Genkit MCP
by firebase
- docs
- observability
# Get started with Genkit Monitoring {: #get-started }
This quickstart guide describes how to set up Firebase Genkit Monitoring for
your deployed Genkit features, so that you can collect and view real-time
telemetry data. With Firebase Genkit Monitoring, you get visibility into how
your Genkit features are performing in production.
Key capabilities of Firebase Genkit Monitoring include:
* Viewing quantitative metrics like Genkit feature latency, errors, and
token usage.
* Inspecting traces to see your Genkit's feature steps, inputs, and outputs,
to help with debugging and quality improvement.
* Exporting production traces to run evals within Genkit.
Setting up Genkit Monitoring requires completing tasks in both your codebase
and on the Google Cloud Console.
## Before you begin {: #before-you-begin }
1. If you haven't already, create a Firebase project.
In the [Firebase console](, click
**Add a project**, then follow the on-screen instructions. You can
create a new project or add Firebase services to an already-existing
Google Cloud project.
2. Ensure your project is on the
[Blaze pricing plan](
Genkit Monitoring relies on telemetry data written to Google Cloud
Logging, Metrics, and Trace, which are paid services. View the
[Google Cloud Observability pricing](
page for pricing details and to learn about free-of-charge tier limits.
3. Write a Genkit feature by following the
[Get Started Guide](, and
prepare your code for deployment by using one of the following guides:
1. [Deploy flows using Cloud Functions for Firebase](../firebase)
2. [Deploy flows using Cloud Run](../cloud-run)
3. [Deploy flows to any Node.js platform](../deploy-node)
## Step 1. Add the Firebase plugin {: #add-plugin }
Install the `@genkit-ai/firebase` plugin in your project:
npm i –save @genkit-ai/firebase
Import `enableFirebaseTelemetry` into your Genkit configuration file (the
file where `genkit(...)` is initalized), and call it:
import { enableFirebaseTelemetry } from '@genkit-ai/firebase';
## Step 2. Enable the required APIs {: #enable-apis }
Make sure that the following APIs are enabled for your Google Cloud project:
* [Cloud Logging API](
* [Cloud Trace API](
* [Cloud Monitoring API](
These APIs should be listed in the
[API dashboard]( for your
## Step 3. Set up permissions {: #set-up-permissions }
The Firebase plugin needs to use a _service account_ to authenticate with
Google Cloud Logging, Metrics, and Trace services.
Grant the following roles to whichever service account is configured to run
your code within the
[Google Cloud IAM Console](
For Cloud Functions for Firebase and Cloud Run, that's typically the default
compute service account.
* **Monitoring Metric Writer** (`roles/monitoring.metricWriter`)
* **Cloud Trace Agent** (`roles/cloudtrace.agent`)
* **Logs Writer** (`roles/logging.logWriter`)
## Step 4. (Optional) Test your configuration locally {: #test-locally }
Before deploying, you can run your Genkit code locally to confirm that
telemetry data is being collected, and is viewable in the Genkit Monitoring
1. In your Genkit code, set `forceDevExport` to `true` to send telemetry from
your local environment.
2. Use your service account to authenticate and test your configuration.
Tip: In order to impersonate the service account, you will need to have
the `roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator`
[IAM role]( applied to your
user account.
With the
[Google Cloud CLI tool](,
authenticate using the service account:
gcloud auth application-default login --impersonate-service-account SERVICE_ACCT_EMAIL
3. Run and invoke your Genkit feature, and then view metrics on the
[Genkit Monitoring dashboard](
Allow for up to 5 minutes to collect the first metric. You can reduce this
delay by setting `metricExportIntervalMillis` in the telemetry configuration.
4. If metrics are not appearing in the Genkit Monitoring dashboard, view the
[Troubleshooting](/docs/genkit/observability/troubleshooting) guide for steps
to debug.
## Step 5. Re-build and deploy code {: #build-and-deploy }
Re-build, deploy, and invoke your Genkit feature to start collecting data.
After Genkit Monitoring receives your metrics, you can view them by
visiting the
[Genkit Monitoring dashboard](
Note: It may take up to 5 minutes to collect the first metric (based on the
default `metricExportIntervalMillis` setting in the telemetry configuration).
## Next Steps:
View [advanced configuration](/docs/genkit/advanced) options for the Firebase
telemetry plugin.