ClickUp Operator

# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022-present, the HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Contains command to delete some revisions from the HF cache directory. Usage: huggingface-cli delete-cache huggingface-cli delete-cache --disable-tui huggingface-cli delete-cache --dir ~/.cache/huggingface/hub NOTE: This command is based on `InquirerPy` to build the multiselect menu in the terminal. This dependency has to be installed with `pip install huggingface_hub[cli]`. Since we want to avoid as much as possible cross-platform issues, I chose a library that is built on top of `python-prompt-toolkit` which seems to be a reference in terminal GUI (actively maintained on both Unix and Windows, 7.9k stars). For the moment, the TUI feature is in beta. See: - - - Other solutions could have been: - `simple_term_menu`: would be good as well for our use case but some issues suggest that Windows is less supported. See: - `PyInquirer`: very similar to `InquirerPy` but older and not maintained anymore. In particular, no support of Python3.10. See: - `pick` (or `pickpack`): easy to use and flexible but built on top of Python's standard library `curses` that is specific to Unix (not implemented on Windows). See and - `inquirer`: lot of traction (700 stars) but explicitly states "experimental support of Windows". Not built on top of `python-prompt-toolkit`. See TODO: add support for `huggingface-cli delete-cache aaaaaa bbbbbb cccccc (...)` ? TODO: add "--keep-last" arg to delete revisions that are not on `main` ref TODO: add "--filter" arg to filter repositories by name ? TODO: add "--sort" arg to sort by size ? TODO: add "--limit" arg to limit to X repos ? TODO: add "-y" arg for immediate deletion ? See discussions in """ import os from argparse import Namespace, _SubParsersAction from functools import wraps from tempfile import mkstemp from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Union from ..utils import CachedRepoInfo, CachedRevisionInfo, HFCacheInfo, scan_cache_dir from . import BaseHuggingfaceCLICommand from ._cli_utils import ANSI try: from InquirerPy import inquirer from InquirerPy.base.control import Choice from InquirerPy.separator import Separator _inquirer_py_available = True except ImportError: _inquirer_py_available = False def require_inquirer_py(fn: Callable) -> Callable: """Decorator to flag methods that require `InquirerPy`.""" # TODO: refactor this + imports in a unified pattern across codebase @wraps(fn) def _inner(*args, **kwargs): if not _inquirer_py_available: raise ImportError( "The `delete-cache` command requires extra dependencies to work with" " the TUI.\nPlease run `pip install huggingface_hub[cli]` to install" " them.\nOtherwise, disable TUI using the `--disable-tui` flag." ) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return _inner # Possibility for the user to cancel deletion _CANCEL_DELETION_STR = "CANCEL_DELETION" class DeleteCacheCommand(BaseHuggingfaceCLICommand): @staticmethod def register_subcommand(parser: _SubParsersAction): delete_cache_parser = parser.add_parser("delete-cache", help="Delete revisions from the cache directory.") delete_cache_parser.add_argument( "--dir", type=str, default=None, help="cache directory (optional). Default to the default HuggingFace cache.", ) delete_cache_parser.add_argument( "--disable-tui", action="store_true", help=( "Disable Terminal User Interface (TUI) mode. Useful if your" " platform/terminal doesn't support the multiselect menu." ), ) delete_cache_parser.set_defaults(func=DeleteCacheCommand) def __init__(self, args: Namespace) -> None: self.cache_dir: Optional[str] = args.dir self.disable_tui: bool = args.disable_tui def run(self): """Run `delete-cache` command with or without TUI.""" # Scan cache directory hf_cache_info = scan_cache_dir(self.cache_dir) # Manual review from the user if self.disable_tui: selected_hashes = _manual_review_no_tui(hf_cache_info, preselected=[]) else: selected_hashes = _manual_review_tui(hf_cache_info, preselected=[]) # If deletion is not cancelled if len(selected_hashes) > 0 and _CANCEL_DELETION_STR not in selected_hashes: confirm_message = _get_expectations_str(hf_cache_info, selected_hashes) + " Confirm deletion ?" # Confirm deletion if self.disable_tui: confirmed = _ask_for_confirmation_no_tui(confirm_message) else: confirmed = _ask_for_confirmation_tui(confirm_message) # Deletion is confirmed if confirmed: strategy = hf_cache_info.delete_revisions(*selected_hashes) print("Start deletion.") strategy.execute() print( f"Done. Deleted {len(strategy.repos)} repo(s) and" f" {len(strategy.snapshots)} revision(s) for a total of" f" {strategy.expected_freed_size_str}." ) return # Deletion is cancelled print("Deletion is cancelled. Do nothing.") @require_inquirer_py def _manual_review_tui(hf_cache_info: HFCacheInfo, preselected: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Ask the user for a manual review of the revisions to delete. Displays a multi-select menu in the terminal (TUI). """ # Define multiselect list choices = _get_tui_choices_from_scan(repos=hf_cache_info.repos, preselected=preselected) checkbox = inquirer.checkbox( message="Select revisions to delete:", choices=choices, # List of revisions with some pre-selection cycle=False, # No loop between top and bottom height=100, # Large list if possible # We use the instruction to display to the user the expected effect of the # deletion. instruction=_get_expectations_str( hf_cache_info, selected_hashes=[c.value for c in choices if isinstance(c, Choice) and c.enabled], ), # We use the long instruction to should keybindings instructions to the user long_instruction="Press <space> to select, <enter> to validate and <ctrl+c> to quit without modification.", # Message that is displayed once the user validates its selection. transformer=lambda result: f"{len(result)} revision(s) selected.", ) # Add a callback to update the information line when a revision is # selected/unselected def _update_expectations(_) -> None: # Hacky way to dynamically set an instruction message to the checkbox when # a revision hash is selected/unselected. checkbox._instruction = _get_expectations_str( hf_cache_info, selected_hashes=[choice["value"] for choice in checkbox.content_control.choices if choice["enabled"]], ) checkbox.kb_func_lookup["toggle"].append({"func": _update_expectations}) # Finally display the form to the user. try: return checkbox.execute() except KeyboardInterrupt: return [] # Quit without deletion @require_inquirer_py def _ask_for_confirmation_tui(message: str, default: bool = True) -> bool: """Ask for confirmation using Inquirer.""" return inquirer.confirm(message, default=default).execute() def _get_tui_choices_from_scan(repos: Iterable[CachedRepoInfo], preselected: List[str]) -> List: """Build a list of choices from the scanned repos. Args: repos (*Iterable[`CachedRepoInfo`]*): List of scanned repos on which we want to delete revisions. preselected (*List[`str`]*): List of revision hashes that will be preselected. Return: The list of choices to pass to `inquirer.checkbox`. """ choices: List[Union[Choice, Separator]] = [] # First choice is to cancel the deletion. If selected, nothing will be deleted, # no matter the other selected items. choices.append( Choice( _CANCEL_DELETION_STR, name="None of the following (if selected, nothing will be deleted).", enabled=False, ) ) # Display a separator per repo and a Choice for each revisions of the repo for repo in sorted(repos, key=_repo_sorting_order): # Repo as separator choices.append( Separator( f"\n{repo.repo_type.capitalize()} {repo.repo_id} ({repo.size_on_disk_str}," f" used {repo.last_accessed_str})" ) ) for revision in sorted(repo.revisions, key=_revision_sorting_order): # Revision as choice choices.append( Choice( revision.commit_hash, name=( f"{revision.commit_hash[:8]}:" f" {', '.join(sorted(revision.refs)) or '(detached)'} #" f" modified {revision.last_modified_str}" ), enabled=revision.commit_hash in preselected, ) ) # Return choices return choices def _manual_review_no_tui(hf_cache_info: HFCacheInfo, preselected: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Ask the user for a manual review of the revisions to delete. Used when TUI is disabled. Manual review happens in a separate tmp file that the user can manually edit. """ # 1. Generate temporary file with delete commands. fd, tmp_path = mkstemp(suffix=".txt") # suffix to make it easier to find by editors os.close(fd) lines = [] for repo in sorted(hf_cache_info.repos, key=_repo_sorting_order): lines.append( f"\n# {repo.repo_type.capitalize()} {repo.repo_id} ({repo.size_on_disk_str}," f" used {repo.last_accessed_str})" ) for revision in sorted(repo.revisions, key=_revision_sorting_order): lines.append( # Deselect by prepending a '#' f"{'' if revision.commit_hash in preselected else '#'} " f" {revision.commit_hash} # Refs:" # Print `refs` as comment on same line f" {', '.join(sorted(revision.refs)) or '(detached)'} # modified" # Print `last_modified` as comment on same line f" {revision.last_modified_str}" ) with open(tmp_path, "w") as f: f.write(_MANUAL_REVIEW_NO_TUI_INSTRUCTIONS) f.write("\n".join(lines)) # 2. Prompt instructions to user. instructions = f""" TUI is disabled. In order to select which revisions you want to delete, please edit the following file using the text editor of your choice. Instructions for manual editing are located at the beginning of the file. Edit the file, save it and confirm to continue. File to edit: {ANSI.bold(tmp_path)} """ print("\n".join(line.strip() for line in instructions.strip().split("\n"))) # 3. Wait for user confirmation. while True: selected_hashes = _read_manual_review_tmp_file(tmp_path) if _ask_for_confirmation_no_tui( _get_expectations_str(hf_cache_info, selected_hashes) + " Continue ?", default=False, ): break # 4. Return selected_hashes os.remove(tmp_path) return selected_hashes def _ask_for_confirmation_no_tui(message: str, default: bool = True) -> bool: """Ask for confirmation using pure-python.""" YES = ("y", "yes", "1") NO = ("n", "no", "0") DEFAULT = "" ALL = YES + NO + (DEFAULT,) full_message = message + (" (Y/n) " if default else " (y/N) ") while True: answer = input(full_message).lower() if answer == DEFAULT: return default if answer in YES: return True if answer in NO: return False print(f"Invalid input. Must be one of {ALL}") def _get_expectations_str(hf_cache_info: HFCacheInfo, selected_hashes: List[str]) -> str: """Format a string to display to the user how much space would be saved. Example: ``` >>> _get_expectations_str(hf_cache_info, selected_hashes) '7 revisions selected counting for 4.3G.' ``` """ if _CANCEL_DELETION_STR in selected_hashes: return "Nothing will be deleted." strategy = hf_cache_info.delete_revisions(*selected_hashes) return f"{len(selected_hashes)} revisions selected counting for {strategy.expected_freed_size_str}." def _read_manual_review_tmp_file(tmp_path: str) -> List[str]: """Read the manually reviewed instruction file and return a list of revision hash. Example: ```txt # This is the tmp file content ### # Commented out line 123456789 # revision hash # Something else # a_newer_hash # 2 days ago an_older_hash # 3 days ago ``` ```py >>> _read_manual_review_tmp_file(tmp_path) ['123456789', 'an_older_hash'] ``` """ with open(tmp_path) as f: content = # Split lines lines = [line.strip() for line in content.split("\n")] # Filter commented lines selected_lines = [line for line in lines if not line.startswith("#")] # Select only before comment selected_hashes = [line.split("#")[0].strip() for line in selected_lines] # Return revision hashes return [hash for hash in selected_hashes if len(hash) > 0] _MANUAL_REVIEW_NO_TUI_INSTRUCTIONS = f""" # INSTRUCTIONS # ------------ # This is a temporary file created by running `huggingface-cli delete-cache` with the # `--disable-tui` option. It contains a set of revisions that can be deleted from your # local cache directory. # # Please manually review the revisions you want to delete: # - Revision hashes can be commented out with '#'. # - Only non-commented revisions in this file will be deleted. # - Revision hashes that are removed from this file are ignored as well. # - If `{_CANCEL_DELETION_STR}` line is uncommented, the all cache deletion is cancelled and # no changes will be applied. # # Once you've manually reviewed this file, please confirm deletion in the terminal. This # file will be automatically removed once done. # ------------ # KILL SWITCH # ------------ # Un-comment following line to completely cancel the deletion process # {_CANCEL_DELETION_STR} # ------------ # REVISIONS # ------------ """.strip() def _repo_sorting_order(repo: CachedRepoInfo) -> Any: # First split by Dataset/Model, then sort by last accessed (oldest first) return (repo.repo_type, repo.last_accessed) def _revision_sorting_order(revision: CachedRevisionInfo) -> Any: # Sort by last modified (oldest first) return revision.last_modified