import { Connection, clusterApiUrl, Keypair } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { Program, AnchorProvider, Idl } from '@project-serum/anchor';
import { Wallet } from '@project-serum/anchor';
import path from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
const idl = JSON.parse(await import('fs').then(fs =>
fs.promises.readFile(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../reference/idls/mpl_hybrid.json'), 'utf-8')
export class ConnectionManager {
private static instance: ConnectionManager;
private connection: Connection;
private program: Program;
private constructor() {
// Initialize connection to Solana devnet
this.connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl('devnet'));
// Create a dummy wallet since we're only reading data
const wallet = new Wallet(Keypair.generate());
// Create provider
const provider = new AnchorProvider(this.connection, wallet, {
commitment: 'confirmed',
// Initialize program (this would be replaced with actual MPL-404 program ID and IDL)
this.program = new Program(
idl as Idl,
public static getInstance(): ConnectionManager {
if (!ConnectionManager.instance) {
ConnectionManager.instance = new ConnectionManager();
return ConnectionManager.instance;
public getConnection(): Connection {
return this.connection;
public getProgram(): Program {
return this.program;