MCP Servers for Cardano
Cardano is a blockchain platform built on the groundbreaking Ouroboros proof-of-stake protocol, and developed using high assurance formal development methods. Cardano offers scalability, security and flexibility for building decentralized applications and implementing smart contracts.
Why this server?
Provides network information, address balances, transaction history, UTxO viewing, stake pool exploration, native asset details, transaction details, and current epoch statistics for Cardano blockchain.
AsecurityAlicenseAqualityA Model-Context-Protocol server enabling users to perform basic operations on Solana and Ethereum blockchains through simple RPC endpoints.Last updated 3 days ago1042TypeScriptApache 2.0Why this server?
Provides access to Cardano blockchain data through the TapTools API, enabling fetching of token information, NFT collection details, market statistics, wallet portfolio positions, and on-chain data for Cardano-based assets.
-securityAlicense-qualityA Python-based MCP server that integrates the TapTools API, enabling AI models to fetch Cardano blockchain data, including tokens, NFTs, market stats, and wallet info, through standardized tools.Last updated 22 days agoPythonMIT License