OpenAI MCP Server

#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Module for tracking MCP server metrics.""" import os import time import json import logging import threading from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional, Callable from datetime import datetime, timedelta from collections import deque, Counter # Setup logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ServerMetrics: """Tracks MCP server metrics for visualization.""" def __init__(self, history_size: int = 100, save_interval: int = 60): """Initialize the server metrics tracker. Args: history_size: Number of data points to keep in history save_interval: How often to save metrics to disk (in seconds) """ self._start_time = time.time() self._lock = threading.RLock() self._history_size = history_size self._save_interval = save_interval self._save_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/claude_code/metrics.json") # Ensure directory exists os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self._save_path), exist_ok=True) # Metrics self._request_history = deque(maxlen=history_size) self._tool_calls = Counter() self._resource_calls = Counter() self._connections = 0 self._active_connections = set() self._errors = Counter() # Time series data for charts self._time_series = { "tool_calls": deque([(time.time(), 0)] * 10, maxlen=10), "resource_calls": deque([(time.time(), 0)] * 10, maxlen=10) } # Start auto-save thread self._running = True self._save_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._auto_save, daemon=True) self._save_thread.start() # Load previous metrics if available self._load_metrics() def _auto_save(self): """Periodically save metrics to disk.""" while self._running: time.sleep(self._save_interval) try: self.save_metrics() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error saving metrics: {e}") def _load_metrics(self): """Load metrics from disk if available.""" try: if os.path.exists(self._save_path): with open(self._save_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: data = json.load(f) with self._lock: # Load previous tool and resource calls self._tool_calls = Counter(data.get("tool_calls", {})) self._resource_calls = Counter(data.get("resource_calls", {})) # Don't load time-sensitive data like connections and history"Loaded metrics from {self._save_path}") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error loading metrics: {e}") def save_metrics(self): """Save metrics to disk.""" try: with self._lock: data = { "tool_calls": dict(self._tool_calls), "resource_calls": dict(self._resource_calls), "total_connections": self._connections, "last_saved": time.time() } with open(self._save_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=2) logger.debug(f"Metrics saved to {self._save_path}") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error saving metrics: {e}") def log_tool_call(self, tool_name: str, success: bool = True): """Log a tool call. Args: tool_name: The name of the tool that was called success: Whether the call was successful """ with self._lock: self._tool_calls[tool_name] += 1 # Add to request history timestamp = time.time() self._request_history.append({ "type": "tool", "name": tool_name, "success": success, "timestamp": timestamp }) # Update time series current_time = time.time() last_time, count = self._time_series["tool_calls"][-1] if current_time - last_time < 60: # Less than a minute self._time_series["tool_calls"][-1] = (last_time, count + 1) else: self._time_series["tool_calls"].append((current_time, 1)) def log_resource_request(self, resource_uri: str, success: bool = True): """Log a resource request. Args: resource_uri: The URI of the requested resource success: Whether the request was successful """ with self._lock: self._resource_calls[resource_uri] += 1 # Add to request history timestamp = time.time() self._request_history.append({ "type": "resource", "uri": resource_uri, "success": success, "timestamp": timestamp }) # Update time series current_time = time.time() last_time, count = self._time_series["resource_calls"][-1] if current_time - last_time < 60: # Less than a minute self._time_series["resource_calls"][-1] = (last_time, count + 1) else: self._time_series["resource_calls"].append((current_time, 1)) def log_connection(self, client_id: str, connected: bool = True): """Log a client connection or disconnection. Args: client_id: Client identifier connected: True for connection, False for disconnection """ with self._lock: if connected: self._connections += 1 self._active_connections.add(client_id) else: self._active_connections.discard(client_id) # Add to request history timestamp = time.time() self._request_history.append({ "type": "connection", "client_id": client_id, "action": "connect" if connected else "disconnect", "timestamp": timestamp }) def log_error(self, error_type: str, message: str): """Log an error. Args: error_type: Type of error message: Error message """ with self._lock: self._errors[error_type] += 1 # Add to request history timestamp = time.time() self._request_history.append({ "type": "error", "error_type": error_type, "message": message, "timestamp": timestamp }) def get_uptime(self) -> str: """Get the server uptime as a human-readable string. Returns: Uptime string (e.g., "2 hours 15 minutes") """ uptime_seconds = time.time() - self._start_time uptime = timedelta(seconds=int(uptime_seconds)) days = uptime.days hours, remainder = divmod(uptime.seconds, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) parts = [] if days > 0: parts.append(f"{days} {'day' if days == 1 else 'days'}") if hours > 0 or days > 0: parts.append(f"{hours} {'hour' if hours == 1 else 'hours'}") if minutes > 0 or hours > 0 or days > 0: parts.append(f"{minutes} {'minute' if minutes == 1 else 'minutes'}") if not parts: return f"{seconds} seconds" return " ".join(parts) def get_active_connections_count(self) -> int: """Get the number of active connections. Returns: Number of active connections """ with self._lock: return len(self._active_connections) def get_total_connections(self) -> int: """Get the total number of connections since startup. Returns: Total connection count """ with self._lock: return self._connections def get_recent_activity(self, count: int = 10) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get recent activity. Args: count: Number of recent events to return Returns: List of recent activity events """ with self._lock: recent = list(self._request_history)[-count:] # Format timestamps for event in recent: ts = event["timestamp"] event["formatted_time"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") return recent def get_tool_usage_stats(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """Get statistics on tool usage. Returns: Dictionary mapping tool names to call counts """ with self._lock: return dict(self._tool_calls) def get_resource_usage_stats(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """Get statistics on resource usage. Returns: Dictionary mapping resource URIs to request counts """ with self._lock: return dict(self._resource_calls) def get_error_stats(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """Get statistics on errors. Returns: Dictionary mapping error types to counts """ with self._lock: return dict(self._errors) def get_time_series_data(self) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]: """Get time series data for charts. Returns: Dictionary with time series data """ with self._lock: result = {} # Convert deques to lists of dictionaries for series_name, series_data in self._time_series.items(): result[series_name] = [ {"timestamp": ts, "value": val, "formatted_time": datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime("%H:%M:%S")} for ts, val in series_data ] return result def get_all_metrics(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get all metrics data. Returns: Dictionary with all metrics """ return { "uptime": self.get_uptime(), "active_connections": self.get_active_connections_count(), "total_connections": self.get_total_connections(), "recent_activity": self.get_recent_activity(20), "tool_usage": self.get_tool_usage_stats(), "resource_usage": self.get_resource_usage_stats(), "errors": self.get_error_stats(), "time_series": self.get_time_series_data() } def reset_stats(self): """Reset all statistics but keep the start time.""" with self._lock: self._request_history.clear() self._tool_calls.clear() self._resource_calls.clear() self._connections = 0 self._active_connections.clear() self._errors.clear() # Reset time series current_time = time.time() self._time_series = { "tool_calls": deque([(current_time - (600 - i * 60), 0) for i in range(10)], maxlen=10), "resource_calls": deque([(current_time - (600 - i * 60), 0) for i in range(10)], maxlen=10) } def shutdown(self): """Shutdown the metrics tracker and save data.""" self._running = False self.save_metrics() # Singleton instance _metrics_instance = None def get_metrics() -> ServerMetrics: """Get or create the singleton metrics instance. Returns: ServerMetrics instance """ global _metrics_instance if _metrics_instance is None: _metrics_instance = ServerMetrics() return _metrics_instance