# Contributing to This Project
Thank you for your interest in contributing! This document outlines the process for contributing to our project.
## Getting Started
There are two ways to contribute a new website to our list:
### Option 1: Web Interface (Recommended)
The easiest way to contribute is through our web interface:
1. Visit our website
2. Log in with your GitHub account
3. Submit your website through our user-friendly form
4. Your submission will be automatically validated and processed
### Option 2: Manual Pull Request
If you prefer to contribute directly through GitHub:
1. Fork the repository
2. Create a new branch for your addition: `git checkout -b add/your-website-name`
3. Create a new MDX file in the content/websites directory
4. Add your website information following our template format
5. Test your changes thoroughly
6. Commit your changes with clear, descriptive commit messages
7. Push to your fork
8. Submit a Pull Request
## Pull Request Guidelines
- Ensure your PR addresses a specific issue or adds value to the project
- Include a clear description of the changes
- Keep changes focused and atomic
- Follow existing code style and conventions
- Include tests if applicable
- Update documentation as needed
## Code Style
- Follow the existing code formatting in the project (ensure you have Biome installed)
- Write clear, self-documenting code
- Add comments only when necessary to explain complex logic
- Use meaningful variable and function names
## Reporting Issues
- Use the GitHub issue tracker
- Check if the issue already exists before creating a new one
- Provide a clear description of the issue
- Include steps to reproduce if applicable
- Add relevant labels
## Questions or Need Help?
Feel free to open an issue for questions or join our discussions. We're here to help!
## Code of Conduct
Please note that this project follows a Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
Thank you for contributing!