Genkit MCP

Apache 2.0
  • bin
#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2025 Google LLC # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Libraries usually need to support a sliding window of versions of Go. See # for the list of available versions. #set -x # To enable tracing. set -euo pipefail # Check if a Go version is provided as the first argument if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 <go_version> <command> [arguments...]" exit 1 fi go_version="$1" shift # Construct the go tool name (e.g., go1.18, go1.20) go_tool="go${go_version}" # Check if the specified Go version is already installed. If not, install it. if ! command -v "$go_tool" &>/dev/null; then echo "Installing Go version $go_version..." GOBIN="$HOME/go/bin" # or wherever you want your go binaries export GOBIN GOPATH="$HOME/go" # or wherever your go path is set export GOPATH go install "${go_tool}@latest" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to install Go version $go_version" exit 1 fi "$go_tool" download # Add GOBIN to your PATH if it's not already there. This is crucial. if [[ ":$PATH:" != *":$GOBIN:"* ]]; then export PATH="$GOBIN:$PATH" echo "Added $GOBIN to PATH. You may need to source your profile for this to take effect in future sessions." fi fi # Execute the command with the specified Go version "$HOME/go/bin/$go_tool" "$@" exit $?