ClickUp Operator

from __future__ import annotations import os import re import inspect import functools from typing import ( Any, Tuple, Mapping, TypeVar, Callable, Iterable, Sequence, cast, overload, ) from pathlib import Path from typing_extensions import TypeGuard import sniffio from .._types import Headers, NotGiven, FileTypes, NotGivenOr, HeadersLike from .._compat import parse_date as parse_date, parse_datetime as parse_datetime _T = TypeVar("_T") _TupleT = TypeVar("_TupleT", bound=Tuple[object, ...]) _MappingT = TypeVar("_MappingT", bound=Mapping[str, object]) _SequenceT = TypeVar("_SequenceT", bound=Sequence[object]) CallableT = TypeVar("CallableT", bound=Callable[..., Any]) def flatten(t: Iterable[Iterable[_T]]) -> list[_T]: return [item for sublist in t for item in sublist] def extract_files( # TODO: this needs to take Dict but variance issues..... # create protocol type ? query: Mapping[str, object], *, paths: Sequence[Sequence[str]], ) -> list[tuple[str, FileTypes]]: """Recursively extract files from the given dictionary based on specified paths. A path may look like this ['foo', 'files', '<array>', 'data']. Note: this mutates the given dictionary. """ files: list[tuple[str, FileTypes]] = [] for path in paths: files.extend(_extract_items(query, path, index=0, flattened_key=None)) return files def _extract_items( obj: object, path: Sequence[str], *, index: int, flattened_key: str | None, ) -> list[tuple[str, FileTypes]]: try: key = path[index] except IndexError: if isinstance(obj, NotGiven): # no value was provided - we can safely ignore return [] # cyclical import from .._files import assert_is_file_content # We have exhausted the path, return the entry we found. assert_is_file_content(obj, key=flattened_key) assert flattened_key is not None return [(flattened_key, cast(FileTypes, obj))] index += 1 if is_dict(obj): try: # We are at the last entry in the path so we must remove the field if (len(path)) == index: item = obj.pop(key) else: item = obj[key] except KeyError: # Key was not present in the dictionary, this is not indicative of an error # as the given path may not point to a required field. We also do not want # to enforce required fields as the API may differ from the spec in some cases. return [] if flattened_key is None: flattened_key = key else: flattened_key += f"[{key}]" return _extract_items( item, path, index=index, flattened_key=flattened_key, ) elif is_list(obj): if key != "<array>": return [] return flatten( [ _extract_items( item, path, index=index, flattened_key=flattened_key + "[]" if flattened_key is not None else "[]", ) for item in obj ] ) # Something unexpected was passed, just ignore it. return [] def is_given(obj: NotGivenOr[_T]) -> TypeGuard[_T]: return not isinstance(obj, NotGiven) # Type safe methods for narrowing types with TypeVars. # The default narrowing for isinstance(obj, dict) is dict[unknown, unknown], # however this cause Pyright to rightfully report errors. As we know we don't # care about the contained types we can safely use `object` in it's place. # # There are two separate functions defined, `is_*` and `is_*_t` for different use cases. # `is_*` is for when you're dealing with an unknown input # `is_*_t` is for when you're narrowing a known union type to a specific subset def is_tuple(obj: object) -> TypeGuard[tuple[object, ...]]: return isinstance(obj, tuple) def is_tuple_t(obj: _TupleT | object) -> TypeGuard[_TupleT]: return isinstance(obj, tuple) def is_sequence(obj: object) -> TypeGuard[Sequence[object]]: return isinstance(obj, Sequence) def is_sequence_t(obj: _SequenceT | object) -> TypeGuard[_SequenceT]: return isinstance(obj, Sequence) def is_mapping(obj: object) -> TypeGuard[Mapping[str, object]]: return isinstance(obj, Mapping) def is_mapping_t(obj: _MappingT | object) -> TypeGuard[_MappingT]: return isinstance(obj, Mapping) def is_dict(obj: object) -> TypeGuard[dict[object, object]]: return isinstance(obj, dict) def is_list(obj: object) -> TypeGuard[list[object]]: return isinstance(obj, list) def is_iterable(obj: object) -> TypeGuard[Iterable[object]]: return isinstance(obj, Iterable) def deepcopy_minimal(item: _T) -> _T: """Minimal reimplementation of copy.deepcopy() that will only copy certain object types: - mappings, e.g. `dict` - list This is done for performance reasons. """ if is_mapping(item): return cast(_T, {k: deepcopy_minimal(v) for k, v in item.items()}) if is_list(item): return cast(_T, [deepcopy_minimal(entry) for entry in item]) return item # copied from def human_join(seq: Sequence[str], *, delim: str = ", ", final: str = "or") -> str: size = len(seq) if size == 0: return "" if size == 1: return seq[0] if size == 2: return f"{seq[0]} {final} {seq[1]}" return delim.join(seq[:-1]) + f" {final} {seq[-1]}" def quote(string: str) -> str: """Add single quotation marks around the given string. Does *not* do any escaping.""" return f"'{string}'" def required_args(*variants: Sequence[str]) -> Callable[[CallableT], CallableT]: """Decorator to enforce a given set of arguments or variants of arguments are passed to the decorated function. Useful for enforcing runtime validation of overloaded functions. Example usage: ```py @overload def foo(*, a: str) -> str: ... @overload def foo(*, b: bool) -> str: ... # This enforces the same constraints that a static type checker would # i.e. that either a or b must be passed to the function @required_args(["a"], ["b"]) def foo(*, a: str | None = None, b: bool | None = None) -> str: ... ``` """ def inner(func: CallableT) -> CallableT: params = inspect.signature(func).parameters positional = [ name for name, param in params.items() if param.kind in { param.POSITIONAL_ONLY, param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, } ] @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args: object, **kwargs: object) -> object: given_params: set[str] = set() for i, _ in enumerate(args): try: given_params.add(positional[i]) except IndexError: raise TypeError( f"{func.__name__}() takes {len(positional)} argument(s) but {len(args)} were given" ) from None for key in kwargs.keys(): given_params.add(key) for variant in variants: matches = all((param in given_params for param in variant)) if matches: break else: # no break if len(variants) > 1: variations = human_join( ["(" + human_join([quote(arg) for arg in variant], final="and") + ")" for variant in variants] ) msg = f"Missing required arguments; Expected either {variations} arguments to be given" else: assert len(variants) > 0 # TODO: this error message is not deterministic missing = list(set(variants[0]) - given_params) if len(missing) > 1: msg = f"Missing required arguments: {human_join([quote(arg) for arg in missing])}" else: msg = f"Missing required argument: {quote(missing[0])}" raise TypeError(msg) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper # type: ignore return inner _K = TypeVar("_K") _V = TypeVar("_V") @overload def strip_not_given(obj: None) -> None: ... @overload def strip_not_given(obj: Mapping[_K, _V | NotGiven]) -> dict[_K, _V]: ... @overload def strip_not_given(obj: object) -> object: ... def strip_not_given(obj: object | None) -> object: """Remove all top-level keys where their values are instances of `NotGiven`""" if obj is None: return None if not is_mapping(obj): return obj return {key: value for key, value in obj.items() if not isinstance(value, NotGiven)} def coerce_integer(val: str) -> int: return int(val, base=10) def coerce_float(val: str) -> float: return float(val) def coerce_boolean(val: str) -> bool: return val == "true" or val == "1" or val == "on" def maybe_coerce_integer(val: str | None) -> int | None: if val is None: return None return coerce_integer(val) def maybe_coerce_float(val: str | None) -> float | None: if val is None: return None return coerce_float(val) def maybe_coerce_boolean(val: str | None) -> bool | None: if val is None: return None return coerce_boolean(val) def removeprefix(string: str, prefix: str) -> str: """Remove a prefix from a string. Backport of `str.removeprefix` for Python < 3.9 """ if string.startswith(prefix): return string[len(prefix) :] return string def removesuffix(string: str, suffix: str) -> str: """Remove a suffix from a string. Backport of `str.removesuffix` for Python < 3.9 """ if string.endswith(suffix): return string[: -len(suffix)] return string def file_from_path(path: str) -> FileTypes: contents = Path(path).read_bytes() file_name = os.path.basename(path) return (file_name, contents) def get_required_header(headers: HeadersLike, header: str) -> str: lower_header = header.lower() if isinstance(headers, Mapping): headers = cast(Headers, headers) for k, v in headers.items(): if k.lower() == lower_header and isinstance(v, str): return v """ to deal with the case where the header looks like Stainless-Event-Id """ intercaps_header = re.sub(r"([^\w])(\w)", lambda pat: +, header.capitalize()) for normalized_header in [header, lower_header, header.upper(), intercaps_header]: value = headers.get(normalized_header) if value: return value raise ValueError(f"Could not find {header} header") def get_async_library() -> str: try: return sniffio.current_async_library() except Exception: return "false" def lru_cache(*, maxsize: int | None = 128) -> Callable[[CallableT], CallableT]: """A version of functools.lru_cache that retains the type signature for the wrapped function arguments. """ wrapper = functools.lru_cache( # noqa: TID251 maxsize=maxsize, ) return cast(Any, wrapper) # type: ignore[no-any-return]