
by jason-tan-swe
import { RailwayApiClient } from '@/api/api-client.js'; import { TcpProxy, TcpProxyCreateInput } from '@/types.js'; export class TcpProxyRepository { constructor(private client: RailwayApiClient) {} /** * Create a new TCP proxy for a service in an environment * @param input The creation parameters for the TCP proxy */ async tcpProxyCreate(input: TcpProxyCreateInput): Promise<TcpProxy> { const query = ` mutation tcpProxyCreate($input: TCPProxyCreateInput!) { tcpProxyCreate(input: $input) { id applicationPort createdAt deletedAt domain environmentId proxyPort serviceId updatedAt } } `; const variables = { input }; const response = await this.client.request<{ tcpProxyCreate: TcpProxy }>(query, variables); return response.tcpProxyCreate; } /** * Delete a TCP proxy by ID * @param id The ID of the TCP proxy to delete */ async tcpProxyDelete(id: string): Promise<boolean> { const query = ` mutation tcpProxyDelete($id: String!) { tcpProxyDelete(id: $id) } `; const variables = { id }; const response = await this.client.request<{ tcpProxyDelete: boolean }>(query, variables); return response.tcpProxyDelete; } /** * List all TCP proxies for a service in an environment * @param environmentId The environment ID * @param serviceId The service ID */ async listTcpProxies(environmentId: string, serviceId: string): Promise<TcpProxy[]> { const query = ` query tcpProxies($environmentId: String!, $serviceId: String!) { tcpProxies(environmentId: $environmentId, serviceId: $serviceId) { id applicationPort createdAt deletedAt domain environmentId proxyPort serviceId updatedAt } } `; const variables = { environmentId, serviceId }; const response = await this.client.request<{ tcpProxies: TcpProxy[] }>(query, variables); return response.tcpProxies; } }