PyGithub MCP Server
by AstroMined
- docs
# System Patterns
> **Note:** This document provides detailed implementation patterns and best practices for the PyGithub MCP Server. For a high-level overview of the technology stack and architecture, please refer to [``](
## System Architecture Overview
This diagram provides a comprehensive view of how the various architectural decisions work together in the PyGithub MCP Server:
flowchart TD
subgraph "MCP Server"
direction TB
subgraph "Tools Layer (ADR-006)"
ToolReg["Tool Registration System"]
IssueTools["Issue Tools"]
RepoTools["Repository Tools"]
PRTools["PR Tools"]
Config["Configuration System"]
ToolReg --> IssueTools
ToolReg --> RepoTools
ToolReg --> PRTools
Config --> ToolReg
subgraph "Operations Layer"
Issues["Issue Operations"]
Repos["Repository Operations"]
PRs["PR Operations"]
IssueTools --> Issues
RepoTools --> Repos
PRTools --> PRs
subgraph "Client Layer (ADR-001)"
Client["GitHub Client"]
RateLimit["Rate Limit Handling"]
Issues --> Client
Repos --> Client
PRs --> Client
Client --> RateLimit
PyGithub["PyGithub Library"]
Client --> PyGithub
GitHub["GitHub API"]
PyGithub --> GitHub
subgraph "Schema Layer (ADR-003, ADR-004)"
direction TB
BaseModels["Base Models"]
IssueModels["Issue Models"]
RepoModels["Repository Models"]
PRModels["PR Models"]
Validation["Field Validators"]
BaseModels --- IssueModels
BaseModels --- RepoModels
BaseModels --- PRModels
Validation -.- IssueModels
Validation -.- RepoModels
Validation -.- PRModels
IssueTools <-.-> IssueModels
RepoTools <-.-> RepoModels
PRTools <-.-> PRModels
Issues <-.-> IssueModels
Repos <-.-> RepoModels
PRs <-.-> PRModels
subgraph "Data Transformation (ADR-005)"
direction TB
IssueConv["Issue Converters"]
RepoConv["Repository Converters"]
UserConv["User Converters"]
CommonConv["Common Converters"]
IssueConv --> CommonConv
RepoConv --> CommonConv
UserConv --> CommonConv
Client --> IssueConv
Client --> RepoConv
Client --> UserConv
subgraph "Testing (ADR-002)"
direction TB
UnitTests["Unit Tests"]
IntegTests["Integration Tests"]
TestData["Test Data Classes"]
UnitTests --- TestData
IntegTests --> GitHub
style IssueModels fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style RepoModels fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style PRModels fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style BaseModels fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Client fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style PyGithub fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Issues fill:#bfb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Repos fill:#bfb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style PRs fill:#bfb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style IssueTools fill:#fbb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style RepoTools fill:#fbb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style PRTools fill:#fbb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style ToolReg fill:#fbb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Config fill:#fbb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
### Request Flow (ADR-007: Pydantic-First Architecture)
This diagram shows the end-to-end flow of a request through the system, highlighting how the Pydantic-First Architecture works:
participant MCP as MCP Server
participant Tool as Tools Layer
participant Op as Operations Layer
participant Client as Client Layer
participant PyGithub as PyGithub
participant GitHub as GitHub API
MCP->>Tool: JSON Request
Note over Tool: Convert JSON to<br/>Pydantic Model
Tool->>Op: Pass Pydantic Model
Note over Op: Validation already<br/>happened during<br/>model instantiation
Op->>Client: Pass validated model
Client->>PyGithub: PyGithub API call
PyGithub->>GitHub: HTTP Request
GitHub-->>PyGithub: HTTP Response
PyGithub-->>Client: PyGithub Object
Note over Client: Convert PyGithub Object<br/>to response schema
Client-->>Op: Return schema data
Op-->>Tool: Return data
Note over Tool: Format as MCP Response
Tool-->>MCP: JSON Response
Note right of Tool: ADR-006:<br/>Modular Tool Architecture
Note right of Op: ADR-007:<br/>Pydantic-First Architecture
Note right of Client: ADR-001:<br/>PyGithub Integration
Note right of PyGithub: ADR-002:<br/>Real API Testing
## Core Architecture
### Pydantic-First Architecture
flowchart TD
A[Tools Layer] -->|Pydantic Models| B[Operations Layer]
B -->|Pydantic Models| C[Client Layer]
C --> D[GitHub API]
subgraph Schema Layer
E[Pydantic Models]
F[Validation Logic]
E --> A
E --> B
F --> E
### GitHub Integration
flowchart TD
A[FastMCP Server] --> B[GitHub Client]
B --> C[PyGithub]
C --> D[GitHub API]
subgraph Client Layer
E[Object Conversion]
F[Rate Limiting]
G[Error Handling]
B --> E
B --> F
B --> G
### Component Relationships
1. GitHub Client (Singleton)
- Manages PyGithub instance
- Handles authentication
- Provides conversion utilities
- Manages rate limiting
- Centralizes error handling
2. Operation Modules
- Use GitHub client for API interactions
- Accept Pydantic models directly (ADR-007)
- Maintain consistent patterns
- Focus on specific domains
- Handle pagination
3. Schema Layer
- Models based on PyGithub objects
- Organized by domain (ADR-003)
- Enhanced validation (ADR-004)
- Clear type definitions
- Documented relationships
4. Tools Layer
- Organized by domain (ADR-006)
- Configuration-driven registration
- Decorator-based tool system
- Consistent error handling
- Clean MCP protocol interface
## Best Practices
### 1. Pydantic Model Usage
- Define all input parameters as Pydantic models
- Let Pydantic handle validation at model instantiation
- Pass models directly between layers
- Define field validators for special validation needs
- Use strict=True to prevent unwanted type coercion
### 2. Tool Implementation
- Organize tools by domain (issues, repositories, etc.)
- Use the @tool() decorator for registration
- Register tools through the module's register function
- Consistent error handling across all tools
- Clear parameter validation through Pydantic models
### 3. Error Handling
- Use GitHubError for all client-facing errors
- Provide clear error messages with context
- Handle rate limits with exponential backoff
- Include resource information in error messages
- Consistent formatting across all error types
### 4. Testing
- Use real API interactions instead of mocks for integration tests
- Use dataclasses instead of MagicMock for unit tests
- Focus on testing behavior rather than implementation
- Implement proper cleanup for test resources
- Tag resources created during tests for identification
- Separate unit tests from integration tests by directory structure
- Mark integration tests with @pytest.mark.integration
- Test both success and error paths
- Verify that tests remain isolated and don't affect each other
- Use dependency injection for easier test parameterization
### 5. Configuration
- Use environment variables for deployment configuration
- Provide sensible defaults for all settings
- Clear precedence rules for configuration sources
- Document all configuration options
- Support selective tool group enabling/disabling
### 6. Optional Parameter Handling
- Only include parameters in kwargs when they have non-None values
- Convert primitive types to PyGithub objects before passing (e.g., milestone number → Milestone object)
- Handle object conversion errors explicitly
- Document parameter requirements in docstrings
- Test with various parameter combinations
## Implementation Patterns
### 1. Pydantic-First Operations
# Pattern for operations layer with Pydantic-First architecture
from typing import List, Dict, Any
from ..schemas.issues import ListIssuesParams
from ..client import GitHubClient
from github import GithubException
def list_issues(params: ListIssuesParams) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
"""List issues in a repository.
params: Validated parameters for listing issues
List of issues from GitHub API
GitHubError: If the API request fails or validation fails
client = GitHubClient.get_instance()
repository = client.get_repo(f"{params.owner}/{params.repo}")
# Build kwargs from Pydantic model
kwargs = {"state": params.state or 'open'}
# Add optional parameters only if provided
if params.sort:
kwargs["sort"] = params.sort
if params.direction:
kwargs["direction"] = params.direction
if params.since:
kwargs["since"] = params.since
# Get paginated issues and handle pagination
paginated_issues = repository.get_issues(**kwargs)
issues = get_paginated_items(paginated_issues,, params.per_page)
# Convert each issue to our schema
return [convert_issue(issue) for issue in issues]
except GithubException as e:
raise client._handle_github_exception(e)
### 2. Pydantic-First Tools
# Pattern for tools layer with Pydantic-First architecture
from ..schemas.issues import ListIssuesParams
from import tool
from pygithub_mcp_server.operations import issues
from pygithub_mcp_server.errors import GitHubError, format_github_error
def list_issues(params: ListIssuesParams) -> dict:
"""List issues from a GitHub repository.
params: Parameters for listing issues
List of issues from GitHub API
# Pass the validated Pydantic model directly to operations
result = issues.list_issues(params)
return {"content": [{"type": "text", "text": json.dumps(result, indent=2)}]}
except GitHubError as e:
return {
"content": [{"type": "error", "text": format_github_error(e)}],
"is_error": True
### 3. Tool Registration and Configuration
# In tools/issues/
def register(mcp):
"""Register all issue tools with the MCP server."""
from import register_tools
from .tools import create_issue, list_issues, get_issue, update_issue
register_tools(mcp, [
# Other issue tools
# In
from pygithub_mcp_server.config import load_config
from import load_tools
def create_server():
"""Create and configure the MCP server."""
# Create FastMCP server instance
mcp = FastMCP(
description="GitHub API operations via MCP"
# Load configuration
config = load_config()
# Load and register tools based on configuration
load_tools(mcp, config)
return mcp
### 4. Validation Error Handling
# Pattern for consistent validation error handling
import functools
from pydantic import ValidationError
from .github import GitHubError
def validation_error_to_github_error(func):
"""Decorator to convert Pydantic ValidationError to GitHubError."""
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except ValidationError as e:
errors = e.errors()
if errors:
field = errors[0].get('loc', ['unknown'])[0]
message = errors[0].get('msg', 'Invalid value')
error_msg = f"Validation error: {field} - {message}"
error_msg = "Invalid input data"
raise GitHubError(error_msg)
return wrapper
### 5. Schema Conversion
# Pattern for object conversion
def convert_issue(issue):
"""Convert a PyGithub Issue object to our schema format."""
return {
"number": issue.number,
"title": issue.title,
"body": issue.body,
"state": issue.state,
"created_at": issue.created_at.isoformat(),
"updated_at": issue.updated_at.isoformat(),
"user": {
"login": issue.user.login,
"url": issue.user.html_url
"labels": [{"name":, "color": label.color} for label in issue.labels],
"comments": issue.comments,
"url": issue.html_url
### 6. Error Handling
# Pattern for error handling
github_obj = client.operation()
return convert_github_object(github_obj)
except GithubException as e:
raise GitHubError(str(e))
#### Error Types and Handling
The system defines several specific error types to provide clear, actionable feedback:
1. **GitHubResourceNotFoundError (Status Code: 404)**
- Indicates the requested resource does not exist
- Common scenarios: Repository not found, issue not found, comment not found
- Example message: "Issue not found" or "Repository not found"
2. **GitHubAuthenticationError (Status Code: 401)**
- Authentication failed or token is invalid
- Common scenarios: Invalid token, expired token, token lacks required scopes
- Example message: "Authentication failed. Please verify your GitHub token."
3. **GitHubPermissionError (Status Code: 403)**
- User lacks permission for the requested operation
- Common scenarios: Insufficient repository permissions, organization access required
- Example message: "You don't have permission to perform this operation."
4. **GitHubRateLimitError (Status Code: 403 with rate limit headers)**
- API rate limit exceeded
- Includes reset time in error object
- Example message: "API rate limit exceeded. Please wait before making more requests."
- Usage example:
except GitHubRateLimitError as e:
print(f"Rate limit exceeded. Resets at: {e.reset_at}")
5. **GitHubValidationError (Status Code: 422)**
- Request validation failed
- Common scenarios: Invalid field values, missing required fields
- Example format:
Validation failed:
- title: cannot be blank (missing_field)
- labels: invalid format (invalid)
6. **GitHubError (Base error type)**
- Base error type for unhandled or unexpected errors
- Common scenarios: Network issues, server errors, unexpected API responses
#### Error Handling Best Practices
1. **Catch specific error types first:**
# GitHub operation
except GitHubResourceNotFoundError:
# Handle 404
except GitHubValidationError:
# Handle validation
except GitHubError:
# Handle other errors
2. **Check error response data for additional context:**
except GitHubError as e:
if e.response:
# Handle with context
# Handle generic error
3. **Handle rate limits gracefully:**
except GitHubRateLimitError as e:
wait_time = e.reset_at -
logger.warning(f"Rate limit hit. Waiting {wait_time}")
# Implement backoff strategy
4. **Resource Type Detection:**
The error handler automatically detects the type of resource from the error message or response data:
if "issue" in error_msg.lower():
resource_type = "issue"
elif "repository" in error_msg.lower():
resource_type = "repository"
### 7. Pagination Handling
# In converters/common/
def get_paginated_items(paginated_list, page=None, per_page=None):
"""Get items from a PyGithub PaginatedList with pagination support.
paginated_list: PyGithub PaginatedList object
page: Optional page number (1-based)
per_page: Optional items per page
List of items from the paginated list
if page is not None and per_page is not None:
# Use both page and per_page for precise pagination
start = (page - 1) * per_page
end = start + per_page
return list(paginated_list[start:end])
except IndexError:
# Handle case where start is beyond the list length
return []
elif page is not None:
# Use default per_page value (30) with specified page
return paginated_list.get_page(page - 1)
except IndexError:
return []
elif per_page is not None:
# Get just the first per_page items
return list(paginated_list[:per_page])
except IndexError:
return []
# No pagination, get all items (use with caution!)
return list(paginated_list)
## Security Considerations
### Authentication
1. **Token Security**
- Personal Access Tokens (PATs) should never be committed to source control
- Set token via `GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN` environment variable
- Use fine-grained tokens with minimal required permissions
- Example:
# Set token securely via environment
if not token:
raise GitHubError("Token not configured")
2. **Token Permissions**
- Repository permissions determine available operations:
- Read: View issues, comments, labels
- Write: Create/update issues, add labels
- Admin: Manage repository settings
- Operations fail with `GitHubPermissionError` if permissions are insufficient
### Access Control
1. **Repository Access**
- Private repositories return 404 "Not Found" instead of 401/403
- This is a GitHub security feature to prevent repository enumeration
- Same response whether repository doesn't exist or user lacks access
- Helps prevent information disclosure about private repositories
2. **Rate Limiting**
- Rate limits help prevent abuse
- Limits tracked per token/IP
- Secondary rate limits may apply
- Rate limit errors include reset time
- Implement retry logic with backoff
### Content Security
1. **Content Sanitization**
- GitHub automatically sanitizes HTML content
- Script tags are removed
- javascript: URLs are blocked
- HTML is rendered as markdown
2. **Input Validation**
- Use schema validation to enforce constraints
- Invalid input results in `GitHubValidationError`
### Security Logging
Important events to log:
- Authentication failures
- Permission denied errors
- Rate limit hits
- Invalid access attempts
- Content validation failures
Example logging:
# Authentication failure
logger.error("Authentication failed", extra={
"token_prefix": token[:4] if token else None,
"error": str(e)
# Permission denied
logger.warning("Permission denied", extra={
"operation": operation_name,
"resource": resource_id
# Rate limit
logger.debug("Rate limit hit", extra={
"reset_at": e.reset_at,
"operation": operation_name
## System Flow
### Operation Flow
participant MCP as FastMCP Server
participant Client as GitHub Client
participant PyGithub
participant API as GitHub API
MCP->>Client: Operation Request
Client->>Client: Build kwargs
Client->>Client: Convert Types
Client->>PyGithub: Get/Create Object
PyGithub->>API: API Request
API-->>PyGithub: Response
PyGithub-->>Client: PyGithub Object
Client->>Client: Convert to Schema
Client-->>MCP: Schema Response
### Error Flow
participant MCP as FastMCP Server
participant Client as GitHub Client
participant PyGithub
participant API as GitHub API
MCP->>Client: Operation Request
Client->>PyGithub: Get/Create Object
PyGithub->>API: API Request
API-->>PyGithub: Error Response
PyGithub-->>Client: GitHub Exception
Client->>Client: Convert to GitHubError
Client-->>MCP: Error Response
## Design Patterns
### 1. Singleton Pattern (GitHub Client)
class GitHubClient:
_instance = None
def get_instance(cls):
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = cls()
return cls._instance
### 2. Factory Pattern (Object Conversion)
class GitHubObjectFactory:
def create_from_github_object(obj):
if isinstance(obj, github.Issue.Issue):
return convert_issue(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, github.Repository.Repository):
return convert_repository(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, github.PullRequest.PullRequest):
return convert_pull_request(obj)
# ... other object types
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported GitHub object type: {type(obj)}")
### 3. Strategy Pattern (Error Handling)
class ErrorHandler:
def handle_error(self, error):
if isinstance(error, RateLimitExceededException):
return handle_rate_limit(error)
elif isinstance(error, UnknownObjectException):
return handle_not_found(error)
elif isinstance(error, GithubException):
if error.status == 403:
return handle_permission_error(error)
# ... other status codes
return handle_unknown_error(error)
### 4. Decorator Pattern (Tool Registration)
def tool():
"""Decorator to register a function as an MCP tool."""
def decorator(func):
func._is_tool = True
return func
return decorator
## Testing Patterns
### 1. Testing Philosophy and Principles
Based on ADR 002, our testing approach follows these core principles:
- **No Mocks for Integration Tests**: Use real API interactions instead of mock objects for accurate behavior verification
- **Dataclasses for Unit Tests**: Use Python's dataclasses instead of MagicMock for cleaner, type-safe test objects
- **Behavior-Focused Testing**: Test what functions do, not how they do it
- **Isolated Tests**: Each test should be independent and not affect others
- **Test Coverage Prioritization**: Focus on high-risk and critical paths first
Testing follows a layer-based structure that mirrors the application architecture:
├── unit/ # Fast tests with no external dependencies
│ ├── client/ # Tests for client module
│ ├── config/ # Tests for configuration
│ ├── converters/ # Tests for converters
│ ├── schemas/ # Tests for schema validation
│ └── utils/ # Tests for utility functions
└── integration/ # Tests using the real GitHub API
├── client/ # Tests for client with real API
├── operations/ # Tests for API operations with real endpoints
│ ├── issues/ # Tests for issue operations
│ ├── repositories/ # Tests for repository operations
│ └── users/ # Tests for user operations
└── tools/ # Tests for MCP tools with real API
### 2. Unit Testing with Dataclasses
In accordance with ADR 002, we use Python's dataclasses instead of MagicMock objects for cleaner, more maintainable tests:
from dataclasses import dataclass
class RepositoryOwner:
login: str
id: int = 12345
html_url: str = ""
class Repository:
id: int
name: str
full_name: str
owner: RepositoryOwner
private: bool = False
html_url: str = ""
description: str = None
def test_convert_repository():
# Given
owner = RepositoryOwner(login="test-user")
repo = Repository(
# When
result = convert_repository(repo)
# Then
assert result["id"] == 98765
assert result["name"] == "test-repo"
assert result["owner"]["login"] == "test-user"
Benefits of this approach include:
- Type safety with IDE autocomplete
- No unexpected attribute creation
- Clear object structure that mirrors real objects
- Better representation in test failure output
- Prevention of bugs from typos in attribute names
### 3. Integration Testing with Real API
For integration tests, we interact with the actual GitHub API:
def test_create_issue_integration(test_owner, test_repo, test_cleanup):
"""Test creating an issue in a real GitHub repository."""
# Generate a unique identifier for this test
test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
title = f"Test Issue {test_id}"
body = f"This is a test issue created by integration tests - {test_id}"
# Create the Pydantic model (already validated)
params = CreateIssueParams(
# Call the operation (no mocks)
result = issues.create_issue(params)
# Register for cleanup
test_cleanup.add_issue(test_owner, test_repo, result["number"])
# Assertions against real API response
assert result["title"] == title
assert result["body"] == body
assert result["state"] == "open"
assert "number" in result
# Verify the issue was actually created by fetching it
verification = issues.get_issue(GetIssueParams(
assert verification["title"] == title
### 4. Test Fixtures and Helpers
We use pytest fixtures to create test data and manage resources:
def test_owner():
"""Get the GitHub owner for test operations."""
return os.environ.get("GITHUB_TEST_OWNER", "test-owner")
def test_repo():
"""Get the GitHub repository for test operations."""
return os.environ.get("GITHUB_TEST_REPO", "test-repo")
def test_cleanup():
"""Fixture to track and clean up test resources."""
cleanup = TestCleanup()
yield cleanup
class TestCleanup:
"""Helper to track and clean up test resources."""
def __init__(self):
self.issues = []
self.comments = []
# Other resource types...
def add_issue(self, owner, repo, issue_number):
"""Track an issue for cleanup."""
self.issues.append((owner, repo, issue_number))
def cleanup_all(self):
"""Clean up all tracked resources."""
client = GitHubClient.get_instance()
# Clean up issues
for owner, repo, issue_number in self.issues:
repository = client.get_repo(f"{owner}/{repo}")
issue = repository.get_issue(issue_number)
if not issue.closed:
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Failed to clean up issue {owner}/{repo}#{issue_number}: {e}")
# Clean up other resource types...
### 5. Context Managers for Environment Testing
For testing environment-dependent code like command-line interfaces:
def capture_stdout():
"""Capture stdout for testing."""
new_stdout = StringIO()
old_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = new_stdout
yield new_stdout
sys.stdout = old_stdout
def test_main_function():
"""Test main function output."""
with capture_stdout() as stdout:
output = stdout.getvalue()
assert "version" in output.lower()
### 6. Rate Limit Handling in Tests
To handle GitHub API rate limits during tests:
def test_rate_limited_operation(test_owner, test_repo):
"""Test operation with retry for rate limits."""
max_retries = 3
retry_count = 0
while retry_count < max_retries:
params = ListIssuesParams(owner=test_owner, repo=test_repo)
result = issues.list_issues(params)
# Test passed
except GitHubError as e:
if "rate limit exceeded" in str(e).lower() and retry_count < max_retries - 1:
# Calculate backoff time (exponential)
wait_time = 2 ** retry_count * 5 # 5, 10, 20 seconds
logger.warning(f"Rate limited, retrying in {wait_time} seconds...")
retry_count += 1
# Either not a rate limit error or we've used all retries
# Perform test assertions
assert isinstance(result, list)
### 7. Maintainable Test Strategies
Write tests that remain valid even as the codebase evolves:
# BAD - Hardcoded expectations that break when defaults change
assert config["tool_groups"]["repositories"]["enabled"] is False
# GOOD - Dynamic checks that adapt to changes in defaults
for group, settings in DEFAULT_CONFIG["tool_groups"].items():
assert config["tool_groups"][group]["enabled"] == settings["enabled"]
Always ensure mock functions match the actual function signatures:
# BAD - Outdated mock that doesn't match the real method signature
def get_repository_mock(params): # Expecting a Pydantic model
# But the real function expects: get_repository(owner, repo)
# This will fail with: TypeError: ... takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
# GOOD - Correctly matching the function signature
def get_repository_mock(owner, repo): # Matches real signature
# Will work correctly with the actual implementation
### 8. Testing Error Conditions
Test both success and error paths:
def test_nonexistent_repository():
"""Test behavior when repository doesn't exist."""
params = ListIssuesParams(
owner="non-existent-user-123456", # Unlikely to exist
with pytest.raises(GitHubError) as exc_info:
assert "not found" in str(exc_info.value).lower()
assert exc_info.value.status == 404
### 8. Test Tagging and Identification
Identify resources created by tests for easier tracking and cleanup:
def create_test_issue(owner, repo, test_id):
"""Create an issue with a unique test identifier."""
params = CreateIssueParams(
title=f"Test Issue {test_id}",
body=f"Test issue created by automated tests. Test ID: {test_id}"
return issues.create_issue(params)
### 9. Parameterized Tests
Use pytest's parameterize feature for testing multiple scenarios:
@pytest.mark.parametrize("state", ["open", "closed", "all"])
def test_list_issues_with_different_states(test_owner, test_repo, state):
"""Test listing issues with different state filters."""
params = ListIssuesParams(
result = issues.list_issues(params)
if state == "all":
# Should include both open and closed issues
assert any(issue["state"] == "open" for issue in result) or \
any(issue["state"] == "closed" for issue in result)
# All issues should match the requested state
assert all(issue["state"] == state for issue in result)
### 10. Resource Management in Tests
Implement robust resource management for tests to prevent test pollution:
def test_environment():
"""Set up test environment with resources that all tests can use."""
# Create session-level resources
client = GitHubClient.get_instance()
test_owner = os.environ.get("GITHUB_TEST_OWNER")
test_repo = os.environ.get("GITHUB_TEST_REPO")
# Set up test data
test_resources = {}
# Create a test issue that can be reused
repository = client.get_repo(f"{test_owner}/{test_repo}")
test_issue = repository.create_issue(
title="Test Issue for Integration Tests",
body="This is a persistent test issue used for integration tests."
test_resources["issue_number"] = test_issue.number
# Return the resources
yield test_resources
# We don't clean up session-level resources here because they are reused
# across multiple test runs
### 11. Testing with Large Repositories
When testing operations on repositories with many issues, it's important to use pagination to avoid performance problems:
# Before (problematic with large repos):
issues = list_issues(ListIssuesParams(
# After (works efficiently with large repos):
issues = list_issues(ListIssuesParams(
per_page=20, # Limit results to avoid hanging
page=1 # Only get first page
This change ensures tests run efficiently even in repositories with hundreds or thousands of issues.
### 12. API Response Time Testing
Test API response times to ensure proper handling:
def test_list_issues_performance(test_owner, test_repo):
"""Test that listing issues completes within a reasonable time."""
params = ListIssuesParams(
state="all", # Fetch all issues to test performance with larger data set
per_page=20, # Limit results to avoid hanging with large repos
page=1 # Only get first page
start_time = time.time()
results = issues.list_issues(params)
end_time = time.time()
# Timing assertion: Operation should complete in under 5 seconds
assert end_time - start_time < 5.0
# Results should be a list
assert isinstance(results, list)
# Note: Always include pagination parameters when testing with repositories that may
# have a large number of issues (e.g., 400+). Without pagination, the code may
# attempt to retrieve all matching issues at once, causing tests to hang or timeout.
### 12. CI/CD Test Configuration
For CI/CD pipelines, configure tests to run efficiently:
# Example GitHub Actions configuration
name: Run Tests
branches: [ main ]
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.11'
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -e ".[dev]"
- name: Run unit tests
run: pytest tests/unit/ -v
- name: Run integration tests
if: github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
run: pytest tests/integration/ -v --run-integration
### 13. Testing Lifecycle Actions
For comprehensive testing of resource lifecycles:
def test_issue_lifecycle(test_owner, test_repo, test_cleanup):
"""Test the full lifecycle of an issue."""
# 1. Create an issue
test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
create_params = CreateIssueParams(
title=f"Lifecycle Test Issue {test_id}",
body=f"Testing complete issue lifecycle - {test_id}"
created = issues.create_issue(create_params)
test_cleanup.add_issue(test_owner, test_repo, created["number"])
# 2. Get the issue
get_params = GetIssueParams(
retrieved = issues.get_issue(get_params)
assert retrieved["number"] == created["number"]
# 3. Update the issue
update_params = UpdateIssueParams(
title=f"Updated Lifecycle Test Issue {test_id}",
updated = issues.update_issue(update_params)
assert updated["title"] == update_params.title
assert updated["state"] == "closed"
# 4. Add a comment
comment_params = IssueCommentParams(
body=f"Test comment for issue lifecycle - {test_id}"
comment = issues.create_issue_comment(comment_params)
test_cleanup.add_comment(test_owner, test_repo, created["number"], comment["id"])
# 5. Verify comment
assert comment["body"] == comment_params.body
# 6. Re-open issue
reopen_params = UpdateIssueParams(
reopened = issues.update_issue(reopen_params)
assert reopened["state"] == "open"
## Tool Reference
The system provides a set of tools for interacting with GitHub's API. All tools follow consistent patterns for parameters and returns.
### Issue Management Tools
1. **create_issue**
- Creates a new issue in a repository
- Required parameters: `owner`, `repo`, `title`
- Optional parameters: `body`, `assignees`, `labels`, `milestone`
- Notes:
- Non-existent labels will be created automatically
- HTML content in body will be sanitized and rendered as markdown
2. **get_issue**
- Retrieves details about a specific issue
- Required parameters: `owner`, `repo`, `issue_number`
- Returns 404 if issue doesn't exist or for private repositories without access
3. **update_issue**
- Updates an existing issue
- Required parameters: `owner`, `repo`, `issue_number`
- Optional parameters: `title`, `body`, `state`, `labels`, `assignees`, `milestone`
- Notes: Only provided fields will be updated
4. **list_issues**
- Lists issues in a repository
- Required parameters: `owner`, `repo`
- Optional parameters: `state`, `labels`, `sort`, `direction`, `since`, `page`, `per_page`
- Defaults to open issues if state not provided
### Comment Management Tools
1. **add_issue_comment**
- Adds a comment to an issue
- Required parameters: `owner`, `repo`, `issue_number`, `body`
2. **list_issue_comments**
- Lists comments on an issue
- Required parameters: `owner`, `repo`, `issue_number`
- Optional parameters: `since`, `page`, `per_page`
3. **update_issue_comment**
- Updates an existing comment
- Required parameters: `owner`, `repo`, `issue_number`, `comment_id`, `body`
4. **delete_issue_comment**
- Deletes a comment from an issue
- Required parameters: `owner`, `repo`, `issue_number`, `comment_id`
### Label Management Tools
1. **add_issue_labels**
- Adds labels to an issue
- Required parameters: `owner`, `repo`, `issue_number`, `labels`
- Notes: Non-existent labels are created automatically with default color
2. **remove_issue_label**
- Removes a label from an issue
- Required parameters: `owner`, `repo`, `issue_number`, `label`
- Notes: Label name is case-sensitive
### Content Handling
All text content (issue body, comments) supports GitHub Flavored Markdown with features like:
- Headers, lists, code blocks, tables
- Task lists, mentions, references
- Emoji shortcodes
GitHub automatically processes HTML content, with most HTML tags removed for security.
## Documentation Patterns
### 1. Function Documentation
def operation_name(params: ParamsType) -> ResultType:
"""Operation description.
params: Parameter description
Description of return value
GitHubError: Error conditions
### 2. Class Documentation
class ClassName:
"""Class description.
attr_name: Attribute description
method_name: Method description
### 3. Schema Documentation
class SchemaModel(BaseModel):
"""Schema description.
Maps to PyGithub ObjectType.
See: [link to PyGithub docs]
## Validation Patterns
### 1. Field Validation
class SchemaModel(BaseModel):
model_config = ConfigDict(strict=True)
title: str = Field(..., description="Title field", strict=True)
def validate_title(cls, v):
"""Validate that title is not empty."""
if not v.strip():
raise ValueError("title cannot be empty")
return v
### 2. Datetime Validation
class DateTimeModel(BaseModel):
since: Optional[datetime] = Field(
description="Filter by date (ISO 8601 format with timezone: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)"
@field_validator('since', mode='before')
def validate_since(cls, v):
"""Convert string dates to datetime objects.
- ISO 8601 format strings with timezone (e.g., "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z")
- ISO 8601 format strings with timezone without colon (e.g., "2020-01-01T12:30:45-0500")
- datetime objects
- datetime object
- ValueError: If the string is not a valid ISO 8601 datetime with timezone
if isinstance(v, str):
# Check for ISO format with time component and timezone
if not ('T' in v and ('+' in v or 'Z' in v or '-' in v.split('T')[1])):
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid ISO format datetime: {v}. "
f"Must be in format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00 or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"
# Handle 'Z' timezone indicator by replacing with +00:00
v = v.replace('Z', '+00:00')
# Handle timezone formats without colons (e.g., -0500 -> -05:00)
# Check if there's a timezone part (+ or - followed by 4 digits)
if ('+' in v or '-' in v.split('T')[1]):
# Find the position of the timezone sign
sign_pos = max(v.rfind('+'), v.rfind('-'))
if sign_pos > 0:
timezone_part = v[sign_pos:]
# If timezone doesn't have a colon and has 5 chars (e.g., -0500)
if ':' not in timezone_part and len(timezone_part) == 5:
# Insert colon between hours and minutes
v = v[:sign_pos+3] + ':' + v[sign_pos+3:]
return datetime.fromisoformat(v)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid ISO format datetime: {v}. "
f"Contains invalid date/time components."
return v
### 3. Enum Validation
class StateModel(BaseModel):
state: Optional[str] = Field(
description=f"Issue state: {', '.join(VALID_STATES)}"
def validate_state(cls, v):
"""Validate that state is one of the allowed values."""
if v is not None and v not in VALID_STATES:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid state: {v}. Must be one of: {', '.join(VALID_STATES)}")
return v
### 4. Numeric Validation
class PaginationModel(BaseModel):
page: Optional[int] = Field(
description="Page number for pagination (1-based)"
per_page: Optional[int] = Field(
description="Results per page (max 100)"
def validate_page(cls, v):
"""Validate that page is a positive integer."""
if v is not None and v < 1:
raise ValueError("Page number must be a positive integer")
return v
def validate_per_page(cls, v):
"""Validate that per_page is a positive integer <= 100."""
if v is not None:
if v < 1:
raise ValueError("Results per page must be a positive integer")
if v > 100:
raise ValueError("Results per page cannot exceed 100")
return v
### 5. URL Validation
class UrlModel(BaseModel):
url: str = Field(..., description="URL to a resource")
def validate_url(cls, v):
"""Validate that URL is properly formatted."""
if not v:
raise ValueError("URL cannot be empty")
# Simple URL validation to check for protocol and domain
if not (v.startswith('http://') or v.startswith('https://')):
raise ValueError("URL must start with http:// or https://")
# Split URL to extract domain
parsed = urlparse(v)
if not parsed.netloc:
raise ValueError("URL must contain a valid domain")
except Exception:
raise ValueError("Invalid URL format")
return v
### 6. List Validation
class ListModel(BaseModel):
labels: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
description="List of label names"
def validate_labels(cls, v):
"""Validate that labels are properly formatted."""
if v is not None:
# Check if any label is empty
if any(not label.strip() for label in v):
raise ValueError("Labels cannot be empty strings")
# Check for duplicates
if len(v) != len(set(v)):
raise ValueError("Labels must be unique")
return v
### 7. Validation Testing Patterns
When testing validation in schemas:
def test_schema_validation():
"""Test schema validation rules."""
# Test valid data
valid_params = ListIssuesParams(owner="test-owner", repo="test-repo")
assert valid_params.owner == "test-owner"
# Test invalid data
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as exc_info:
ListIssuesParams(owner="", repo="test-repo")
assert "owner cannot be empty" in str(exc_info.value).lower()
# Test field validators
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as exc_info:
assert "invalid state" in str(exc_info.value).lower()
# Test datetime validation
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as exc_info:
since="2021-01-01" # Missing time component
assert "invalid iso format datetime" in str(exc_info.value).lower()
### 8. Model Composition with Inheritance
Use inheritance to create composable schemas with shared validation:
class PaginatedParams(BaseModel):
"""Base class for paginated parameters."""
page: Optional[int] = Field(None, description="Page number (1-based)")
per_page: Optional[int] = Field(None, description="Results per page (max 100)")
def validate_page(cls, v):
if v is not None and v < 1:
raise ValueError("Page number must be a positive integer")
return v
def validate_per_page(cls, v):
if v is not None:
if v < 1:
raise ValueError("Results per page must be a positive integer")
if v > 100:
raise ValueError("Results per page cannot exceed 100")
return v
class RepositoryParams(BaseModel):
"""Base class for repository-related parameters."""
owner: str = Field(..., description="Repository owner")
repo: str = Field(..., description="Repository name")
@field_validator('owner', 'repo')
def validate_not_empty(cls, v, info):
if not v.strip():
raise ValueError(f"{info.field_name} cannot be empty")
return v
class ListIssuesParams(RepositoryParams, PaginatedParams):
"""Parameters for listing issues in a repository."""
state: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Issue state: open, closed, all")
sort: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Sort field: created, updated, comments")
direction: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Sort direction: asc, desc")
since: Optional[datetime] = Field(None, description="Only issues updated at or after this time")
labels: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None, description="Filter by label names")
def validate_state(cls, v):
if v is not None and v not in ["open", "closed", "all"]:
raise ValueError("Invalid state: must be one of: open, closed, all")
return v
This inheritance model allows for reusing validation logic across multiple parameter types while keeping the code DRY.