Genkit MCP
by firebase
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package prompt
import (
type Prompt struct {
registry *registry.Registry
action core.ActionDef[any, *ai.ModelRequest, struct{}]
Name string // The name of the prompt.
Description string // Prompt description.
Template *raymond.Template // The parsed prompt template.
TemplateText string // The original prompt template text.
// Config is optional configuration for a [Prompt].
type Config struct {
Variant string // The prompt variant.
ModelName string // The name of the model for which the prompt is input. If this is non-empty, Model should be nil.
Model ai.Model // The Model to use. If this is set, ModelName should be an empty string.
System string // The System prompt. If this is non-empty, SystemFn should be nil.
SystemFn PromptFn // The System prompt function. If this is set, System should be an empty string.
Prompt string // The User prompt. If this is non-empty, PromptFn should be nil.
PromptFn PromptFn // The User prompt function. If this is set, Prompt should be an empty string.
Messages []*ai.Message // The messages to add to the prompt. If this is set, MessagesFn should be an empty.
MessagesFn MessagesFn // The messages function. If this is set, Messages should be an empty.
RenderFn RenderFn // Override the render function.
Tools []ai.Tool // The tools to use.
GenerationConfig *ai.GenerationCommonConfig // Details for the model.
InputSchema *jsonschema.Schema // Schema for input variables.
DefaultInput map[string]any // Default input variable values.
OutputFormat ai.OutputFormat // Desired output format.
OutputSchema *jsonschema.Schema // Desired output schema, for JSON output.
Metadata map[string]any // Arbitrary metadata.
ToolChoice ai.ToolChoice // ToolChoice is the tool choice to use.
MaxTurns int // MaxTurns is the maximum number of turns.
ReturnToolRequests bool // ReturnToolRequests is whether to return tool requests.
type PromptFn = func(context.Context, any) (string, error)
type MessagesFn = func(context.Context, any) ([]*ai.Message, error)
type RenderFn = func(ctx context.Context, input any) (*ai.ModelRequest, error)
// PromptOption configures params for the prompt.
type PromptOption = func(p *Prompt) error
// Define creates and registers a new Prompt.
func Define(r *registry.Registry, provider, name string, opts ...PromptOption) (*Prompt, error) {
p := &Prompt{
registry: r,
for _, with := range opts {
err := with(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if p.ModelName != "" && p.Model != nil {
return nil, errors.New("prompt.Define: config must specify exactly one of ModelName and Model")
if p.Variant != "" {
name += "." + p.Variant
renderFn := p.buildRequest
if p.Config.RenderFn != nil {
renderFn = p.Config.RenderFn
// TODO: Undo clearing of the Version once Monaco Editor supports newer than JSON schema draft-07.
if p.InputSchema != nil {
p.InputSchema.Version = ""
metadata := map[string]any{
"prompt": map[string]any{
"name": p.Name,
"input": map[string]any{"schema": p.InputSchema},
"output": map[string]any{"format": p.OutputFormat},
"template": p.TemplateText,
p.action = *core.DefineActionWithInputSchema(r, provider, name, atype.Prompt, metadata, p.Config.InputSchema, renderFn)
return p, nil
// Render renders the prompt template based on user input.
func (p *Prompt) Render(ctx context.Context, input any) (*ai.ModelRequest, error) {
if p == nil {
return nil, errors.New("prompt.Render: called on a nil Prompt; check that all prompts are defined")
return p.action.Run(ctx, input, nil)
// IsDefinedPrompt reports whether a [Prompt] is defined.
func IsDefinedPrompt(r *registry.Registry, provider, name string) bool {
return LookupPrompt(r, provider, name) != nil
// LookupPrompt looks up a [Prompt] registered by [DefinePrompt].
// It returns nil if the prompt was not defined.
func LookupPrompt(r *registry.Registry, provider, name string) *Prompt {
action := core.LookupActionFor[any, *ai.ModelRequest, struct{}](r, atype.Prompt, provider, name)
p := &Prompt{
action: *action,
return p
// WithSystemText adds system message to the prompt.
func WithSystemText(systemText string) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.SystemFn != nil || p.System != "" {
return errors.New("prompt.WithSystemText: cannot set system text more than once")
p.System = systemText
return nil
// WithSystemFn sets the result of the callback function as system message on the prompt.
func WithSystemFn(systemFn PromptFn) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.SystemFn != nil || p.System != "" {
return errors.New("prompt.WithSystemFn: cannot set system text more than once")
p.SystemFn = systemFn
return nil
// WithPromptText adds user message to the prompt.
func WithPromptText(promptText string) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.PromptFn != nil || p.Prompt != "" {
return errors.New("prompt.WithPrompt: cannot set prompt more than once")
p.Prompt = promptText
return nil
// WithPromptFn sets the result of the callback function as the user message on the prompt.
func WithPromptFn(promptFn PromptFn) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.PromptFn != nil || p.Prompt != "" {
return errors.New("prompt.WithPromptFn: cannot set prompt more than once")
p.PromptFn = promptFn
return nil
// WithDefaultMessages adds messages to the prompt.
func WithDefaultMessages(msgs []*ai.Message) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.MessagesFn != nil || len(p.Messages) > 0 {
return errors.New("prompt.WithDefaultMessages: cannot set messages more than once")
p.Messages = msgs
return nil
// WithDefaultMessagesFn sets the result of the callback function as messages on the prompt.
func WithDefaultMessagesFn(msgsFn MessagesFn) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.MessagesFn != nil || len(p.Messages) > 0 {
return errors.New("prompt.WithDefaultMessages: cannot set messages more than once")
p.MessagesFn = msgsFn
return nil
// WithTools adds tools to the prompt.
func WithTools(tools PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.Tools != nil {
return errors.New("prompt.WithTools: cannot set Tools more than once")
var toolSlice []ai.Tool
toolSlice = append(toolSlice, tools...)
p.Tools = toolSlice
return nil
// WithDefaultConfig adds default model configuration.
func WithDefaultConfig(config *ai.GenerationCommonConfig) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.GenerationConfig != nil {
return errors.New("prompt.WithDefaultConfig: cannot set Config more than once")
p.Config.GenerationConfig = config
return nil
// WithInputType uses the type provided to derive the input schema.
// If passing eg. a struct with values, the struct definition will serve as the schema, the values will serve as defaults if no input is given at generation time.
func WithInputType(input any) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.InputSchema != nil {
return errors.New("prompt.WithInputType: cannot set InputType more than once")
// Handle primitives, default to "value" as key
// No default necessary, assumed type to be struct
switch v := input.(type) {
case int:
input = map[string]any{"value": strconv.Itoa(v)}
case float32:
case float64:
input = map[string]any{"value": fmt.Sprintf("%f", v)}
case string:
input = map[string]any{"value": v}
// Pass map directly
case map[string]any:
input = v
case bool:
input = map[string]any{"value": strconv.FormatBool(v)}
p.Config.InputSchema = base.InferJSONSchemaNonReferencing(input)
// Set values as default input
defaultInput := base.SchemaAsMap(p.Config.InputSchema)
data, err := json.Marshal(input)
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &defaultInput)
if err != nil {
return err
p.Config.DefaultInput = defaultInput
return nil
// WithOutputType uses the type provided to derive the output schema.
func WithOutputType(output any) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.OutputSchema != nil {
return errors.New("prompt.WithOutputType: cannot set OutputType more than once")
p.Config.OutputSchema = base.InferJSONSchemaNonReferencing(output)
p.Config.OutputFormat = ai.OutputFormatJSON
return nil
// WithOutputFormat adds the desired output format to the prompt.
func WithOutputFormat(format ai.OutputFormat) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.OutputFormat != "" && p.Config.OutputFormat != format {
return errors.New("prompt.WithOutputFormat: OutputFormat does not match set OutputSchema")
if format == ai.OutputFormatJSON && p.Config.OutputSchema == nil {
return errors.New("prompt.WithOutputFormat: to set OutputFormat to JSON, OutputSchema must be set")
p.Config.OutputFormat = format
return nil
// WithMetadata adds arbitrary metadata.
func WithMetadata(metadata map[string]any) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.Metadata != nil {
return errors.New("prompt.WithMetadata: cannot set Metadata more than once")
p.Config.Metadata = metadata
return nil
// WithDefaultModel adds the default Model to use.
func WithDefaultModel(model ai.Model) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.ModelName != "" || p.Config.Model != nil {
return errors.New("prompt.WithDefaultModel: config must specify exactly once, either ModelName or Model")
p.Config.Model = model
return nil
// WithDefaultModelName adds the name of the default Model to use.
func WithDefaultModelName(name string) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.ModelName != "" || p.Config.Model != nil {
return errors.New("prompt.WithDefaultModelName: config must specify exactly once, either ModelName or Model")
p.Config.ModelName = name
return nil
// WithDefaultMaxTurns sets the default maximum number of tool call iterations for the prompt.
func WithDefaultMaxTurns(maxTurns int) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if maxTurns <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("maxTurns must be greater than 0, got %d", maxTurns)
if p.Config.MaxTurns != 0 {
return errors.New("prompt.WithMaxTurns: cannot set MaxTurns more than once")
p.Config.MaxTurns = maxTurns
return nil
// WithDefaultReturnToolRequests configures whether by default to return tool requests instead of making the tool calls and continuing the generation.
func WithDefaultReturnToolRequests(returnToolRequests bool) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.ReturnToolRequests {
return errors.New("prompt.WithReturnToolRequests: cannot set ReturnToolRequests more than once")
p.Config.ReturnToolRequests = returnToolRequests
return nil
// WithDefaultToolChoice configures whether by default tool calls are required, disabled, or optional for the prompt.
func WithDefaultToolChoice(toolChoice ai.ToolChoice) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.ToolChoice != "" {
return errors.New("prompt.WithToolChoice: cannot set ToolChoice more than once")
p.Config.ToolChoice = toolChoice
return nil
func WithRender(renderFn RenderFn) PromptOption {
return func(p *Prompt) error {
if p.Config.RenderFn != nil {
return errors.New("prompt.WithRender: cannot set WithRender more than once")
p.Config.RenderFn = renderFn
return nil