
by jason-tan-swe
import { RailwayApiClient } from '@/api/api-client.js'; import { Deployment, DeploymentLog, DeploymentTriggerInput, DeploymentsResponse } from '@/types.js'; export class DeploymentRepository { constructor(private client: RailwayApiClient) {} async listDeployments({ projectId, serviceId, environmentId, limit }: { projectId: string; serviceId: string; environmentId?: string; limit?: number; }): Promise<Deployment[]> { const data = await this.client.request<DeploymentsResponse>(` query deployments($projectId: String!, $serviceId: String!, $environmentId: String, $limit: Int) { deployments( input: { projectId: $projectId, serviceId: $serviceId, ${environmentId ? `environmentId: $environmentId` : ''} }, first: $limit ) { edges { node { id status createdAt staticUrl url serviceId environmentId projectId meta deploymentStopped } } } } `, { projectId, serviceId, environmentId, limit, }); return data.deployments.edges.map(edge => ({ ...edge.node, projectId: edge.node.projectId || edge.node.serviceId, meta: edge.node.meta || {}, deploymentStopped: edge.node.deploymentStopped || false })); } async getDeployment(id: string): Promise<Deployment | null> { const data = await this.client.request<{ deployment: Deployment }>(` query deployment($id: String!) { deployment(id: $id) { id status createdAt serviceId environmentId url staticUrl canRedeploy canRollback projectId meta deploymentStopped } } `, { id }); return data.deployment || null; } async triggerDeployment(input: DeploymentTriggerInput): Promise<string> { const { commitSha, environmentId, serviceId } = input; const data = await this.client.request<{ serviceInstanceDeployV2: string }>(` mutation serviceInstanceDeployV2($commitSha: String, $environmentId: String!, $serviceId: String!) { serviceInstanceDeployV2( commitSha: $commitSha environmentId: $environmentId serviceId: $serviceId ) } `, { commitSha, environmentId, serviceId }); return data.serviceInstanceDeployV2; } async getBuildLogs(deploymentId: string, limit: number = 100): Promise<DeploymentLog[]> { const data = await this.client.request<{ buildLogs: DeploymentLog[] }>(` query buildLogs($deploymentId: String!, $limit: Int) { buildLogs(deploymentId: $deploymentId, limit: $limit) { timestamp message severity attributes { key value } } } `, { deploymentId, limit }); return data.buildLogs || []; } async getDeploymentLogs(deploymentId: string, limit: number = 100): Promise<DeploymentLog[]> { const data = await this.client.request<{ deploymentLogs: DeploymentLog[] }>(` query deploymentLogs($deploymentId: String!, $limit: Int) { deploymentLogs(deploymentId: $deploymentId, limit: $limit) { timestamp message severity attributes { key value } } } `, { deploymentId, limit }); return data.deploymentLogs || []; } async restartDeployment(id: string): Promise<void> { await this.client.request<{ deploymentRestart: boolean }>(` mutation deploymentRestart($id: String!) { deploymentRestart(id: $id) } `, { id }); } async rollbackDeployment(id: string): Promise<void> { await this.client.request<{ deploymentRollback: boolean }>(` mutation deploymentRollback($id: String!) { deploymentRollback(id: $id) } `, { id }); } async cancelDeployment(id: string): Promise<void> { await this.client.request<{ deploymentCancel: boolean }>(` mutation deploymentCancel($id: String!) { deploymentCancel(id: $id) } `, { id }); } async healthCheckDeployment(deploymentId: string): Promise<string> { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000)); // TODO: Replace later with a wait for the deployment to be healthy with websocket subscriptions const data = await this.client.request<{ deployment: Deployment }>(` query deployment($id: String!) { deployment(id: $id) { status } } `, { id: deploymentId }); return data.deployment.status; } }