Kubernetes Monitor
by vlttnv
Kubernetes Monitoring API Server
This module provides a FastMCP server that exposes Kubernetes monitoring APIs.
It connects to a Kubernetes cluster and provides endpoints to query various
cluster resources including pods, services, deployments, nodes, and events.
- kubernetes: Python client for Kubernetes
- yaml: For YAML serialization
- FastMCP: Server framework for API endpoints
import yaml
import json
from datetime import datetime
from kubernetes import client, config
from kubernetes.client.rest import ApiException
from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP
# Initialize FastMCP server
mcp = FastMCP("k8s")
# Kubernetes client configuration
# Try to load from default kubeconfig
except Exception:
# If running inside a pod
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to configure Kubernetes client: {e}")
# Initialize API clients
core_v1 = client.CoreV1Api()
apps_v1 = client.AppsV1Api()
batch_v1 = client.BatchV1Api()
custom_objects = client.CustomObjectsApi()
async def get_namespaces():
List all namespaces in the Kubernetes cluster.
str: JSON string containing an array of namespace objects with fields:
- name (str): Name of the namespace
- status (str): Phase of the namespace (Active, Terminating)
- creation_time (str): Timestamp when namespace was created
ApiException: If there is an error communicating with the Kubernetes API
namespaces = core_v1.list_namespace()
result = []
for ns in namespaces.items:
"name": ns.metadata.name,
"status": ns.status.phase,
"creation_time": ns.metadata.creation_timestamp.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
if ns.metadata.creation_timestamp
else None,
return json.dumps(result)
except ApiException as e:
return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}), 500
def list_pods(namespace=None):
Lists all pods in the specified Kubernetes namespace or across all namespaces.
Retrieves detailed information about pods including their status, containers,
and hosting node.
namespace (str, optional): The namespace to filter pods by.
If None, pods from all namespaces will be returned. Defaults to None.
str: JSON string containing an array of pod objects with fields:
- name (str): Name of the pod
- namespace (str): Namespace where the pod is running
- phase (str): Current phase of the pod (Running, Pending, etc.)
- ip (str): Pod IP address
- node (str): Name of the node running this pod
- containers (list): List of containers in the pod with their status
- creation_time (str): Timestamp when pod was created
ApiException: If there is an error communicating with the Kubernetes API
if namespace:
pods = core_v1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace)
pods = core_v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces()
result = []
for pod in pods.items:
containers = []
for container in pod.spec.containers:
"name": container.name,
"image": container.image,
"ready": any(
s.container_id is not None and s.name == container.name
for s in pod.status.container_statuses
if pod.status.container_statuses
else False,
"name": pod.metadata.name,
"namespace": pod.metadata.namespace,
"phase": pod.status.phase,
"ip": pod.status.pod_ip,
"node": pod.spec.node_name,
"containers": containers,
"creation_time": pod.metadata.creation_timestamp.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
if pod.metadata.creation_timestamp
else None,
return json.dumps(result)
except ApiException as e:
return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}), 500
def list_nodes():
"""List all nodes and their status"""
nodes = core_v1.list_node()
result = []
for node in nodes.items:
conditions = {}
for condition in node.status.conditions:
conditions[condition.type] = condition.status
addresses = {}
for address in node.status.addresses:
addresses[address.type] = address.address
# Get capacity and allocatable resources
capacity = {
"cpu": node.status.capacity.get("cpu"),
"memory": node.status.capacity.get("memory"),
"pods": node.status.capacity.get("pods"),
allocatable = {
"cpu": node.status.allocatable.get("cpu"),
"memory": node.status.allocatable.get("memory"),
"pods": node.status.allocatable.get("pods"),
"name": node.metadata.name,
"conditions": conditions,
"addresses": addresses,
"capacity": capacity,
"allocatable": allocatable,
"kubelet_version": node.status.node_info.kubelet_version
if node.status.node_info
else None,
return json.dumps(result)
except ApiException as e:
return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}), 500
def list_deployments(namespace=None):
List deployments with optional namespace filter
namespaces (list, optional): A list of namespace names to filter pods by.
If None, pods from all namespaces will be returned. Defaults to None.
if namespace:
deployments = apps_v1.list_namespaced_deployment(namespace)
deployments = apps_v1.list_deployment_for_all_namespaces()
result = []
for deployment in deployments.items:
"name": deployment.metadata.name,
"namespace": deployment.metadata.namespace,
"replicas": deployment.spec.replicas,
"available_replicas": deployment.status.available_replicas,
"ready_replicas": deployment.status.ready_replicas,
"strategy": deployment.spec.strategy.type,
"creation_time": deployment.metadata.creation_timestamp.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
if deployment.metadata.creation_timestamp
else None,
return json.dumps(result)
except ApiException as e:
return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}), 500
def list_services(namespace=None):
List services with optional namespace filter
namespaces (list, optional): A list of namespace names to filter pods by.
If None, pods from all namespaces will be returned. Defaults to None.
if namespace:
services = core_v1.list_namespaced_service(namespace)
services = core_v1.list_service_for_all_namespaces()
result = []
for service in services.items:
ports = []
for port in service.spec.ports:
"name": port.name,
"port": port.port,
"target_port": port.target_port,
"protocol": port.protocol,
"node_port": port.node_port
if hasattr(port, "node_port")
else None,
"name": service.metadata.name,
"namespace": service.metadata.namespace,
"type": service.spec.type,
"cluster_ip": service.spec.cluster_ip,
"external_ip": service.spec.external_i_ps
if hasattr(service.spec, "external_i_ps")
else None,
"ports": ports,
"selector": service.spec.selector,
"creation_time": service.metadata.creation_timestamp.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
if service.metadata.creation_timestamp
else None,
return json.dumps(result)
except ApiException as e:
return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}), 500
def list_events(namespace=None):
List events with optional namespace filter
namespaces (list, optional): A list of namespace names to filter pods by.
If None, pods from all namespaces will be returned. Defaults to None.
if namespace:
events = core_v1.list_namespaced_event(namespace)
events = core_v1.list_event_for_all_namespaces()
result = []
for event in events.items:
"type": event.type,
"reason": event.reason,
"message": event.message,
"object": f"{event.involved_object.kind}/{event.involved_object.name}",
"namespace": event.metadata.namespace,
"count": event.count,
"first_time": event.first_timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
if event.first_timestamp
else None,
"last_time": event.last_timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
if event.last_timestamp
else None,
# Sort by last_time (newest first)
# TODO: fix issue with sorting
# result.sort(key=lambda x: x.get("last_time", ""), reverse=True)
return json.dumps(result)
except ApiException as e:
return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}), 500
def failed_pods():
List all pods in Failed or Error state across all namespaces.
Identifies pods that are in a failed state, including those in CrashLoopBackOff,
ImagePullBackOff, or other error states. Provides detailed container status
information to aid in troubleshooting.
str: JSON string containing an array of failed pod objects with fields:
- name (str): Name of the pod
- namespace (str): Namespace where the pod is running
- phase (str): Current phase of the pod
- container_statuses (list): Detailed status of each container
including state, reason, exit codes, and restart counts
- node (str): Name of the node running this pod
- message (str): Status message from the pod, if any
- reason (str): Reason for the current status, if any
ApiException: If there is an error communicating with the Kubernetes API
pods = core_v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces()
failed = []
for pod in pods.items:
if pod.status.phase in ["Failed", "Error"] or any(
and s.state.waiting
and s.state.waiting.reason
in ["CrashLoopBackOff", "ImagePullBackOff", "ErrImagePull"]
for s in pod.status.container_statuses
if s.state and s.state.waiting
container_statuses = []
if pod.status.container_statuses:
for s in pod.status.container_statuses:
state = {}
if s.state.waiting:
state = {
"status": "waiting",
"reason": s.state.waiting.reason,
"message": s.state.waiting.message,
elif s.state.terminated:
state = {
"status": "terminated",
"reason": s.state.terminated.reason,
"exit_code": s.state.terminated.exit_code,
"message": s.state.terminated.message,
"name": s.name,
"state": state,
"restart_count": s.restart_count,
"name": pod.metadata.name,
"namespace": pod.metadata.namespace,
"phase": pod.status.phase,
"container_statuses": container_statuses,
"node": pod.spec.node_name,
"message": pod.status.message if pod.status.message else None,
"reason": pod.status.reason if pod.status.reason else None,
return json.dumps(failed)
except ApiException as e:
return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}), 500
def pending_pods():
"""List all pods in Pending state and why they're pending"""
pods = core_v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces()
pending = []
for pod in pods.items:
if pod.status.phase == "Pending":
# Check for events related to this pod
events = core_v1.list_namespaced_event(
pending_reason = "Unknown"
pending_message = None
# Get the latest event that might explain why it's pending
if events.items:
latest_event = max(
key=lambda e: e.last_timestamp
if e.last_timestamp
else datetime.min,
pending_reason = latest_event.reason
pending_message = latest_event.message
"name": pod.metadata.name,
"namespace": pod.metadata.namespace,
"node": pod.spec.node_name,
"reason": pending_reason,
"message": pending_message,
"creation_time": pod.metadata.creation_timestamp.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
if pod.metadata.creation_timestamp
else None,
return json.dumps(pending)
except ApiException as e:
return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}), 500
def high_restart_pods(restart_threshold=5):
Find pods with high restart counts (>5)
restart_threshold (int, optional): The minimum number of restarts
required to include a pod in the results. Defaults to 5.
pods = core_v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces()
high_restart = []
for pod in pods.items:
high_restart_containers = []
if pod.status.container_statuses:
for status in pod.status.container_statuses:
if status.restart_count > restart_threshold:
"name": status.name,
"restart_count": status.restart_count,
"ready": status.ready,
"image": status.image,
if high_restart_containers:
"name": pod.metadata.name,
"namespace": pod.metadata.namespace,
"node": pod.spec.node_name,
"containers": high_restart_containers,
return json.dumps(high_restart)
except ApiException as e:
return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}), 500
def node_capacity():
Show available capacity and resource utilization on all nodes.
Calculates the current resource usage across all nodes, including:
- Pod count vs. maximum pods per node
- CPU requests vs. allocatable CPU
- Memory requests vs. allocatable memory
The function provides both raw values and percentage utilization to help
identify nodes approaching resource limits.
str: JSON string containing an array of node capacity objects with fields:
- name (str): Name of the node
- pods (dict): Pod capacity information
- used (int): Number of pods running on the node
- capacity (int): Maximum number of pods the node can run
- percent_used (float): Percentage of pod capacity in use
- cpu (dict): CPU resource information
- requested (float): CPU cores requested by pods
- allocatable (float): CPU cores available on the node
- percent_used (float): Percentage of CPU capacity in use
- memory (dict): Memory resource information
- requested (int): Memory requested by pods in bytes
- requested_human (str): Human-readable memory requested
- allocatable (int): Memory available on the node in bytes
- allocatable_human (str): Human-readable allocatable memory
- percent_used (float): Percentage of memory capacity in use
- conditions (dict): Node condition statuses
ApiException: If there is an error communicating with the Kubernetes API
nodes = core_v1.list_node()
pods = core_v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces()
# Group pods by node
node_pods = {}
for pod in pods.items:
if pod.spec.node_name:
if pod.spec.node_name not in node_pods:
node_pods[pod.spec.node_name] = []
results = []
for node in nodes.items:
# Calculate pod count
pod_count = len(node_pods.get(node.metadata.name, []))
max_pods = int(node.status.allocatable.get("pods", 0))
# Calculate CPU and memory utilization (rough estimate)
node_pods_list = node_pods.get(node.metadata.name, [])
cpu_request = 0
memory_request = 0
for pod in node_pods_list:
for container in pod.spec.containers:
if container.resources and container.resources.requests:
if container.resources.requests.get("cpu"):
cpu_str = container.resources.requests.get("cpu")
if cpu_str.endswith("m"):
cpu_request += int(cpu_str[:-1]) / 1000
cpu_request += float(cpu_str)
if container.resources.requests.get("memory"):
mem_str = container.resources.requests.get("memory")
# Convert to bytes (rough approximation)
if mem_str.endswith("Ki"):
memory_request += int(mem_str[:-2]) * 1024
elif mem_str.endswith("Mi"):
memory_request += int(mem_str[:-2]) * 1024 * 1024
elif mem_str.endswith("Gi"):
memory_request += int(mem_str[:-2]) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
memory_request += int(mem_str)
# Convert allocatable CPU to cores
cpu_allocatable = node.status.allocatable.get("cpu", "0")
if cpu_allocatable.endswith("m"):
cpu_allocatable = int(cpu_allocatable[:-1]) / 1000
cpu_allocatable = float(cpu_allocatable)
# Convert allocatable memory to bytes
mem_allocatable = node.status.allocatable.get("memory", "0")
mem_bytes = 0
if mem_allocatable.endswith("Ki"):
mem_bytes = int(mem_allocatable[:-2]) * 1024
elif mem_allocatable.endswith("Mi"):
mem_bytes = int(mem_allocatable[:-2]) * 1024 * 1024
elif mem_allocatable.endswith("Gi"):
mem_bytes = int(mem_allocatable[:-2]) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
mem_bytes = int(mem_allocatable)
"name": node.metadata.name,
"pods": {
"used": pod_count,
"capacity": max_pods,
"percent_used": round((pod_count / max_pods) * 100, 2)
if max_pods > 0
else 0,
"cpu": {
"requested": round(cpu_request, 2),
"allocatable": round(cpu_allocatable, 2),
"percent_used": round((cpu_request / cpu_allocatable) * 100, 2)
if cpu_allocatable > 0
else 0,
"memory": {
"requested": memory_request,
"requested_human": format_bytes(memory_request),
"allocatable": mem_bytes,
"allocatable_human": format_bytes(mem_bytes),
"percent_used": round((memory_request / mem_bytes) * 100, 2)
if mem_bytes > 0
else 0,
"conditions": {
cond.type: cond.status for cond in node.status.conditions
return json.dumps(results)
except ApiException as e:
return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}), 500
def orphaned_resources():
"""List resources that might be orphaned (no owner references)"""
results = {
"pods": [],
"services": [],
"persistent_volume_claims": [],
"config_maps": [],
"secrets": [],
# Check for orphaned pods
pods = core_v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces()
for pod in pods.items:
if (
not pod.metadata.owner_references
and not pod.metadata.name.startswith("kube-")
and pod.metadata.namespace != "kube-system"
"name": pod.metadata.name,
"namespace": pod.metadata.namespace,
"creation_time": pod.metadata.creation_timestamp.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
if pod.metadata.creation_timestamp
else None,
# Check for orphaned services
services = core_v1.list_service_for_all_namespaces()
for service in services.items:
if (
not service.metadata.owner_references
and not service.metadata.name.startswith("kube-")
and service.metadata.namespace != "kube-system"
and service.metadata.name != "kubernetes"
"name": service.metadata.name,
"namespace": service.metadata.namespace,
"creation_time": service.metadata.creation_timestamp.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
if service.metadata.creation_timestamp
else None,
# Check for orphaned PVCs
pvcs = core_v1.list_persistent_volume_claim_for_all_namespaces()
for pvc in pvcs.items:
if not pvc.metadata.owner_references:
"name": pvc.metadata.name,
"namespace": pvc.metadata.namespace,
"creation_time": pvc.metadata.creation_timestamp.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
if pvc.metadata.creation_timestamp
else None,
# Check for orphaned ConfigMaps
config_maps = core_v1.list_config_map_for_all_namespaces()
for cm in config_maps.items:
if (
not cm.metadata.owner_references
and not cm.metadata.name.startswith("kube-")
and cm.metadata.namespace != "kube-system"
"name": cm.metadata.name,
"namespace": cm.metadata.namespace,
"creation_time": cm.metadata.creation_timestamp.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
if cm.metadata.creation_timestamp
else None,
# Check for orphaned Secrets
secrets = core_v1.list_secret_for_all_namespaces()
for secret in secrets.items:
if (
not secret.metadata.owner_references
and not secret.metadata.name.startswith("kube-")
and secret.metadata.namespace != "kube-system"
and not secret.type.startswith("kubernetes.io/")
"name": secret.metadata.name,
"namespace": secret.metadata.namespace,
"type": secret.type,
"creation_time": secret.metadata.creation_timestamp.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
if secret.metadata.creation_timestamp
else None,
return json.dumps(results)
except ApiException as e:
return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}), 500
def get_resource_yaml(namespace, resource_type, resource_name):
Retrieves the YAML configuration for a specified Kubernetes resource.
Fetches the complete configuration of a resource, which can be useful for
debugging, documentation, or backup purposes.
namespace (str): The Kubernetes namespace containing the resource.
resource_type (str): The type of resource to retrieve.
Supported types: 'pod', 'deployment', 'service', 'configmap',
'secret', 'job'
resource_name (str): The name of the specific resource to retrieve.
str: YAML string representation of the resource configuration.
ApiException: If there is an error communicating with the Kubernetes API
ValueError: If an unsupported resource type is specified
resource_data = None
if resource_type == "pod":
resource_data = core_v1.read_namespaced_pod(resource_name, namespace)
elif resource_type == "deployment":
resource_data = apps_v1.read_namespaced_deployment(resource_name, namespace)
elif resource_type == "service":
resource_data = core_v1.read_namespaced_service(resource_name, namespace)
elif resource_type == "configmap":
resource_data = core_v1.read_namespaced_config_map(resource_name, namespace)
elif resource_type == "secret":
resource_data = core_v1.read_namespaced_secret(resource_name, namespace)
elif resource_type == "job":
resource_data = batch_v1.read_namespaced_job(resource_name, namespace)
return json.dumps(
{"error": f"Unsupported resource type: {resource_type}"}
), 400
# Convert to dict and then to YAML
resource_dict = client.ApiClient().sanitize_for_serialization(resource_data)
yaml_str = yaml.dump(resource_dict, default_flow_style=False)
return yaml_str
except ApiException as e:
return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}), 500
# Helper function to format bytes into human-readable format
def format_bytes(size):
Format bytes to human readable string.
Converts a byte value to a human-readable string with appropriate
units (B, KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB).
size (int): Size in bytes
str: Human-readable string representation of the size
(e.g., "2.5 MiB")
power = 2**10
n = 0
power_labels = {0: "B", 1: "KiB", 2: "MiB", 3: "GiB", 4: "TiB"}
while size > power:
size /= power
n += 1
return f"{round(size, 2)} {power_labels[n]}"
if __name__ == "__main__":
# # Initialize and run the server