Metaplex MCP Server
by aldrin-labs
- src
- services
import { Connection, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { Program } from '@project-serum/anchor';
export interface RecipeAnalysis {
collection: string;
name: string;
uri: string;
max: number;
min: number;
amount: number;
feeAmountCapture: number;
feeAmountRelease: number;
solFeeAmountCapture: number;
solFeeAmountRelease: number;
path: number;
count: number;
isValid: boolean;
issues: string[];
export class RecipeService {
private connection: Connection,
private program: Program
) {}
async analyzeRecipe(collectionAddress: string): Promise<RecipeAnalysis> {
try {
const collection = new PublicKey(collectionAddress);
// Derive recipe PDA
const [recipePda] = PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
[Buffer.from("recipe"), collection.toBuffer()],
// Fetch recipe account data
const recipeAccount = await this.program.account.recipeV1.fetch(recipePda);
const issues: string[] = [];
// Validate recipe configuration
if (recipeAccount.max.toNumber() <= recipeAccount.min.toNumber()) {
issues.push("Max value must be greater than min value");
if (recipeAccount.amount.toNumber() <= 0) {
issues.push("Amount must be greater than 0");
// Check fee configuration
if (recipeAccount.feeAmountCapture.toNumber() < 0 || recipeAccount.feeAmountRelease.toNumber() < 0) {
issues.push("Fee amounts cannot be negative");
if (recipeAccount.solFeeAmountCapture.toNumber() < 0 || recipeAccount.solFeeAmountRelease.toNumber() < 0) {
issues.push("SOL fee amounts cannot be negative");
return {
collection: collectionAddress,
uri: recipeAccount.uri,
max: recipeAccount.max.toNumber(),
min: recipeAccount.min.toNumber(),
amount: recipeAccount.amount.toNumber(),
feeAmountCapture: recipeAccount.feeAmountCapture.toNumber(),
feeAmountRelease: recipeAccount.feeAmountRelease.toNumber(),
solFeeAmountCapture: recipeAccount.solFeeAmountCapture.toNumber(),
solFeeAmountRelease: recipeAccount.solFeeAmountRelease.toNumber(),
path: recipeAccount.path,
count: recipeAccount.count.toNumber(),
isValid: issues.length === 0,
} catch (error: any) {
return {
collection: collectionAddress,
name: "",
uri: "",
max: 0,
min: 0,
amount: 0,
feeAmountCapture: 0,
feeAmountRelease: 0,
solFeeAmountCapture: 0,
solFeeAmountRelease: 0,
path: 0,
count: 0,
isValid: false,
issues: [`Failed to analyze recipe: ${error.message}`]