Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Action, Dataset, DatasetMetadata, DatasetSchema, } from '@genkit-ai/tools-common'; import { EvalExporter, getAllEvaluatorActions, getDatasetStore, getExporterForString, getMatchingEvaluatorActions, runEvaluation, runInference, } from '@genkit-ai/tools-common/eval'; import { confirmLlmUse, hasAction, loadInferenceDatasetFile, logger, } from '@genkit-ai/tools-common/utils'; import { Command } from 'commander'; import { runWithManager } from '../utils/manager-utils'; interface EvalFlowRunCliOptions { input?: string; output?: string; context?: string; evaluators?: string; force?: boolean; outputFormat: string; } const EVAL_FLOW_SCHEMA = 'Array<{input: any; reference?: any;}>'; enum SourceType { DATA = 'data', FILE = 'file', DATASET = 'dataset', } /** Command to run a flow and evaluate the output */ export const evalFlow = new Command('eval:flow') .description( 'evaluate a flow against configured evaluators using provided data as input' ) .argument('<flowName>', 'Name of the flow to run') .argument('[data]', 'JSON data to use to start the flow') .option( '--input <input>', 'Input dataset ID or JSON file to be used for evaluation' ) .option('-c, --context <JSON>', 'JSON object passed to context', '') .option( '-o, --output <filename>', 'Name of the output file to write evaluation results. Defaults to json output.' ) // TODO: Figure out why passing a new Option with choices doesn't work .option( '--output-format <format>', 'The output file format (csv, json)', 'json' ) .option( '-e, --evaluators <evaluators>', 'comma separated list of evaluators to use (by default uses all)' ) .option('-f, --force', 'Automatically accept all interactive prompts') .action( async (flowName: string, data: string, options: EvalFlowRunCliOptions) => { await runWithManager(async (manager) => { const actionRef = `/flow/${flowName}`; if (!data && !options.input) { throw new Error( 'No input data passed. Specify input data using [data] argument or --input <filename> option' ); } const hasTargetAction = await hasAction({ manager, actionRef }); if (!hasTargetAction) { throw new Error(`Cannot find action ${actionRef}.`); } let evaluatorActions: Action[]; if (!options.evaluators) { evaluatorActions = await getAllEvaluatorActions(manager); } else { const evalActionKeys = options.evaluators .split(',') .map((k) => `/evaluator/${k}`); evaluatorActions = await getMatchingEvaluatorActions( manager, evalActionKeys ); } if (!evaluatorActions.length) { throw new Error( options.evaluators ? `No matching evaluators found for '${options.evaluators}'` : `No evaluators found in your app` ); } logger.debug( `Using evaluators: ${ =>',')}` ); if (!options.force) { const confirmed = await confirmLlmUse(evaluatorActions); if (!confirmed) { throw new Error('User declined using billed evaluators.'); } } const sourceType = getSourceType(data, options.input); let targetDatasetMetadata; if (sourceType === SourceType.DATASET) { const datasetStore = await getDatasetStore(); const datasetMetadatas = await datasetStore.listDatasets(); targetDatasetMetadata = datasetMetadatas.find( (d: DatasetMetadata) => d.datasetId === options.input ); } const inferenceDataset = await readInputs( sourceType, data, options.input ); const evalDataset = await runInference({ manager, actionRef, inferenceDataset, context: options.context, }); const evalRun = await runEvaluation({ manager, evaluatorActions, evalDataset, augments: { actionRef: `/flow/${flowName}`, datasetId: sourceType === SourceType.DATASET ? options.input : undefined, datasetVersion: targetDatasetMetadata?.version, }, }); if (options.output) { const exportFn: EvalExporter = getExporterForString( options.outputFormat ); await exportFn(evalRun, options.output); } console.log( `Succesfully ran evaluation, with evalId: ${evalRun.key.evalRunId}` ); }); } ); /** * Reads EvalFlowInput dataset from data string or input identified. * Only one of these parameters is expected to be provided. **/ async function readInputs( sourceType: SourceType, dataField?: string, input?: string ): Promise<Dataset> { let parsedData; switch (sourceType) { case SourceType.DATA: parsedData = JSON.parse(dataField!); break; case SourceType.FILE: try { return await loadInferenceDatasetFile(input!); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Error parsing the input from file. Error: ${e}`); } case SourceType.DATASET: const datasetStore = await getDatasetStore(); const data = await datasetStore.getDataset(input!); parsedData = data; break; } try { return DatasetSchema.parse(parsedData); } catch (e) { throw new Error( `Error parsing the input. Please provide an array of inputs for the flow or a ${EVAL_FLOW_SCHEMA} object. Error: ${e}` ); } } function getSourceType(data?: string, input?: string): SourceType { if (input) { if (data) { logger.warn('Both [data] and input provided, ignoring [data]...'); } return input.endsWith('.json') || input.endsWith('.jsonl') ? SourceType.FILE : SourceType.DATASET; } else if (data) { return SourceType.DATA; } throw new Error('Must provide either data or input'); }