Genkit MCP
by firebase
- go
- core
# This file holds configuration for the genkit-schema.json file
# generated by the npm export:schemas script.
core import
# DocumentData type was hand-written.
DocumentData omit
# Code generator cannot handle "allOf" schemas.
Part omit
FlowResult omit
# Tracing types were written manually.
InstrumentationLibrary omit
Link omit
SpanContext omit
SpanData omit
SpanDataSameProcessAsParentSpan omit
SpanDataTimeEvents omit
SpanMetadata omit
SpanMetadataState omit
SpanStatus omit
TimeEvent omit
TimeEventAnnotation omit
TraceData omit
Candidate.index type int
CandidateFinishReason name FinishReason
Candidate doc
A Candidate is one of several possible generated responses from a generation
request. It contains a single generated message along with additional
metadata about its generation. A generation request may result in multiple Candidates.
CandidateFinishReason doc
FinishReason is the reason why a model stopped generating tokens.
CandidateError omit
CandidateErrorCode omit
GenerateRequest.candidates type int
GenerateResponseChunk.index type int
GenerationCommonConfig.maxOutputTokens type int
GenerationCommonConfig.topK type int
GenerateRequestOutputFormat name OutputFormat
OperationBlockedOnStep omit
OutputFormatJson name OutputFormatJSON
# Some flow types are generic, so they must be written manually.
# There isn't enough information in the JSON Schema to determine the
# generic type parameters.
# Other flow types are written manually.
FlowState omit
FlowResponse omit
FlowInvokeEnvelopeMessage omit
FlowInvokeEnvelopeMessageResume omit
FlowInvokeEnvelopeMessageRetry omit
FlowInvokeEnvelopeMessageSchedule omit
FlowInvokeEnvelopeMessageStart omit
FlowInvokeEnvelopeMessageState omit
FlowInvokeEnvelopeMessageRunScheduled omit
Operation omit
FlowStateExecution name flowExecution
FlowStateExecution.startTime type tracing.Milliseconds
FlowStateExecution.endTime type tracing.Milliseconds
FlowError name flowError
GenerateRequest.messages doc
Messages is a list of messages to pass to the model. The first n-1 Messages
are treated as history. The last Message is the current request.
Role doc
Role indicates which entity is responsible for the content of a message.
RoleSystem doc
RoleSystem indicates this message is user-independent context.
RoleUser doc
RoleUser indicates this message was generated by the client.
RoleModel doc
RoleModel indicates this message was generated by the model during a previous interaction.
RoleTool doc
RoleTool indicates this message was generated by a local tool, likely triggered by a request
from the model in one of its previous responses.
ToolRequestPart pkg ai
ToolRequestPart name toolRequestPart
ToolRequestPartToolRequest name ToolRequest
ToolResponsePart pkg ai
ToolResponsePart name toolResponsePart
ToolResponsePartToolResponse name ToolResponse
ToolRequestPartToolRequest.input type any
ToolRequestPartToolRequest.input doc
Input is a JSON object describing the input values to the tool.
An example might be map[string]any{"country":"USA", "president":3}.
ToolResponsePartToolResponse.output type any
ToolResponsePartToolResponse.output doc
Output is a JSON object describing the results of running the tool.
An example might be map[string]any{"name":"Thomas Jefferson", "born":1743}.
ToolRequestPartToolRequest doc
A ToolRequest is a message from the model to the client that it should run a
specific tool and pass a [ToolResponse] to the model on the next chat request it makes.
Any ToolRequest will correspond to some [ToolDefinition] previously sent by the client.
ToolResponsePartToolResponse doc
A ToolResponse is a message from the client to the model containing
the results of running a specific tool on the arguments passed to the client
by the model in a [ToolRequest].
Candidate omit
CandidateFinishReason omit
DocumentData pkg ai
GenerateResponse omit
GenerateResponseChunk omit
GenerateResponseFinishReason name FinishReason
GenerateRequest omit
GenerateRequestOutput pkg ai
GenerateRequestOutput name ModelRequestOutput
GenerateRequestOutputFormat pkg ai
GenerateRequestToolChoice omit
GenerationUsage pkg ai
GenerationUsage.inputCharacters type int
GenerationUsage.inputImages type int
GenerationUsage.inputTokens type int
GenerationUsage.outputCharacters type int
GenerationUsage.outputImages type int
GenerationUsage.outputTokens type int
GenerationUsage.totalTokens type int
GenerationUsage doc
GenerationUsage provides information about the generation process.
GenerationCommonConfig pkg ai
Message pkg ai
ToolDefinition pkg ai
ToolRequestPart pkg ai
ToolRequestPartToolRequest pkg ai
ToolResponsePart pkg ai
ToolResponsePartToolResponse pkg ai
Part pkg ai
TextPart pkg ai
TextPart name textPart omit omit
TextPart.toolRequest omit
TextPart.toolResponse omit
MediaPart pkg ai
MediaPart name mediaPart
MediaPart.text omit
MediaPart.toolRequest omit
MediaPart.toolResponse omit
MediaPartMedia pkg ai
MediaPartMedia name mediaPartMedia
ToolRequestPart.text omit omit omit
ToolRequestPart.toolResponse omit
ToolResponsePart.text omit omit omit
ToolResponsePart.toolRequest omit
DataPart pkg ai
DataPart name dataPart
ModelInfo pkg ai
ModelInfoSupports pkg ai
ModelInfoSupports.output type OutputFormat
Role pkg ai
RoleUser pkg ai
RoleModel pkg ai
RoleTool pkg ai
# GenerateActionOptions
GenerateActionOptions pkg ai
GenerateActionOptions.model type string type []*Document
GenerateActionOptions.messages type []*Message type []*ToolDefinition
GenerateActionOptionsToolChoice name ToolChoice
GenerateActionOptions.config type any
GenerateActionOptions.output type *GenerateActionOptionsOutput
GenerateActionOptions.returnToolRequests type bool
GenerateActionOptions.maxTurns type int
GenerateActionOptionsOutput.instructions omit
GenerateActionOptionsOutput.format type OutputFormat
GenerateActionOptionsOutput.jsonSchema type map[string]any
# ModelRequest
ModelRequest pkg ai
ModelRequest.config type any
ModelRequest.context type []*Document
ModelRequest.messages type []*Message
ModelRequest.output type *ModelRequestOutput type []*ToolDefinition
ModelRequest.toolChoice type ToolChoice
# ModelResponse
ModelResponse pkg ai
ModelResponse.custom type any
ModelResponse.finishMessage type string
ModelResponseFinishReason pkg ai
ModelResponseFinishReason name FinishReason
ModelResponse.latencyMs type float64
ModelResponse.message type *Message
ModelResponse.request type *ModelRequest
ModelResponse.usage type *GenerationUsage
# ModelResponseChunk
ModelResponseChunk pkg ai
ModelResponseChunk.aggregated type bool
ModelResponseChunk.content type []*Part
ModelResponseChunk.custom type any
ModelResponseChunk.index type int
ModelResponseChunk.role type Role
GenerationCommonConfig doc
GenerationCommonConfig holds configuration for generation.
Message doc
Message is the contents of a model response.
ToolDefinition doc
A ToolDefinition describes a tool.
DataPart/properties/metadata name map[string]any
ModelRequest doc
A ModelRequest is a request to generate completions from a model.
ModelRequest.output doc
Output describes the desired response format.
. doc
Tools lists the available tools that the model can ask the client to run.
ModelRequestOutput doc
ModelRequestOutput describes the structure that the model's output
should conform to. If Format is [OutputFormatJSON], then Schema
can describe the desired form of the generated JSON.
ModelRequestOutputFormat doc
OutputFormat is the format that the model's output should produce.
ModelResponse doc
A ModelResponse is a model's response to a [ModelRequest].
ModelResponse.latencyMs doc
LatencyMs is the time the request took in milliseconds.
ModelResponse.request doc
Request is the [ModelRequest] struct used to trigger this response.
ModelResponse.usage doc
Usage describes how many resources were used by this generation request.
ModelResponseChunk doc
A ModelResponseChunk is the portion of the [ModelResponse]
that is passed to a streaming callback.