Genkit MCP
by firebase
- docs
- observability
# Genkit Monitoring: Troubleshooting {: #troubleshooting }
The following sections detail solutions to common issues that developers run
into when using Firebase Genkit Monitoring.
## I can't see traces or metrics in Firebase Genkit Monitoring {: #missing-metrics }
1. Ensure that the following APIs are enabled for your underlying Google Cloud
* [Cloud Logging API](
* [Cloud Trace API](
* [Cloud Monitoring API](
2. Ensure that the following roles are applied to the service account that
is running your code (or service account that has been configured as part of
the plugin options) in [Cloud IAM](
* **Monitoring Metric Writer** (`roles/monitoring.metricWriter`)
* **Cloud Trace Agent** (`roles/cloudtrace.agent`)
* **Logs Writer** (`roles/logging.logWriter`)
3. Inspect the application logs for errors writing to Cloud Logging, Cloud
Trace, and Cloud Monitoring. On Google Cloud infrastructure such as Firebase
Functions and Cloud Run, even when telemetry is misconfigured, logs to
`stdout/stderr` are automatically ingested by the Cloud Logging Agent,
allowing you to diagnose issues in the in the
[Cloud Logging Console](
4. Debug locally:
Enable dev export:
forceDevExport: true
To test with your personal user credentials, use the
[gcloud CLI]( to authenticate with
Google Cloud. Doing so can help diagnose enabled or disabled APIs, but does
not test the gcloud auth application-default login.
Alternatively, impersonating the service account lets you test
production-like access. You must have the
`roles/iam. serviceAccountTokenCreator` IAM role applied to your user account
in order to impersonate service accounts:
gcloud auth application-default login --impersonate-service-account <SERVICE_ACCT_EMAIL>
See the
documentation for more information.
### Telemetry upload reliability in Firebase Functions / Cloud Run {: #telemetry-reliability }
When Genkit is hosted in Google Cloud Run (including Cloud Functions for
Firebase), telemetry-data upload may be less reliable as the container switches
to the "idle"
[lifecycle state](
If higher reliability is important to you, consider changing
[CPU allocation](
to **always allocated** in the Google Cloud Console.
Note: The **always allocated** setting impacts pricing.