Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { CachedContent, StartChatParams } from '@google/generative-ai'; import { GoogleAICacheManager } from '@google/generative-ai/server'; import crypto from 'crypto'; import { GenkitError, MessageData, z } from 'genkit'; import { GenerateRequest } from 'genkit/model'; import { CONTEXT_CACHE_SUPPORTED_MODELS, DEFAULT_TTL, INVALID_ARGUMENT_MESSAGES, } from './constants'; import { CacheConfig, CacheConfigDetails, cacheConfigSchema } from './types'; /** * Generates a SHA-256 hash to use as a cache key. * @param request CachedContent - request object to hash * @returns string - the generated cache key */ export function generateCacheKey(request: CachedContent): string { return crypto .createHash('sha256') .update(JSON.stringify(request)) .digest('hex'); } /** * Retrieves the content needed for the cache based on the chat history and config details. */ export function getContentForCache( request: GenerateRequest<z.ZodTypeAny>, chatRequest: StartChatParams, modelVersion: string, cacheConfigDetails: CacheConfigDetails ): { cachedContent: CachedContent; chatRequest: StartChatParams; cacheConfig?: CacheConfig; } { // Ensure modelVersion is provided if (!modelVersion) { throw new Error('No model version provided for context caching'); } // Ensure chatRequest has a history if (!chatRequest.history?.length) { throw new Error('No history provided for context caching'); } // Validate the history length between request and chatRequest validateHistoryLength(request, chatRequest); // Extract relevant cached content based on cacheConfigDetails const { endOfCachedContents, cacheConfig } = cacheConfigDetails; const cachedContent: CachedContent = { model: modelVersion, contents: chatRequest.history.slice(0, endOfCachedContents + 1), }; // Update the chatRequest history to only include non-cached parts chatRequest.history = chatRequest.history.slice(endOfCachedContents + 1); return { cachedContent, chatRequest, cacheConfig }; } /** * Validates that the request and chat request history lengths align. * @throws GenkitError if lengths are mismatched */ function validateHistoryLength( request: GenerateRequest<z.ZodTypeAny>, chatRequest: StartChatParams ) { if (chatRequest.history?.length !== request.messages.length - 1) { throw new GenkitError({ status: 'INTERNAL', message: 'Genkit request history and Gemini chat request history length do not match', }); } } /** * Looks up context cache using a cache manager and returns the found item, if any. */ /** * Looks up context cache using a cache manager and returns the found item, if any. */ export async function lookupContextCache( cacheManager: GoogleAICacheManager, cacheKey: string, maxPages = 100, pageSize = 100 ): Promise<CachedContent | null> { let currentPage = 0; let pageToken: string | undefined; try { while (currentPage < maxPages) { const { cachedContents, nextPageToken } = await cacheManager.list({ pageSize, pageToken, }); // Check for the cached content by key const found = cachedContents?.find( (content) => content.displayName === cacheKey ); if (found) return found; // Return found content // Stop if there's no next page if (!nextPageToken) break; pageToken = nextPageToken; currentPage++; } } catch (error) { const message = error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown Network Error'; throw new GenkitError({ status: 'INTERNAL', message: `Error looking up context cache: ${message}`, }); } return null; // Return null if not found or on error } /** * Extracts the cache configuration from the request if available. */ export const extractCacheConfig = ( request: GenerateRequest<z.ZodTypeAny> ): { cacheConfig: { ttlSeconds?: number } | boolean; endOfCachedContents: number; } | null => { const endOfCachedContents = findLastIndex<MessageData>( request.messages, (message) => !!message.metadata?.cache ); return endOfCachedContents === -1 ? null : { endOfCachedContents, cacheConfig: cacheConfigSchema.parse( request.messages[endOfCachedContents].metadata?.cache ), }; }; /** * Validates context caching request for compatibility with model and request configurations. */ export function validateContextCacheRequest( request: GenerateRequest<z.ZodTypeAny>, modelVersion: string ): boolean { if (!modelVersion || !CONTEXT_CACHE_SUPPORTED_MODELS.includes(modelVersion)) { throw new GenkitError({ status: 'INVALID_ARGUMENT', message: INVALID_ARGUMENT_MESSAGES.modelVersion, }); } if ( throw new GenkitError({ status: 'INVALID_ARGUMENT', message:, }); if (request.config?.codeExecution) throw new GenkitError({ status: 'INVALID_ARGUMENT', message: INVALID_ARGUMENT_MESSAGES.codeExecution, }); return true; } /** * Polyfill function for Array.prototype.findLastIndex for ES2015 compatibility. */ export function findLastIndex<T>( array: T[], callback: (element: T, index: number, array: T[]) => boolean ): number { for (let i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (callback(array[i], i, array)) return i; } return -1; } /** * Calculates the TTL (Time-To-Live) for the cache based on cacheConfigDetails. * @param cacheConfig - The caching configuration details. * @returns The TTL in seconds. */ export function calculateTTL(cacheConfig: CacheConfigDetails): number { if (cacheConfig.cacheConfig === true) { return DEFAULT_TTL; } if (cacheConfig.cacheConfig === false) { return 0; } return cacheConfig.cacheConfig.ttlSeconds || DEFAULT_TTL; }