BirdNet-Pi MCP Server

by DMontgomery40
  • birdnet
from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Any import json import base64 import os from .utils import ( read_detections_file, get_audio_buffer, filter_detections_by_date, filter_detections_by_species, calculate_confidence_stats ) from .config import default_config async def get_bird_detections( start_date: str, end_date: str, species: Optional[str] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: detections = await read_detections_file(default_config) detections = filter_detections_by_date(detections, start_date, end_date) if species: detections = filter_detections_by_species(detections, species) stats = calculate_confidence_stats(detections) return { "detections": detections, "stats": stats, "total": len(detections) } async def get_detection_stats( period: str, min_confidence: float = 0.0 ) -> Dict[str, Any]: detections = await read_detections_file(default_config) now = period_map = { "day": timedelta(days=1), "week": timedelta(weeks=1), "month": timedelta(days=30) } filtered_detections = [ d for d in detections if (period == "all" or now - datetime.fromisoformat(d["timestamp"]) <= period_map[period]) and d["confidence"] >= min_confidence ] # Calculate statistics unique_species = set(d["species"] for d in filtered_detections) detections_by_species = {} for detection in filtered_detections: species = detection["species"] detections_by_species[species] = detections_by_species.get(species, 0) + 1 top_species = sorted( [{"species": k, "count": v} for k, v in detections_by_species.items()], key=lambda x: x["count"], reverse=True )[:10] confidence_stats = calculate_confidence_stats(filtered_detections) return { "totalDetections": len(filtered_detections), "uniqueSpecies": len(unique_species), "detectionsBySpecies": detections_by_species, "topSpecies": top_species, "confidenceStats": confidence_stats, "periodCovered": period, "minConfidence": min_confidence } async def get_audio_recording( filename: str, format: str = 'base64' ) -> Dict[str, Any]: audio_buffer = await get_audio_buffer(default_config, filename) if format == 'base64': return { "audio": base64.b64encode(audio_buffer).decode('utf-8'), "format": format } return { "audio": audio_buffer, "format": 'buffer' } async def get_daily_activity( date: str, species: Optional[str] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: detections = await read_detections_file(default_config) target_date = datetime.fromisoformat(date) # Filter detections for the target date day_detections = [ d for d in detections if datetime.fromisoformat(d["timestamp"]).date() == ] if species: day_detections = filter_detections_by_species(day_detections, species) # Calculate hourly activity hourly_activity = [0] * 24 for detection in day_detections: hour = datetime.fromisoformat(detection["timestamp"]).hour hourly_activity[hour] += 1 return { "date": date, "species": species or "all", "totalDetections": len(day_detections), "hourlyActivity": hourly_activity, "peakHour": hourly_activity.index(max(hourly_activity)), "uniqueSpecies": len(set(d["species"] for d in day_detections)) } async def generate_detection_report( start_date: str, end_date: str, format: str = 'html' ) -> Dict[str, Any]: detections = await get_bird_detections(start_date, end_date) stats = await get_detection_stats("all") if format == 'html': # Generate HTML report html_content = f""" <html> <head><title>Bird Detection Report</title></head> <body> <h1>Bird Detection Report</h1> <p>Period: {start_date} to {end_date}</p> <h2>Summary</h2> <ul> <li>Total Detections: {stats['totalDetections']}</li> <li>Unique Species: {stats['uniqueSpecies']}</li> </ul> <!-- Add more report content --> </body> </html> """ return {"report": html_content, "format": "html"} return { "report": { "period": {"start": start_date, "end": end_date}, "summary": stats, "detections": detections }, "format": "json" }