `operations/` (77%) - `tools/` (80%) - `utils/` (83%) - `converters/common/` (85%) 3. **Low Priority (Coverage > 85%)** - `client/` (87%) - `errors/` (88%) - All others with minor coverage gaps ## Comprehensive Improvement Strategy Our test improvement strategy covers three key dimensions: 1. **Coverage Improvements** - Targeting specific code paths in priority modules 2. **Test Pattern Standardization** - Creating reusable patterns and fixtures 3. **Test Infrastructure** - Building tooling to support maintainable tests ### Phase 1: Coverage-Driven Improvements (In Progress) #### 1. Repository Tools Module (High Priority) **Target:** `tools/repositories/` (63% → 80%+) Missing lines analysis shows we need tests for: - ✅ Lines 57-58: Create repository error handling - ✅ Lines 111-112: Fork repository error paths - ✅ Lines 151-167: Repository search edge cases - ✅ Lines 210-214: File contents parameter validation - ✅ Lines 246-262: File update error cases - ✅ Lines 297-313: Push files validation - ✅ Lines 346-362: Branch creation edge cases - ✅ Lines 395-396, 401-402: Commit list parameter validation - ✅ Lines 443-459: User repository listing **Implementation Complete:** Created targeted tests for all identified missing coverage areas in: - `tests/unit/tools/repositories/` - `tests/integration/tools/repositories/` **Implementation Approach:** 1. Created a test file structure that mirrors the tool structure: - Separate test modules for edge cases and integration tests - Clear naming convention for test functions targeting specific coverage gaps 2. Implemented a standard test matrix for each tool function: - Success path test - Validation error test - API error test - Parameter edge case tests 3. Leveraged existing fixtures: - Used `with_retry` for handling GitHub API rate limits - Used `test_owner`, `test_repo_name` for integration tests - Created targeted test fixtures for specific test scenarios #### 2. Repository Operations Module (Medium Priority - Next Focus) **Target:** `operations/` (77% → 90%+) Missing lines analysis shows we need tests for: - Lines 53-55: Get repository error handling - Lines 81-89: Repository creation branching logic - Lines 92-94: Repository creation error handling - Lines 123-125: Fork repository error handling - Lines 153-155: Search repositories error handling - Lines 193-195: File contents error handling - Lines 244-246: File update error handling - Lines 279-281: Push files error handling - Lines 309-311: Branch creation error handling - Lines 352-354: Commit listing error handling - Lines 396-398: User repositories error handling **Implementation Plan:** 1. Create comprehensive test classes for each operation group: - Follow the same approach used for repository tools - Create targeted tests for each missing coverage area - Leverage existing integration test fixtures 2. Focus on error conditions with appropriate error types: - 400-level errors (Not Found, Unauthorized, etc.) - Rate limiting errors - Validation errors - Network errors 3. Address conditional logic and edge cases: - Test parameter handling paths - Test branching logic through specific inputs #### 3. Issues Tools Module (Medium Priority - Upcoming Focus) **Target:** `tools/issues/` (79% → 90%+) Missing lines analysis shows we need tests for: - Lines 75-79: Create issue error handling - Lines 112-113: Get issue error handling - Lines 152-156: Update issue error handling - Lines 193-197: List issues error handling - Lines 229-233: Add comment error handling - Lines 304-308: List comments error handling - Lines 340-344: Update comment error handling - Lines 376-380: Delete comment error handling - Lines 425-426: Add labels error handling **Implementation Plan:** Apply the same comprehensive testing matrix as for repository tools, focusing on: 1. Success path tests 2. Validation error tests 3. API error tests 4. Parameter edge cases ### Phase 2: Test Pattern Standardization Building on our coverage improvements, we'll create standardized patterns for all tests: #### 1. Layer-specific Test Patterns **Schema Layer Tests** ```python def test_schema_validation(): """Test schema field validation.""" # Valid data test valid_data = {"owner": "test", "repo": "test-repo"} params = RepositoryParams(**valid_data) assert params.owner == "test" # Invalid data test with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as exc_info: RepositoryParams(owner="", repo="test-repo") assert "owner cannot be empty" in str(exc_info.value) # Field validator test with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as exc_info: IssueParams(owner="test", repo="test-repo", state="invalid") assert "invalid state" in str(exc_info.value) ``` **Operations Layer Tests** ```python def test_operation_success(mock_github_client): """Test successful operation.""" # Setup params = OperationParams(param1="value1", param2="value2") # Execute result = operation_function(params) # Verify assert result["key"] == "expected_value" mock_github_client.method.assert_called_once_with("value1", "value2") def test_operation_error(mock_github_client_with_error): """Test operation error handling.""" # Setup params = OperationParams(param1="value1", param2="value2") # Execute and verify with pytest.raises(GitHubError) as exc_info: operation_function(params) assert "error message" in str(exc_info.value) ``` **Tools Layer Tests** ```python @pytest.mark.integration def test_tool_success(test_owner, test_repo): """Test successful tool execution with real PyGithub client.""" # Set up test data params = {"params": {"owner": test_owner, "repo": test_repo}} # Call tool with real parameters result = get_repository(params) # Verify assert not result.get("is_error", False) assert isinstance(result["content"], list) assert result["content"][0]["type"] == "text" # Verify actual content reflects the real repository @pytest.mark.integration def test_tool_error(): """Test tool error handling with non-existent repository.""" # Set up test data with non-existent repository params = {"params": {"owner": "non-existent-user-12345", "repo": "non-existent-repo-12345"}} # Call tool with invalid parameters result = get_repository(params) # Verify error response assert result.get("is_error", False) is True assert "not found" in result["content"][0]["text"].lower() ``` #### 2. Test Fixture Templates **Unit Test Fixtures** ```python # tests/unit/ @pytest.fixture def test_github_objects(): """Create test objects using dataclasses for unit tests.""" owner = RepositoryOwner(login="test-owner", id=12345) repo = Repository( id=98765, name="test-repo", full_name="test-owner/test-repo", owner=owner, html_url="" ) issue = Issue( number=1, title="Test Issue", body="Test issue body", state="open", user=owner, html_url="" ) return { "owner": owner, "repository": repo, "issue": issue } @pytest.fixture def github_exceptions(): """Create GitHub exceptions for testing error paths.""" return { "not_found": GithubException(404, {"message": "Not found"}), "rate_limit": GithubException(403, {"message": "API rate limit exceeded"}), "validation": GithubException(422, {"message": "Validation failed", "errors": [ {"resource": "Issue", "field": "title", "code": "missing_field"} ]}) } ``` **Integration Test Fixtures** ```python # tests/integration/ @pytest.fixture def test_owner(): """Get the GitHub owner for integration tests.""" return os.environ.get("GITHUB_TEST_OWNER", "test-owner") @pytest.fixture def test_repo(): """Get the GitHub repository for integration tests.""" return os.environ.get("GITHUB_TEST_REPO", "test-repo") @pytest.fixture def unique_id(): """Generate a unique identifier for test resources.""" return f"test-{str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]}" @pytest.fixture def test_cleanup(): """Fixture to track and clean up test resources.""" cleanup = TestCleanup() yield cleanup cleanup.cleanup_all() class TestCleanup: """Resource tracking and cleanup helper.""" def __init__(self): self.issues = [] self.comments = [] self.repositories = [] self.branches = [] def add_issue(self, owner, repo, issue_number): """Track an issue for cleanup.""" self.issues.append((owner, repo, issue_number)) def add_comment(self, owner, repo, issue_number, comment_id): """Track a comment for cleanup.""" self.comments.append((owner, repo, issue_number, comment_id)) def add_repository(self, owner, repo): """Track a repository for cleanup.""" self.repositories.append((owner, repo)) def add_branch(self, owner, repo, branch): """Track a branch for cleanup.""" self.branches.append((owner, repo, branch)) def cleanup_all(self): """Clean up all tracked resources.""" client = GitHubClient.get_instance() # Clean up in reverse order of dependencies self._cleanup_comments(client) self._cleanup_issues(client) self._cleanup_branches(client) self._cleanup_repositories(client) ``` **Test Retry Mechanism** ```python # tests/integration/utils/ def with_retry(func, max_retries=3, initial_wait=2): """ Execute a function with retry logic for rate limit handling. Args: func: Function to execute max_retries: Maximum number of retry attempts initial_wait: Initial wait time in seconds (doubles each retry) Returns: The result of the function if successful Raises: The last exception if all retries fail """ last_exception = None for attempt in range(max_retries): try: return func() except GitHubError as e: if "rate limit exceeded" in str(e).lower() and attempt < max_retries - 1: wait_time = initial_wait * (2 ** attempt) logging.warning(f"Rate limited, retrying in {wait_time} seconds...") time.sleep(wait_time) last_exception = e else: raise if last_exception: raise last_exception ``` #### 3. Test Helper Functions ```python # tests/helpers/ def create_test_repository(owner, repo_name, test_cleanup=None): """ Create a test repository and register for cleanup. Args: owner: GitHub username or organization repo_name: Repository name test_cleanup: Optional TestCleanup instance Returns: Created repository details """ params = CreateRepositoryParams( name=repo_name, description=f"Test repository created by automated tests", private=True, auto_init=True ) result = with_retry(lambda: repositories.create_repository(params)) if test_cleanup: test_cleanup.add_repository(owner, repo_name) return result ``` ### Phase 3: Test Infrastructure Enhancements #### 1. Test Generator for New Tools To facilitate rapid test development for new tool groups, we'll create a test generator utility: ```python # scripts/ import argparse import os import re from pathlib import Path TEMPLATE = """ import pytest from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any from datetime import datetime from{module} import {tool_name} from pygithub_mcp_server.errors import GitHubError from pygithub_mcp_server.schemas.{schema_module} import {schema_name} # Dataclasses representing PyGithub objects @dataclass class RepositoryOwner: login: str id: int = 12345 html_url: str = "" @dataclass class Repository: id: int name: str full_name: str owner: RepositoryOwner private: bool = False html_url: str = "" description: Optional[str] = None # Unit tests with dataclasses def test_{tool_func}_success(): \"\"\"Test successful {tool_name} execution using dataclasses.\"\"\" # Create test data using dataclasses owner = RepositoryOwner(login="test-owner") repo = Repository( id=98765, name="test-repo", full_name="test-owner/test-repo", owner=owner ) # Test parameters params = {{"params": {params}}} # Patch PyGithub interactions to return our dataclass objects with pytest.MonkeyPatch.context() as monkeypatch: # Configure to return our test objects monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.GitHubClient.get_instance().get_repo", lambda _: repo ) # Execute the tool result = {tool_func}(params) # Verify success result assert not result.get("is_error", False) assert isinstance(result["content"], list) assert result["content"][0]["type"] == "text" # Integration test @pytest.mark.integration def test_{tool_func}_integration(test_owner, test_repo, test_cleanup): \"\"\"Test {tool_name} with real PyGithub client.\"\"\" # Test parameters with real repo params = {{"params": {{"owner": test_owner, "repo": test_repo}}}} # Execute the tool with real parameters result = {tool_func}(params) # Verify the tool executed successfully with real data assert not result.get("is_error", False) assert isinstance(result["content"], list) assert "text" in result["content"][0] # Additional assertions based on the specific tool def test_{tool_func}_validation_error(): \"\"\"Test {tool_name} with validation errors.\"\"\" # Test with invalid parameters with pytest.raises(ValueError): # This should fail during Pydantic validation {schema_name}(**{invalid_params}) # Test the tool itself with invalid parameters params = {{"params": {invalid_params}}} # Execute the tool result = {tool_func}(params) # Verify error result assert result.get("is_error", True) assert "validation" in result["content"][0]["text"].lower() def test_{tool_func}_github_error(): \"\"\"Test {tool_name} with GitHub API errors.\"\"\" # Test parameters params = {{"params": {params}}} # Simulate GitHub API error without mocks with pytest.MonkeyPatch.context() as monkeypatch: # Configure to raise a GitHub exception def raise_github_exception(*args, **kwargs): from github import GithubException raise GithubException(404, {{"message": "Not Found"}}) monkeypatch.setattr( "pygithub_mcp_server.client.GitHubClient.get_instance().get_repo", raise_github_exception ) # Execute the tool result = {tool_func}(params) # Verify error result assert result.get("is_error", True) assert "not found" in result["content"][0]["text"].lower() """ def generate_tool_tests(module, tool_name, tool_func, schema_module, schema_name, params, invalid_params): """Generate standardized tests for a tool function.""" # Create test directory if it doesn't exist test_dir = Path(f"tests/unit/tools/{module}") test_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Create test file test_file = test_dir / f"test_{tool_func}.py" # Fill template content = TEMPLATE.format( module=module, tool_name=tool_name, tool_func=tool_func, schema_module=schema_module, schema_name=schema_name, params=params, invalid_params=invalid_params ) # Write to file with open(test_file, "w") as f: f.write(content) print(f"Generated tests for {tool_name} at {test_file}") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate tool tests") parser.add_argument("--module", required=True, help="Tool module name (e.g., issues)") parser.add_argument("--tool-name", required=True, help="Tool name (e.g., create_issue)") parser.add_argument("--schema-module", required=True, help="Schema module name (e.g., issues)") parser.add_argument("--schema-name", required=True, help="Schema class name (e.g., CreateIssueParams)") args = parser.parse_args() # Convert CamelCase to snake_case tool_func = re.sub(r'(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])', '_', args.tool_name).lower() # Example parameters params = {"param1": "value1", "param2": "value2"} invalid_params = {"param1": "", "param2": 123} # Invalid types/values generate_tool_tests( args.module, args.tool_name, tool_func, args.schema_module, args.schema_name, params, invalid_params ) ``` #### 2. Test Coverage Report Analyzer To help prioritize test efforts, we'll create a coverage report analyzer: ```python # scripts/ import os import re import json import subprocess from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List, Dict @dataclass class ModuleCoverage: """Coverage information for a module.""" name: str statements: int missing: int branches: int branch_missing: int coverage: float missing_lines: List[str] @property def priority(self): """Determine testing priority based on coverage.""" if self.coverage < 70: return "High" elif self.coverage < 85: return "Medium" else: return "Low" def run_coverage(): """Run pytest coverage and return the output.""" result = ["pytest", "--cov=src/pygithub_mcp_server", "--cov-report=term-missing"], capture_output=True, text=True ) return result.stdout def parse_coverage_output(output): """Parse coverage output into structured data.""" modules = [] # Extract module lines pattern = r"(src/pygithub_mcp_server/[^\s]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+%)\s*(.*)" for line in output.split("\n"): match = re.match(pattern, line) if match: name, stmts, miss, branch, bpart, cover, missing = match.groups() coverage = int(cover.strip("%")) module = ModuleCoverage( name=name, statements=int(stmts), missing=int(miss), branches=int(branch), branch_missing=int(bpart), coverage=coverage, missing_lines=missing.strip() if missing else "" ) modules.append(module) return modules def generate_report(modules): """Generate a prioritized test coverage report.""" # Sort by priority and coverage sorted_modules = sorted( modules, key=lambda m: (0 if m.priority == "High" else 1 if m.priority == "Medium" else 2, m.coverage) ) # Generate report report = { "summary": { "total_modules": len(modules), "high_priority": len([m for m in modules if m.priority == "High"]), "medium_priority": len([m for m in modules if m.priority == "Medium"]), "low_priority": len([m for m in modules if m.priority == "Low"]), "average_coverage": sum(m.coverage for m in modules) / len(modules) if modules else 0, }, "modules": [ { "name":, "priority": m.priority, "coverage": m.coverage, "missing_statements": m.missing, "missing_branches": m.branch_missing, "missing_lines": m.missing_lines } for m in sorted_modules ] } return report if __name__ == "__main__": # Run coverage output = run_coverage() # Parse output modules = parse_coverage_output(output) # Generate report report = generate_report(modules) # Write report to file with open("coverage_report.json", "w") as f: json.dump(report, f, indent=2) # Print summary print(f"Generated coverage report with {len(modules)} modules.") print(f"High priority modules: {report['summary']['high_priority']}") print(f"Medium priority modules: {report['summary']['medium_priority']}") print(f"Low priority modules: {report['summary']['low_priority']}") print(f"Average coverage: {report['summary']['average_coverage']:.2f}%") ``` #### 3. CI/CD Integration To ensure consistent test coverage over time, we'll add GitHub Actions workflows: ```yaml # .github/workflows/coverage.yml name: Test Coverage on: push: branches: [ main ] pull_request: branches: [ main ] jobs: test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v4 with: python-version: '3.10' - name: Install dependencies run: | python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install uv uv venv uv pip install -e ".[dev]" - name: Run tests with coverage run: | pytest --cov=src/pygithub_mcp_server --cov-report=xml env: GITHUB_TEST_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TEST_TOKEN }} GITHUB_TEST_OWNER: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TEST_OWNER }} GITHUB_TEST_REPO: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TEST_REPO }} - name: Upload coverage to Codecov uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3 with: file: ./coverage.xml fail_ci_if_error: false ``` ## Coverage Analysis Workflow The project uses a two-part approach for managing and improving test coverage: ### 1. Coverage Data Collection Coverage data is collected using pytest-cov when running tests: ```bash # Run unit tests with coverage pytest # Include integration tests for more comprehensive coverage pytest --run-integration ``` This generates a `.coverage` file at the project root containing raw coverage data. ### 2. Coverage Analysis and Reporting For analyzing coverage data, we use our custom analyzer script: ```bash # Analyze existing coverage data and generate HTML report python scripts/ --html # Run tests and analyze in a single step python scripts/ --run-tests --html # Include integration tests in analysis python scripts/ --run-tests --include-integration --html ``` ### Viewing Coverage Reports The analyzer generates two files: - `coverage_report.json` - Machine-readable JSON data - `coverage_report.html` - Interactive HTML report (when using --html flag) To view the HTML report, open `coverage_report.html` in any web browser: ```bash # On Linux xdg-open coverage_report.html # On macOS open coverage_report.html # Or simply double-click the file in your file explorer ``` No web server is required - the HTML file can be viewed directly in a browser. ### Using Coverage Reports Effectively 1. **Identify Priority Areas**: Focus on "High Priority" modules first (coverage below 70%) 2. **Examine Missing Lines**: Each module shows exactly which lines need test coverage 3. **Implement Tests Strategically**: Address the most critical missing coverage first 4. **Track Progress**: Re-run the analyzer after adding tests to verify improvements 5. **Set Thresholds**: Use the `--threshold` parameter to enforce minimum coverage standards ## Implementation Timeline ### Phase 1 (Immediate) - Create test dataclasses for PyGithub objects - Implement core tests for - Setup integration tests for high-priority modules - Add test helpers for common operations ### Phase 2 (Next 1-2 Days) - Implement tests for operations/ - Add tests for tools/issues/ - Create test generator script - Standardize test patterns across all components ### Phase 3 (Next 2-3 Days) - Complete coverage for all remaining modules - Create coverage analyzer script - Implement CI/CD integration - Document test patterns and best practices ## Test Coverage Report Example Below is an example of what the analyzer's output for high-priority modules might look like: ``` === High Priority Modules === src/pygithub_mcp_server/tools/repositories/ 63% coverage Missing lines: 57-58, 111-112, 151-167, 246-262, 297-313, 346-362 Priority: Implement tests for repository creation, fork, and search functionality src/pygithub_mcp_server/tools/issues/ 79% coverage Missing lines: 75-79, 112-113, 152-156, 193-197, 229-233 Priority: Focus on error handling tests for issue operations ``` This format makes it clear which specific code sections need testing attention. ## Completion Criteria - Overall coverage above 90% - No modules below 75% coverage - All tests passing without warnings - Real PyGithub client usage in integration tests - Consistent use of dataclasses instead of mocks - Comprehensive documentation for test patterns - Automated tooling for test generation and analysis