Genkit MCP
by firebase
- go
- core
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package core
import (
// A Flow is a user-defined Action. A Flow[In, Out, Stream] represents a function from In to Out. The Stream parameter is for flows that support streaming: providing their results incrementally.
type Flow[In, Out, Stream any] struct {
action *ActionDef[In, Out, Stream]
// StreamFlowValue is either a streamed value or a final output of a flow.
type StreamFlowValue[Out, Stream any] struct {
Done bool
Output Out // valid if Done is true
Stream Stream // valid if Done is false
// flowContextKey is a context key that indicates whether the current context is a flow context.
var flowContextKey = base.NewContextKey[*flowContext]()
// flowContext is a context that contains the tracing state for a flow.
type flowContext struct {
tracingState *tracing.State
// DefineFlow creates a Flow that runs fn, and registers it as an action. fn takes an input of type In and returns an output of type Out.
func DefineFlow[In, Out any](
r *registry.Registry,
name string,
fn Func[In, Out],
) *Flow[In, Out, struct{}] {
a := DefineAction(r, "", name, atype.Flow, nil, func(ctx context.Context, input In) (Out, error) {
fc := &flowContext{tracingState: r.TracingState()}
ctx = flowContextKey.NewContext(ctx, fc)
return fn(ctx, input)
return &Flow[In, Out, struct{}]{action: a}
// DefineStreamingFlow creates a streaming Flow that runs fn, and registers it as an action.
// fn takes an input of type In and returns an output of type Out, optionally
// streaming values of type Stream incrementally by invoking a callback.
// If the function supports streaming and the callback is non-nil, it should
// stream the results by invoking the callback periodically, ultimately returning
// with a final return value that includes all the streamed data.
// Otherwise, it should ignore the callback and just return a result.
func DefineStreamingFlow[In, Out, Stream any](
r *registry.Registry,
name string,
fn StreamingFunc[In, Out, Stream],
) *Flow[In, Out, Stream] {
a := DefineStreamingAction(r, "", name, atype.Flow, nil, func(ctx context.Context, input In, cb func(context.Context, Stream) error) (Out, error) {
fc := &flowContext{tracingState: r.TracingState()}
ctx = flowContextKey.NewContext(ctx, fc)
return fn(ctx, input, cb)
return &Flow[In, Out, Stream]{action: a}
// Run runs the function f in the context of the current flow
// and returns what f returns.
// It returns an error if no flow is active.
// Each call to Run results in a new step in the flow.
// A step has its own span in the trace, and its result is cached so that if the flow
// is restarted, f will not be called a second time.
func Run[Out any](ctx context.Context, name string, fn func() (Out, error)) (Out, error) {
fc := flowContextKey.FromContext(ctx)
if fc == nil {
var z Out
return z, fmt.Errorf("flow.Run(%q): must be called from a flow", name)
return tracing.RunInNewSpan(ctx, fc.tracingState, name, "flowStep", false, nil, func(ctx context.Context, _ any) (Out, error) {
tracing.SetCustomMetadataAttr(ctx, "genkit:name", name)
tracing.SetCustomMetadataAttr(ctx, "genkit:type", "flowStep")
o, err := fn()
if err != nil {
return base.Zero[Out](), err
return o, nil
// Name returns the name of the flow.
func (f *Flow[In, Out, Stream]) Name() string { return f.action.Name() }
// RunJSON runs the flow with JSON input and streaming callback and returns the output as JSON.
func (f *Flow[In, Out, Stream]) RunJSON(ctx context.Context, input json.RawMessage, cb StreamCallback[json.RawMessage]) (json.RawMessage, error) {
return f.action.RunJSON(ctx, input, cb)
// Run runs the flow in the context of another flow.
func (f *Flow[In, Out, Stream]) Run(ctx context.Context, input In) (Out, error) {
return f.action.Run(ctx, input, nil)
// Stream runs the flow in the context of another flow and streams the output.
// It returns a function whose argument function (the "yield function") will be repeatedly
// called with the results.
// If the yield function is passed a non-nil error, the flow has failed with that
// error; the yield function will not be called again.
// If the yield function's [StreamFlowValue] argument has Done == true, the value's
// Output field contains the final output; the yield function will not be called
// again.
// Otherwise the Stream field of the passed [StreamFlowValue] holds a streamed result.
func (f *Flow[In, Out, Stream]) Stream(ctx context.Context, input In) func(func(*StreamFlowValue[Out, Stream], error) bool) {
return func(yield func(*StreamFlowValue[Out, Stream], error) bool) {
cb := func(ctx context.Context, s Stream) error {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
if !yield(&StreamFlowValue[Out, Stream]{Stream: s}, nil) {
return errStop
return nil
output, err := f.action.Run(ctx, input, cb)
if err != nil {
yield(nil, err)
} else {
yield(&StreamFlowValue[Out, Stream]{Done: true, Output: output}, nil)
var errStop = errors.New("stop")