Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
  • bin
#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Setup script for Genkit engineering. # # Copyright 2025 Google LLC # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # NOTE: This script is not specific to any particular runtime. It is intended to # be used as a convenience script for eng so that all the runtimes are set up in # a consistent manner so that pre-commit hooks run properly and the environment # is consistent. # TODO: This script is nowhere close to perfect. At a later date, we can replace # this with something like nix to have a reproducible environment. For now this # is a convenience script just to get eng started as quickly as possible. if ((EUID == 0)) && [[ -z ${DANGEROUSLY_RUN_AS_ROOT+x} ]]; then echo "Please do not run as root unless DANGEROUSLY_RUN_AS_ROOT is set." exit 1 fi [[ ${EUID} != 0 ]] && set -euo pipefail TOP_DIR=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) PNPM_VERSION="10.2.0" NODE_VERSION="23" NVM_VERSION="0.40.1" AUDIENCE="eng" while getopts ":a:" opt; do case ${opt} in a) AUDIENCE="${OPTARG}" ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}" >&2 exit 1 ;; *) echo "Unsupported option: -${OPTARG}" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done if [[ -z ${AUDIENCE} ]]; then echo "Audience flag (-a) is required." echo "Usage: $0 -a <eng|ci>" exit 1 fi OS_NAME=$(uname) PYTHON_CLI_TOOLS=( "httpie" # HTTP client. See: "mypy" # Static type checker. See: "ruff" # Fast linter. See: ) # Updates your shell profile to include a path. function genkit::update_path() { local new_path="$1" # Remove trailing slash if present. new_path="${new_path%/}" # Check if path is already in PATH if [[ ":$PATH:" != *":$new_path:"* ]]; then if [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ]; then echo "export PATH=\"$new_path:\$PATH\"" >>"$HOME/.zshrc" else echo "export PATH=\"$new_path:\$PATH\"" >>"$HOME/.bashrc" fi export PATH="$new_path:$PATH" echo "Path $new_path added successfully" else echo "Path $new_path already exists in PATH" fi } function genkit::preconfigure_environment() { git clean -Xfd genkit::update_path "$HOME/.cargo/bin" genkit::update_path "$HOME/.local/bin" genkit::update_path "$HOME/.local/share/pnpm" genkit::update_path "$HOME/go/bin" genkit::update_path "$HOME/google-cloud-sdk/bin" } # Install all the required tools common to all audiences. function genkit::install_prerequisites() { genkit::preconfigure_environment if [[ ${OS_NAME} == "Darwin" && -x "$(command -v brew)" ]]; then # Darwin-based systems. brew install \ cmake \ curl \ fd \ gh \ go \ python3 \ ripgrep elif [[ -x "$(command -v apt)" ]]; then sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y # Check if the OS is Ubuntu 22.04 (or a derivative) since some of our eng # use it. if lsb_release -a | grep -q "Description:.*Ubuntu 22.04"; then sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:longsleep/golang-backports sudo apt update sudo apt install -y golang-go else sudo apt install -y golang fi if lsb_release -a | grep -q "Description:.*Ubuntu"; then sudo apt install -y build-essential fi # Debian-based systems. sudo apt install -y \ cmake \ curl \ fd-find \ gh \ python3 \ ripgrep elif [[ -x "$(command -v dnf)" ]]; then # Fedora-based systems. sudo dnf install -y \ cmake \ curl \ fd-find \ gh \ go \ python3 \ ripgrep else echo "Unsupported OS. Please install tools manually." exit 1 fi genkit::install_rust genkit::install_uv genkit::install_and_configure_nvm genkit::install_pnpm } function genkit::install_rust() { # Install rust. curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y rustup update } # Install uv for Python versioning, packaging, and workspace management. function genkit::install_uv() { curl -LsSf | sh } # Install pnpm for JavaScript package management. # See: function genkit::install_pnpm() { curl -fsSL | env ENV="$HOME/.bashrc" \ SHELL="$(which bash)" \ PNPM_VERSION="${PNPM_VERSION}" \ bash - } # Install node version manager. function genkit::install_and_configure_nvm() { export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.config/nvm" mkdir -p "$NVM_DIR" curl -o-${NVM_VERSION}/ | bash [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && source "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && source "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion nvm install "${NODE_VERSION}" nvm use "${NODE_VERSION}" nvm alias default "${NODE_VERSION}" } # Install the Google Cloud SDK. function genkit::install_google_cloud_sdk() { # This depends on Python 3.11 and installs it for the user on some systems. if command -v gcloud &>/dev/null; then gcloud config set disable_usage_reporting true gcloud components update else curl | bash -s -- --disable-prompts gcloud config set disable_usage_reporting true fi } # Install all the required tools that have been written in Go. function genkit::install_go_cli_tools_ci() { go install go install go install } # Install all the required tools that have been written in Go. function genkit::install_go_cli_tools_eng() { go install go install go install go install go install go install go install } # Install all the required tools that have been written in Rust. We're assuming # that the user has already installed rust and cargo. function genkit::install_cargo_cli_tools_eng() { cargo install --locked \ convco \ pylyzer \ rust-parallel \ taplo-cli } # Install NPM packages. function genkit::install_pnpm_cli_tools() { # Genkit CLI: # Biome: pnpm add -g \ @biomejs/biome \ prettier } # Install all the Python-related formatter and static analysis tools. function genkit::install_python_cli_tools() { for package in "${PYTHON_CLI_TOOLS[@]}"; do uv tool install "${package}" done } # Install documentation site generator. function genkit::install_docs_cli_tools() { # Install d2. curl -fsSL | sh -s -- # Engineering documentation site generator. # See: uv tool install \ mkdocs \ --with mkdocs-autorefs \ --with mkdocs-d2-plugin \ --with mkdocs-literate-nav \ --with mkdocs-material \ --with mkdocs-mermaid2-plugin \ --with mkdocs-minify-plugin \ --with mkdocstrings[python] } # Configure the commit message template. function genkit::configure_commit_template() { echo "Setting up commit message template..." ln -sf "${TOP_DIR}/COMMIT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE" "${TOP_DIR}/.git/COMMIT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE" git config commit.template "${TOP_DIR}/.git/COMMIT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE" } # Install pre-commit hooks. function genkit::install_pre_commit_hooks() { genkit::configure_commit_template read -p "Would you like to install git hooks (recommended to catch errors early)? [Y/n] " response response=${response:-Y} if [[ $response =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then captainhook install -f -c "${TOP_DIR}/captainhook.json" fi } # Setup genkit. function genkit::setup_genkit() { pushd "${TOP_DIR}" pnpm i pnpm run setup popd } # Install all the common packages. function genkit::install_common_packages() { export PNPM_HOME="$HOME/.local/share/pnpm" genkit::install_prerequisites genkit::install_python_cli_tools genkit::install_docs_cli_tools genkit::install_pnpm_cli_tools } # Install all the required tools for CI. function genkit::install_ci_packages() { genkit::install_common_packages genkit::install_go_cli_tools_ci } # Install all the required tools for engineering. function genkit::install_eng_packages() { genkit::install_common_packages genkit::install_go_cli_tools_eng genkit::install_cargo_cli_tools_eng genkit::install_pre_commit_hooks genkit::install_google_cloud_sdk genkit::setup_genkit } # Entry point for the setup script. function genkit::main() { case "${AUDIENCE}" in eng) genkit::install_eng_packages ;; ci) genkit::install_ci_packages ;; *) echo "Unsupported audience: ${AUDIENCE}" exit 1 ;; esac echo "Please restart your shell." } genkit::main