Genkit MCP
by firebase
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package prompt
import (
type HelloPromptInput struct {
Name string
var promptModel = ai.DefineModel(r, "test", "chat",
&ai.ModelInfo{Supports: &ai.ModelInfoSupports{
Tools: true,
Multiturn: true,
ToolChoice: true,
SystemRole: true,
}}, func(ctx context.Context, gr *ai.ModelRequest, msc ai.ModelStreamCallback) (*ai.ModelResponse, error) {
toolCalled := false
for _, msg := range gr.Messages {
if msg.Content[0].IsToolResponse() {
toolCalled = true
if !toolCalled && len(gr.Tools) == 1 {
part := ai.NewToolRequestPart(&ai.ToolRequest{
Name: "testTool",
Input: map[string]any{"Test": "Bar"},
return &ai.ModelResponse{
Request: gr,
Message: &ai.Message{
Role: ai.RoleModel,
Content: []*ai.Part{part},
}, nil
if msc != nil {
msc(ctx, &ai.ModelResponseChunk{
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("3!")},
msc(ctx, &ai.ModelResponseChunk{
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("2!")},
msc(ctx, &ai.ModelResponseChunk{
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("1!")},
textResponse := ""
var contentTexts []string
for _, m := range gr.Messages {
if m.Role != ai.RoleUser && m.Role != ai.RoleModel {
textResponse += fmt.Sprintf("%s: ", m.Role)
if m.Role == ai.RoleTool {
contentTexts = append(contentTexts, m.Content[0].ToolResponse.Output.(string))
for _, c := range m.Content {
contentTexts = append(contentTexts, c.Text)
textResponse += strings.Join(contentTexts, "; ")
textResponse += "; config: " + base.PrettyJSONString(gr.Config)
textResponse += "; context: " + base.PrettyJSONString(gr.Context)
return &ai.ModelResponse{
Request: gr,
Message: ai.NewModelTextMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Echo: %s", textResponse)),
}, nil
func TestValidPrompt(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
name string
model ai.Model
systemText string
systemFn PromptFn
promptText string
promptFn PromptFn
messages []*ai.Message
messagesFn MessagesFn
tools []ai.Tool
config *ai.GenerationCommonConfig
inputType any
input any
executeOptions []GenerateOption
wantTextOutput string
wantGenerated *ai.ModelRequest
state any
only bool
name: "user and system prompt, basic",
model: promptModel,
config: &ai.GenerationCommonConfig{Temperature: 11},
inputType: HelloPromptInput{},
systemText: "say hello",
promptText: "my name is foo",
input: HelloPromptInput{Name: "foo"},
executeOptions: []GenerateOption{
WithInput(HelloPromptInput{Name: "foo"}),
wantTextOutput: "Echo: system: say hello; my name is foo; config: {\n \"temperature\": 11\n}; context: null",
wantGenerated: &ai.ModelRequest{
Config: &ai.GenerationCommonConfig{
Temperature: 11,
Output: &ai.ModelRequestOutput{},
ToolChoice: "required",
Messages: []*ai.Message{
Role: ai.RoleSystem,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("say hello")},
Role: ai.RoleUser,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("my name is foo")},
name: "user and system prompt, functions",
model: promptModel,
config: &ai.GenerationCommonConfig{Temperature: 11},
inputType: HelloPromptInput{},
systemFn: func(ctx context.Context, input any) (string, error) {
return "say hello to {{Name}}", nil
promptFn: func(ctx context.Context, input any) (string, error) {
return "my name is {{Name}}", nil
input: HelloPromptInput{Name: "foo"},
executeOptions: []GenerateOption{
WithInput(HelloPromptInput{Name: "foo"}),
wantTextOutput: "Echo: system: say hello to foo; my name is foo; config: {\n \"temperature\": 11\n}; context: null",
wantGenerated: &ai.ModelRequest{
Config: &ai.GenerationCommonConfig{
Temperature: 11,
Output: &ai.ModelRequestOutput{},
ToolChoice: "required",
Messages: []*ai.Message{
Role: ai.RoleSystem,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("say hello to foo")},
Role: ai.RoleUser,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("my name is foo")},
name: "messages prompt, basic",
model: promptModel,
config: &ai.GenerationCommonConfig{Temperature: 11},
inputType: HelloPromptInput{},
systemText: "say hello",
promptText: "my name is foo",
messages: []*ai.Message{
Role: ai.RoleUser,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("you're history")},
input: HelloPromptInput{Name: "foo"},
executeOptions: []GenerateOption{
WithInput(HelloPromptInput{Name: "foo"}),
wantTextOutput: "Echo: system: say hello; you're history; my name is foo; config: {\n \"temperature\": 11\n}; context: null",
wantGenerated: &ai.ModelRequest{
Config: &ai.GenerationCommonConfig{
Temperature: 11,
Output: &ai.ModelRequestOutput{},
ToolChoice: "required",
Messages: []*ai.Message{
Role: ai.RoleSystem,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("say hello")},
Role: ai.RoleUser,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("you're history")},
Role: ai.RoleUser,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("my name is foo")},
name: "messages prompt, function",
model: promptModel,
config: &ai.GenerationCommonConfig{Temperature: 11},
inputType: HelloPromptInput{},
systemText: "say hello",
promptText: "my name is foo",
messagesFn: func(ctx context.Context, input any) ([]*ai.Message, error) {
return []*ai.Message{
Role: ai.RoleModel,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("your name is {{Name}}")},
}}, nil
input: HelloPromptInput{Name: "foo"},
executeOptions: []GenerateOption{
WithInput(HelloPromptInput{Name: "foo"}),
wantTextOutput: "Echo: system: say hello; your name is foo; my name is foo; config: {\n \"temperature\": 11\n}; context: null",
wantGenerated: &ai.ModelRequest{
Config: &ai.GenerationCommonConfig{
Temperature: 11,
Output: &ai.ModelRequestOutput{},
ToolChoice: "required",
Messages: []*ai.Message{
Role: ai.RoleSystem,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("say hello")},
Role: ai.RoleModel,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("your name is foo")},
Role: ai.RoleUser,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("my name is foo")},
name: "messages prompt, input struct",
model: promptModel,
config: &ai.GenerationCommonConfig{Temperature: 11},
inputType: HelloPromptInput{},
systemText: "say hello",
promptText: "my name is foo",
messagesFn: func(ctx context.Context, input any) ([]*ai.Message, error) {
var p HelloPromptInput
switch param := input.(type) {
case HelloPromptInput:
p = param
return []*ai.Message{
Role: ai.RoleModel,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart(fmt.Sprintf("your name is %s", p.Name))},
}}, nil
input: HelloPromptInput{Name: "foo"},
executeOptions: []GenerateOption{
WithInput(HelloPromptInput{Name: "foo"}),
wantTextOutput: "Echo: system: say hello; your name is foo; my name is foo; config: {\n \"temperature\": 11\n}; context: null",
wantGenerated: &ai.ModelRequest{
Config: &ai.GenerationCommonConfig{
Temperature: 11,
Output: &ai.ModelRequestOutput{},
ToolChoice: "required",
Messages: []*ai.Message{
Role: ai.RoleSystem,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("say hello")},
Role: ai.RoleModel,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("your name is foo")},
Role: ai.RoleUser,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("my name is foo")},
name: "prompt with tools",
model: promptModel,
config: &ai.GenerationCommonConfig{Temperature: 11},
inputType: HelloPromptInput{},
systemText: "say hello",
promptText: "my name is foo",
tools: []ai.Tool{testTool("testTool")},
input: HelloPromptInput{Name: "foo"},
executeOptions: []GenerateOption{
WithInput(HelloPromptInput{Name: "foo"}),
wantTextOutput: "Echo: system: tool: say hello; my name is foo; ; Bar; ; config: {\n \"temperature\": 11\n}; context: null",
wantGenerated: &ai.ModelRequest{
Config: &ai.GenerationCommonConfig{
Temperature: 11,
Output: &ai.ModelRequestOutput{},
ToolChoice: "required",
Messages: []*ai.Message{
Role: ai.RoleSystem,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("say hello")},
Role: ai.RoleUser,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewTextPart("my name is foo")},
Role: ai.RoleModel,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewToolRequestPart(&ai.ToolRequest{Name: "testTool", Input: map[string]any{"Test": "Bar"}})},
Role: ai.RoleTool,
Content: []*ai.Part{ai.NewToolResponsePart(&ai.ToolResponse{Output: "Bar"})},
Tools: []*ai.ToolDefinition{
Name: "testTool",
Description: "use when need to execute a test",
InputSchema: map[string]any{
"additionalProperties": bool(false),
"properties": map[string]any{"Test": map[string]any{"type": string("string")}},
"required": []any{string("Test")},
"type": string("object"),
OutputSchema: map[string]any{"type": string("string")},
cmpPart := func(a, b *ai.Part) bool {
if a.IsText() != b.IsText() {
return false
if a.Text != b.Text {
return false
if a.ContentType != b.ContentType {
return false
return true
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
var opts []PromptOption
opts = append(opts, WithInputType(test.inputType))
opts = append(opts, WithDefaultModel(test.model))
opts = append(opts, WithDefaultConfig(test.config))
opts = append(opts, WithDefaultToolChoice(ai.ToolChoiceRequired))
opts = append(opts, WithTools(
opts = append(opts, WithDefaultMaxTurns(1))
if test.systemText != "" {
opts = append(opts, WithSystemText(test.systemText))
} else {
opts = append(opts, WithSystemFn(test.systemFn))
if test.promptText != "" {
opts = append(opts, WithPromptText(test.promptText))
} else {
opts = append(opts, WithPromptFn(test.promptFn))
if test.messages != nil {
opts = append(opts, WithDefaultMessages(test.messages))
} else {
opts = append(opts, WithDefaultMessagesFn(test.messagesFn))
p, err := Define(
if err != nil {
// Call model
output, err := p.Execute(context.Background(), test.executeOptions...)
if err != nil {
if output.Text() != test.wantTextOutput {
t.Errorf("got %q want %q", output.Text(), test.wantTextOutput)
if diff := cmp.Diff(test.wantGenerated, output.Request, cmp.Comparer(cmpPart)); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatch (-want, +got):\n%s", diff)