ClickUp Operator
by noahvanhart
from __future__ import annotations
import io
import base64
import pathlib
from typing import Any, Mapping, TypeVar, cast
from datetime import date, datetime
from typing_extensions import Literal, get_args, override, get_type_hints
import anyio
import pydantic
from ._utils import (
from .._files import is_base64_file_input
from ._typing import (
from .._compat import model_dump, is_typeddict
_T = TypeVar("_T")
# TODO: support for drilling globals() and locals()
# TODO: ensure works correctly with forward references in all cases
PropertyFormat = Literal["iso8601", "base64", "custom"]
class PropertyInfo:
"""Metadata class to be used in Annotated types to provide information about a given type.
For example:
class MyParams(TypedDict):
account_holder_name: Annotated[str, PropertyInfo(alias='accountHolderName')]
This means that {'account_holder_name': 'Robert'} will be transformed to {'accountHolderName': 'Robert'} before being sent to the API.
alias: str | None
format: PropertyFormat | None
format_template: str | None
discriminator: str | None
def __init__(
alias: str | None = None,
format: PropertyFormat | None = None,
format_template: str | None = None,
discriminator: str | None = None,
) -> None:
self.alias = alias
self.format = format
self.format_template = format_template
self.discriminator = discriminator
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(alias='{self.alias}', format={self.format}, format_template='{self.format_template}', discriminator='{self.discriminator}')"
def maybe_transform(
data: object,
expected_type: object,
) -> Any | None:
"""Wrapper over `transform()` that allows `None` to be passed.
See `transform()` for more details.
if data is None:
return None
return transform(data, expected_type)
# Wrapper over _transform_recursive providing fake types
def transform(
data: _T,
expected_type: object,
) -> _T:
"""Transform dictionaries based off of type information from the given type, for example:
class Params(TypedDict, total=False):
card_id: Required[Annotated[str, PropertyInfo(alias="cardID")]]
transformed = transform({"card_id": "<my card ID>"}, Params)
# {'cardID': '<my card ID>'}
Any keys / data that does not have type information given will be included as is.
It should be noted that the transformations that this function does are not represented in the type system.
transformed = _transform_recursive(data, annotation=cast(type, expected_type))
return cast(_T, transformed)
def _get_annotated_type(type_: type) -> type | None:
"""If the given type is an `Annotated` type then it is returned, if not `None` is returned.
This also unwraps the type when applicable, e.g. `Required[Annotated[T, ...]]`
if is_required_type(type_):
# Unwrap `Required[Annotated[T, ...]]` to `Annotated[T, ...]`
type_ = get_args(type_)[0]
if is_annotated_type(type_):
return type_
return None
def _maybe_transform_key(key: str, type_: type) -> str:
"""Transform the given `data` based on the annotations provided in `type_`.
Note: this function only looks at `Annotated` types that contain `PropertInfo` metadata.
annotated_type = _get_annotated_type(type_)
if annotated_type is None:
# no `Annotated` definition for this type, no transformation needed
return key
# ignore the first argument as it is the actual type
annotations = get_args(annotated_type)[1:]
for annotation in annotations:
if isinstance(annotation, PropertyInfo) and annotation.alias is not None:
return annotation.alias
return key
def _transform_recursive(
data: object,
annotation: type,
inner_type: type | None = None,
) -> object:
"""Transform the given data against the expected type.
annotation: The direct type annotation given to the particular piece of data.
This may or may not be wrapped in metadata types, e.g. `Required[T]`, `Annotated[T, ...]` etc
inner_type: If applicable, this is the "inside" type. This is useful in certain cases where the outside type
is a container type such as `List[T]`. In that case `inner_type` should be set to `T` so that each entry in
the list can be transformed using the metadata from the container type.
Defaults to the same value as the `annotation` argument.
if inner_type is None:
inner_type = annotation
stripped_type = strip_annotated_type(inner_type)
if is_typeddict(stripped_type) and is_mapping(data):
return _transform_typeddict(data, stripped_type)
if (
# List[T]
(is_list_type(stripped_type) and is_list(data))
# Iterable[T]
or (is_iterable_type(stripped_type) and is_iterable(data) and not isinstance(data, str))
inner_type = extract_type_arg(stripped_type, 0)
return [_transform_recursive(d, annotation=annotation, inner_type=inner_type) for d in data]
if is_union_type(stripped_type):
# For union types we run the transformation against all subtypes to ensure that everything is transformed.
# TODO: there may be edge cases where the same normalized field name will transform to two different names
# in different subtypes.
for subtype in get_args(stripped_type):
data = _transform_recursive(data, annotation=annotation, inner_type=subtype)
return data
if isinstance(data, pydantic.BaseModel):
return model_dump(data, exclude_unset=True)
annotated_type = _get_annotated_type(annotation)
if annotated_type is None:
return data
# ignore the first argument as it is the actual type
annotations = get_args(annotated_type)[1:]
for annotation in annotations:
if isinstance(annotation, PropertyInfo) and annotation.format is not None:
return _format_data(data, annotation.format, annotation.format_template)
return data
def _format_data(data: object, format_: PropertyFormat, format_template: str | None) -> object:
if isinstance(data, (date, datetime)):
if format_ == "iso8601":
return data.isoformat()
if format_ == "custom" and format_template is not None:
return data.strftime(format_template)
if format_ == "base64" and is_base64_file_input(data):
binary: str | bytes | None = None
if isinstance(data, pathlib.Path):
binary = data.read_bytes()
elif isinstance(data, io.IOBase):
binary =
if isinstance(binary, str): # type: ignore[unreachable]
binary = binary.encode()
if not isinstance(binary, bytes):
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not read bytes from {data}; Received {type(binary)}")
return base64.b64encode(binary).decode("ascii")
return data
def _transform_typeddict(
data: Mapping[str, object],
expected_type: type,
) -> Mapping[str, object]:
result: dict[str, object] = {}
annotations = get_type_hints(expected_type, include_extras=True)
for key, value in data.items():
type_ = annotations.get(key)
if type_ is None:
# we do not have a type annotation for this field, leave it as is
result[key] = value
result[_maybe_transform_key(key, type_)] = _transform_recursive(value, annotation=type_)
return result
async def async_maybe_transform(
data: object,
expected_type: object,
) -> Any | None:
"""Wrapper over `async_transform()` that allows `None` to be passed.
See `async_transform()` for more details.
if data is None:
return None
return await async_transform(data, expected_type)
async def async_transform(
data: _T,
expected_type: object,
) -> _T:
"""Transform dictionaries based off of type information from the given type, for example:
class Params(TypedDict, total=False):
card_id: Required[Annotated[str, PropertyInfo(alias="cardID")]]
transformed = transform({"card_id": "<my card ID>"}, Params)
# {'cardID': '<my card ID>'}
Any keys / data that does not have type information given will be included as is.
It should be noted that the transformations that this function does are not represented in the type system.
transformed = await _async_transform_recursive(data, annotation=cast(type, expected_type))
return cast(_T, transformed)
async def _async_transform_recursive(
data: object,
annotation: type,
inner_type: type | None = None,
) -> object:
"""Transform the given data against the expected type.
annotation: The direct type annotation given to the particular piece of data.
This may or may not be wrapped in metadata types, e.g. `Required[T]`, `Annotated[T, ...]` etc
inner_type: If applicable, this is the "inside" type. This is useful in certain cases where the outside type
is a container type such as `List[T]`. In that case `inner_type` should be set to `T` so that each entry in
the list can be transformed using the metadata from the container type.
Defaults to the same value as the `annotation` argument.
if inner_type is None:
inner_type = annotation
stripped_type = strip_annotated_type(inner_type)
if is_typeddict(stripped_type) and is_mapping(data):
return await _async_transform_typeddict(data, stripped_type)
if (
# List[T]
(is_list_type(stripped_type) and is_list(data))
# Iterable[T]
or (is_iterable_type(stripped_type) and is_iterable(data) and not isinstance(data, str))
inner_type = extract_type_arg(stripped_type, 0)
return [await _async_transform_recursive(d, annotation=annotation, inner_type=inner_type) for d in data]
if is_union_type(stripped_type):
# For union types we run the transformation against all subtypes to ensure that everything is transformed.
# TODO: there may be edge cases where the same normalized field name will transform to two different names
# in different subtypes.
for subtype in get_args(stripped_type):
data = await _async_transform_recursive(data, annotation=annotation, inner_type=subtype)
return data
if isinstance(data, pydantic.BaseModel):
return model_dump(data, exclude_unset=True)
annotated_type = _get_annotated_type(annotation)
if annotated_type is None:
return data
# ignore the first argument as it is the actual type
annotations = get_args(annotated_type)[1:]
for annotation in annotations:
if isinstance(annotation, PropertyInfo) and annotation.format is not None:
return await _async_format_data(data, annotation.format, annotation.format_template)
return data
async def _async_format_data(data: object, format_: PropertyFormat, format_template: str | None) -> object:
if isinstance(data, (date, datetime)):
if format_ == "iso8601":
return data.isoformat()
if format_ == "custom" and format_template is not None:
return data.strftime(format_template)
if format_ == "base64" and is_base64_file_input(data):
binary: str | bytes | None = None
if isinstance(data, pathlib.Path):
binary = await anyio.Path(data).read_bytes()
elif isinstance(data, io.IOBase):
binary =
if isinstance(binary, str): # type: ignore[unreachable]
binary = binary.encode()
if not isinstance(binary, bytes):
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not read bytes from {data}; Received {type(binary)}")
return base64.b64encode(binary).decode("ascii")
return data
async def _async_transform_typeddict(
data: Mapping[str, object],
expected_type: type,
) -> Mapping[str, object]:
result: dict[str, object] = {}
annotations = get_type_hints(expected_type, include_extras=True)
for key, value in data.items():
type_ = annotations.get(key)
if type_ is None:
# we do not have a type annotation for this field, leave it as is
result[key] = value
result[_maybe_transform_key(key, type_)] = await _async_transform_recursive(value, annotation=type_)
return result