Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { findServersDir, logger, waitUntilHealthy, } from '@genkit-ai/tools-common/utils'; import axios from 'axios'; import { ChildProcess, spawn } from 'child_process'; import * as clc from 'colorette'; import { Command } from 'commander'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import getPort, { makeRange } from 'get-port'; import open from 'open'; import path from 'path'; interface StartOptions { port: string; open?: boolean; } export interface DevToolsInfo { /** URL of the dev tools server. */ url: string; /** Timestamp of when the dev tools server was started. */ timestamp: string; } /** * Checks if the provided data is a valid dev tools server state file. */ export function isValidDevToolsInfo(data: any): data is DevToolsInfo { return ( typeof data === 'object' && typeof data.url === 'string' && typeof data.timestamp === 'string' ); } /** Command to start the Genkit Developer UI. */ export const uiStart = new Command('ui:start') .description( 'start the Developer UI which connects to runtimes in the same directory' ) .option('-p, --port <number>', 'Port to serve on (defaults to 4000') .option('-o, --open', 'Open the browser on UI start up') .action(async (options: StartOptions) => { let port: number; if (options.port) { port = Number(options.port); if (isNaN(port) || port < 0) { logger.error(`"${options.port}" is not a valid port number`); return; } } else { port = await getPort({ port: makeRange(4000, 4099) }); } const serversDir = await findServersDir(); const toolsJsonPath = path.join(serversDir, 'tools.json'); try { const toolsJsonContent = await fs.readFile(toolsJsonPath, 'utf-8'); const serverInfo = JSON.parse(toolsJsonContent) as DevToolsInfo; if (isValidDevToolsInfo(serverInfo)) { try { await axios.get(`${serverInfo.url}/api/__health`); `\n Genkit Developer UI is already running at: ${serverInfo.url}` ) );` To stop the UI, run \`genkit ui:stop\`.\n`); return; } catch (error) { logger.debug( 'Found UI server metadata but server is not healthy. Starting a new one...' ); } } } catch (error) { logger.debug('No UI running. Starting a new one...'); }'Starting...'); try { await startAndWaitUntilHealthy(port, serversDir); } catch (error) { logger.error(`Failed to start Genkit Developer UI: ${error}`); return; } try { await fs.mkdir(serversDir, { recursive: true }); await fs.writeFile( toolsJsonPath, JSON.stringify( { url: `http://localhost:${port}`, timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), }, null, 2 ) ); } catch (error) { logger.error( `Failed to write UI server metadata. UI server will continue to run.` ); } `\n ${`Genkit Developer UI started at: http://localhost:${port}`)}` );` To stop the UI, run \`genkit ui:stop\`.\n`); try { await axios.get(`http://localhost:${port}/api/trpc/listActions`); } catch (error) { 'Set env variable `GENKIT_ENV` to `dev` and start your app code to interact with it in the UI.' ); } if ( { open(`http://localhost:${port}`); } }); /** * Starts the UI server in a child process and waits until it is healthy. Once it's healthy, the child process is detached. */ async function startAndWaitUntilHealthy( port: number, serversDir: string ): Promise<ChildProcess> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const serverPath = path.join(__dirname, '../utils/server-harness.js'); const child = spawn( 'node', [serverPath, port.toString(), serversDir + '/devui.log'], { stdio: ['ignore', 'ignore', 'ignore'], } ); // Only print out logs from the child process to debug output. child.on('error', (error) => reject(error)); child.on('exit', (code) => reject(new Error(`UI process exited (code ${code}) unexpectedly`)) ); waitUntilHealthy(`http://localhost:${port}`, 10000 /* 10 seconds */) .then((isHealthy) => { if (isHealthy) { child.unref(); resolve(child); } else { reject( new Error( 'Timed out while waiting for UI to become healthy. ' + 'To view full logs, set DEBUG environment variable.' ) ); } }) .catch((error) => reject(error)); }); }