OpenAI MCP Server

#!/usr/bin/env python3 # claude_code/lib/monitoring/ """Cost tracking and management.""" import logging import json import os import time from datetime import datetime from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any, Tuple from rich.panel import Panel from rich.table import Table from rich.text import Text from import ROUNDED logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CostTracker: """Tracks token usage and calculates costs for LLM interactions.""" def __init__(self, budget_limit: Optional[float] = None, history_file: Optional[str] = None): """Initialize the cost tracker. Args: budget_limit: Optional budget limit in dollars history_file: Optional path to a file to store history """ self.budget_limit = budget_limit self.history_file = history_file # Initialize session counters self.session_start = self.session_tokens_input = 0 self.session_tokens_output = 0 self.session_cost = 0.0 # Request history self.requests: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] # Load history from file if provided self._load_history() def add_request(self, provider: str, model: str, tokens_input: int, tokens_output: int, input_cost_per_1k: float, output_cost_per_1k: float, request_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Add a request to the tracker. Args: provider: Provider name (e.g., "openai", "anthropic") model: Model name (e.g., "gpt-4o", "claude-3-opus") tokens_input: Number of input tokens tokens_output: Number of output tokens input_cost_per_1k: Cost per 1,000 input tokens output_cost_per_1k: Cost per 1,000 output tokens request_id: Optional request ID Returns: Dictionary with request information including costs """ # Calculate costs input_cost = (tokens_input / 1000) * input_cost_per_1k output_cost = (tokens_output / 1000) * output_cost_per_1k total_cost = input_cost + output_cost # Update session counters self.session_tokens_input += tokens_input self.session_tokens_output += tokens_output self.session_cost += total_cost # Create request record request = { "id": request_id or f"{int(time.time())}-{len(self.requests)}", "timestamp":, "provider": provider, "model": model, "tokens_input": tokens_input, "tokens_output": tokens_output, "input_cost": input_cost, "output_cost": output_cost, "total_cost": total_cost } # Add to history self.requests.append(request) # Save history self._save_history() # Log the request f"Request: {provider}/{model}, " + f"Tokens: {tokens_input} in / {tokens_output} out, " + f"Cost: ${total_cost:.4f}" ) return request def get_session_stats(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get statistics for the current session. Returns: Dictionary with session statistics """ return { "start_time": self.session_start.isoformat(), "duration_seconds": ( - self.session_start).total_seconds(), "tokens_input": self.session_tokens_input, "tokens_output": self.session_tokens_output, "total_tokens": self.session_tokens_input + self.session_tokens_output, "total_cost": self.session_cost, "request_count": len(self.requests), "budget_limit": self.budget_limit, "budget_remaining": None if self.budget_limit is None else self.budget_limit - self.session_cost } def check_budget(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Check if budget limit is approached or exceeded. Returns: Dictionary with budget status information """ if self.budget_limit is None: return { "has_budget": False, "status": "no_limit", "message": "No budget limit set" } remaining = self.budget_limit - self.session_cost percentage_used = (self.session_cost / self.budget_limit) * 100 if remaining <= 0: status = "exceeded" message = f"Budget exceeded by ${abs(remaining):.2f}" elif percentage_used > 90: status = "critical" message = f"Budget critical: ${remaining:.2f} remaining ({percentage_used:.1f}% used)" elif percentage_used > 75: status = "warning" message = f"Budget warning: ${remaining:.2f} remaining ({percentage_used:.1f}% used)" else: status = "ok" message = f"Budget OK: ${remaining:.2f} remaining ({percentage_used:.1f}% used)" return { "has_budget": True, "status": status, "message": message, "limit": self.budget_limit, "used": self.session_cost, "remaining": remaining, "percentage_used": percentage_used } def get_usage_by_model(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """Get usage statistics grouped by model. Returns: Dictionary mapping "provider/model" to usage statistics """ usage: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {} for request in self.requests: key = f"{request['provider']}/{request['model']}" if key not in usage: usage[key] = { "provider": request["provider"], "model": request["model"], "request_count": 0, "tokens_input": 0, "tokens_output": 0, "total_cost": 0.0 } usage[key]["request_count"] += 1 usage[key]["tokens_input"] += request["tokens_input"] usage[key]["tokens_output"] += request["tokens_output"] usage[key]["total_cost"] += request["total_cost"] return usage def get_cost_summary_panel(self) -> Panel: """Create a Rich panel with cost summary information. Returns: Rich Panel object """ # Get stats and budget info stats = self.get_session_stats() budget = self.check_budget() # Create a table for the summary table = Table(show_header=False, box=ROUNDED, expand=True) table.add_column("Item", style="bold") table.add_column("Value") # Add rows with token usage table.add_row( "Tokens (Input)", f"{stats['tokens_input']:,}" ) table.add_row( "Tokens (Output)", f"{stats['tokens_output']:,}" ) table.add_row( "Total Cost", f"${stats['total_cost']:.4f}" ) # Add budget information if available if budget["has_budget"]: # Create styled text for budget status status_text = Text(budget["message"]) if budget["status"] == "exceeded": status_text.stylize("bold red") elif budget["status"] == "critical": status_text.stylize("bold yellow") elif budget["status"] == "warning": status_text.stylize("yellow") else: status_text.stylize("green") table.add_row("Budget", status_text) # Create the panel title = "[bold]Cost & Usage Summary[/bold]" return Panel(table, title=title, border_style="yellow") def reset_session(self) -> None: """Reset the session counters but keep request history.""" self.session_start = self.session_tokens_input = 0 self.session_tokens_output = 0 self.session_cost = 0.0"Cost tracking session reset") def _save_history(self) -> None: """Save request history to file if configured.""" if not self.history_file: return try: # Ensure directory exists directory = os.path.dirname(self.history_file) if directory and not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) # Save history with open(self.history_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump({ "session_start": self.session_start.isoformat(), "budget_limit": self.budget_limit, "requests": self.requests, "updated_at": }, f, indent=2) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to save cost history: {e}") def _load_history(self) -> None: """Load request history from file if available.""" if not self.history_file or not os.path.exists(self.history_file): return try: with open(self.history_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: data = json.load(f) # Load session data self.session_start = datetime.fromisoformat(data.get('session_start', self.session_start.isoformat())) self.budget_limit = data.get('budget_limit', self.budget_limit) # Load requests self.requests = data.get('requests', []) # Recalculate session totals self.session_tokens_input = sum(r.get('tokens_input', 0) for r in self.requests) self.session_tokens_output = sum(r.get('tokens_output', 0) for r in self.requests) self.session_cost = sum(r.get('total_cost', 0) for r in self.requests)"Loaded cost history with {len(self.requests)} requests") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to load cost history: {e}") def generate_usage_report(self, format: str = "text") -> str: """Generate a usage report. Args: format: Output format ("text", "json", "markdown") Returns: Formatted usage report """ stats = self.get_session_stats() model_usage = self.get_usage_by_model() if format == "json": return json.dumps({ "session": stats, "models": model_usage }, indent=2) # Text or markdown format lines = [] lines.append("# Usage Report" if format == "markdown" else "USAGE REPORT") lines.append("") # Session summary lines.append("## Session Summary" if format == "markdown" else "SESSION SUMMARY") lines.append(f"- Start time: {stats['start_time']}") lines.append(f"- Duration: {stats['duration_seconds'] / 60:.1f} minutes") lines.append(f"- Requests: {stats['request_count']}") lines.append(f"- Total tokens: {stats['total_tokens']:,} ({stats['tokens_input']:,} in / {stats['tokens_output']:,} out)") lines.append(f"- Total cost: ${stats['total_cost']:.4f}") if stats['budget_limit'] is not None: lines.append(f"- Budget: ${stats['budget_limit']:.2f} (${stats['budget_remaining']:.2f} remaining)") lines.append("") # Usage by model lines.append("## Usage by Model" if format == "markdown" else "USAGE BY MODEL") for key, usage in sorted(model_usage.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['total_cost'], reverse=True): lines.append(f"### {key}" if format == "markdown" else key.upper()) lines.append(f"- Requests: {usage['request_count']}") lines.append(f"- Tokens: {usage['tokens_input'] + usage['tokens_output']:,} ({usage['tokens_input']:,} in / {usage['tokens_output']:,} out)") lines.append(f"- Cost: ${usage['total_cost']:.4f}") lines.append("") return "\n".join(lines)