TapTools API MCP

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Supports loading the TapTools API key from a .env file, providing a secure way to store and access authentication credentials.

  • Provides access to Cardano blockchain data through the TapTools API, enabling fetching of token information, NFT collection details, market statistics, wallet portfolio positions, and on-chain data for Cardano-based assets.

  • Uses Pydantic models to structure and validate request data for TapTools API operations, ensuring all JSON requests conform to the expected data schemas.

TapTools API MCP

A Python-based Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides access to the TapTools API, enabling Large Language Models (LLMs) (like Claude or GPT) to fetch Cardano-related data (tokens, NFTs, market info, etc.). This server standardizes TapTools API operations into MCP "tools," allowing easy integration into AI workflows.


  • Async Implementation: Uses modern Python async patterns and httpx for non-blocking IO.
  • Secure Authentication: Reads TAPTOOLS_API_KEY from environment variables or .env file.
  • MCP-Ready: Exposes TapTools functionality as "tools" accessible by any MCP-compliant client.
  • Token Operations: Pricing, top tokens, market cap data, volume stats, and more.
  • NFT Operations: NFT collection stats, trades, listings, distribution, etc.
  • Market Data: Aggregated stats on volume, addresses, holders, and more.
  • Integration & Onchain: Access to onchain data, block info, events, DEX pairs, etc.
  • Wallet Data: Portfolio positions, token/NFT holdings, transaction history, trades.

Quick Start

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/taptools-api-mcp.git cd taptools-api-mcp
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment:
    python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate # On Windows: .venv\Scripts\activate
  3. Install dependencies:
    pip install -e .
  4. Set up your TapTools API key:
    • Option A: Add to your .env file:
    • Option B: Set the environment variable:
      export TAPTOOLS_API_KEY="your-real-taptools-api-key"
  5. Run the MCP server:
    python -m taptools_api_mcp
    By default, it will run on standard input/output (stdio) for MCP integration.
  6. Test the connection (optional):
    python test_connection.py

Usage Example

If you have an MCP client (such as the mcp Python CLI tools), you can start the server and call any of the available tools:

# In one terminal, start the server: python -m taptools_api_mcp # In another terminal (or from the same, if you prefer): mcp cli

Once inside the mcp cli, you can call tools like:

> tool verify_connection

This will verify that your TapTools API key is valid and accessible.

Or, for example, to get token market cap info:

> tool get_token_mcap {"unit": "lovelace"}

You should receive JSON data with the token’s market cap, price, supply, etc.

API Documentation: MCP Tools

Below is a list of available MCP tools, their parameters, and brief descriptions. These tools must be called with the correct JSON payloads. All JSON requests must match the Pydantic models found in src/taptools_api_mcp/models/.

1. verify_connection

  • Description: Verify TapTools API authentication.
  • Parameters: (No parameters.)
  • Sample Usage:
    { }

2. get_token_mcap

  • Description: Get token market cap info.
  • Parameters (TokenMcapRequest):
    { "unit": "string" // required: token unit identifier }
  • Sample Usage:
    { "unit": "lovelace" }

3. get_token_holders

  • Description: Get total number of token holders.
  • Parameters (TokenHoldersRequest):
    { "unit": "string" // required: token unit identifier }
  • Sample Usage:
    { "unit": "lovelace" }

4. get_token_holders_top

  • Description: Get top token holders.
  • Parameters (TokenTopHoldersRequest):
    { "unit": "string", // required "page": "number", // optional (default 1) "per_page": "number"// optional (default 20) }
  • Sample Usage:
    { "unit": "some_token_unit", "page": 1, "per_page": 5 }

5. get_nft_asset_sales

  • Description: Get NFT asset sales history.
  • Parameters (NFTAssetSalesRequest):
    { "policy": "string", // required: NFT policy ID "name": "string" // optional: NFT name }
  • Sample Usage:
    { "policy": "abc123polid", "name": "coolNFT" }

6. get_nft_collection_stats

  • Description: Get NFT collection stats.
  • Parameters (NFTCollectionStatsRequest):
    { "policy": "string" // required: NFT collection policy ID }
  • Sample Usage:
    { "policy": "abc123polid" }

7. get_market_stats

  • Description: Get market-wide statistics.
  • Parameters (MarketStatsRequest):
    { "quote": "string" // optional, default "ADA" }
  • Sample Usage:
    { "quote": "USD" }

8. get_integration_asset

  • Description: Get asset details by ID (integration endpoint).
  • Parameters (IntegrationAssetRequest):
    { "id": "string" // required: ID of the asset }
  • Sample Usage:
    { "id": "asset123abc" }

9. get_asset_supply

  • Description: Get onchain asset supply.
  • Parameters (AssetSupplyRequest):
    { "unit": "string" // required: token unit identifier }
  • Sample Usage:
    { "unit": "lovelace" }

10. get_wallet_portfolio

  • Description: Get wallet portfolio positions.
  • Parameters (WalletPortfolioPositionsRequest):
    { "address": "string" // required: wallet address }
  • Sample Usage:
    { "address": "addr1xyz..." }

(Additional endpoints for tokens, NFTs, onchain, etc. can be added in the same format if needed. See the src/taptools_api_mcp/models/ folder for more possible requests.)


You can containerize or host this Python MCP server on services like AWS ECS, Azure Container Instances, or Google Cloud Run. Make sure to securely store your TAPTOOLS_API_KEY as a secret. For Docker-based deployment:

# Example Dockerfile snippet FROM python:3.10-slim WORKDIR /app COPY . /app RUN pip install -e . # environment variable for TapTools API key ENV TAPTOOLS_API_KEY=your-real-taptools-api-key CMD ["python", "-m", "taptools_api_mcp"]

Note: The server listens on stdio by default, per the MCP spec. For advanced deployment or custom integration, you can adapt server.py to run with alternative transports (like sockets) if your environment requires it.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A Python-based MCP server that integrates the TapTools API, enabling AI models to fetch Cardano blockchain data, including tokens, NFTs, market stats, and wallet info, through standardized tools.

  1. Features
    1. Quick Start
      1. Usage Example
        1. API Documentation: MCP Tools
          1. Deployment