ClickUp Operator
by noahvanhart
Implementation of a custom transfer agent for the transfer type "multipart" for
Inspired by:
Spec is:
To launch debugger while developing:
``` [lfs "customtransfer.multipart"]
path = /path/to/huggingface_hub/.env/bin/python args = -m debugpy --listen 5678
lfs-multipart-upload ```"""
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from argparse import _SubParsersAction
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from huggingface_hub.commands import BaseHuggingfaceCLICommand
from huggingface_hub.lfs import LFS_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_COMMAND
from ..utils import get_session, hf_raise_for_status, logging
from ..utils._lfs import SliceFileObj
logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)
class LfsCommands(BaseHuggingfaceCLICommand):
Implementation of a custom transfer agent for the transfer type "multipart"
for git-lfs. This lets users upload large files >5GB 🔥. Spec for LFS custom
transfer agent is:
This introduces two commands to the CLI:
1. $ huggingface-cli lfs-enable-largefiles
This should be executed once for each model repo that contains a model file
>5GB. It's documented in the error message you get if you just try to git
push a 5GB file without having enabled it before.
2. $ huggingface-cli lfs-multipart-upload
This command is called by lfs directly and is not meant to be called by the
def register_subcommand(parser: _SubParsersAction):
enable_parser = parser.add_parser(
"lfs-enable-largefiles", help="Configure your repository to enable upload of files > 5GB."
enable_parser.add_argument("path", type=str, help="Local path to repository you want to configure.")
enable_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda args: LfsEnableCommand(args))
# Command will get called by git-lfs, do not call it directly.
upload_parser = parser.add_parser(LFS_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_COMMAND, add_help=False)
upload_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda args: LfsUploadCommand(args))
class LfsEnableCommand:
def __init__(self, args):
self.args = args
def run(self):
local_path = os.path.abspath(self.args.path)
if not os.path.isdir(local_path):
print("This does not look like a valid git repo.")
"git config lfs.customtransfer.multipart.path huggingface-cli".split(),
f"git config lfs.customtransfer.multipart.args {LFS_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_COMMAND}".split(),
print("Local repo set up for largefiles")
def write_msg(msg: Dict):
"""Write out the message in Line delimited JSON."""
msg_str = json.dumps(msg) + "\n"
def read_msg() -> Optional[Dict]:
"""Read Line delimited JSON from stdin."""
msg = json.loads(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
if "terminate" in (msg.get("type"), msg.get("event")):
# terminate message received
return None
if msg.get("event") not in ("download", "upload"):
logger.critical("Received unexpected message")
return msg
class LfsUploadCommand:
def __init__(self, args) -> None:
self.args = args
def run(self) -> None:
# Immediately after invoking a custom transfer process, git-lfs
# sends initiation data to the process over stdin.
# This tells the process useful information about the configuration.
init_msg = json.loads(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
if not (init_msg.get("event") == "init" and init_msg.get("operation") == "upload"):
write_msg({"error": {"code": 32, "message": "Wrong lfs init operation"}})
# The transfer process should use the information it needs from the
# initiation structure, and also perform any one-off setup tasks it
# needs to do. It should then respond on stdout with a simple empty
# confirmation structure, as follows:
# After the initiation exchange, git-lfs will send any number of
# transfer requests to the stdin of the transfer process, in a serial sequence.
while True:
msg = read_msg()
if msg is None:
# When all transfers have been processed, git-lfs will send
# a terminate event to the stdin of the transfer process.
# On receiving this message the transfer process should
# clean up and terminate. No response is expected.
oid = msg["oid"]
filepath = msg["path"]
completion_url = msg["action"]["href"]
header = msg["action"]["header"]
chunk_size = int(header.pop("chunk_size"))
presigned_urls: List[str] = list(header.values())
# Send a "started" progress event to allow other workers to start.
# Otherwise they're delayed until first "progress" event is reported,
# i.e. after the first 5GB by default (!)
"event": "progress",
"oid": oid,
"bytesSoFar": 1,
"bytesSinceLast": 0,
parts = []
with open(filepath, "rb") as file:
for i, presigned_url in enumerate(presigned_urls):
with SliceFileObj(
seek_from=i * chunk_size,
) as data:
r = get_session().put(presigned_url, data=data)
"etag": r.headers.get("etag"),
"partNumber": i + 1,
# In order to support progress reporting while data is uploading / downloading,
# the transfer process should post messages to stdout
"event": "progress",
"oid": oid,
"bytesSoFar": (i + 1) * chunk_size,
"bytesSinceLast": chunk_size,
# Not precise but that's ok.
r = get_session().post(
"oid": oid,
"parts": parts,
write_msg({"event": "complete", "oid": oid})